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RE: Digest Number 265

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Professor Balaji Hebbar:


Bravo! Spoken like a true professional! I commend your professional

integrity as a professor, of course. You are " cool " !


Now permit me to interject a little background information regarding

the Tulu brahmanas(madhwas) as I see it. Pottis, in general, hail from the

former South Kanara District. Their ancestors moved to Kerala region and

established primarily as archakas, priests, vedic scholars presume this

could have been the introduction of Madhwas in Kerala, along the coast upto

Kanyakumari. Even now the temple archakas there are Tulu brahmanas. They

have been maintaining Tulu brahmana tradition as meticulously as they could,

not only in Kerala but in United States too! For example, Dasan Potti is one

of the earlier founders of the now prosperous Ganesh Temple of NY. We have

seen his unselfish struggle to initiate " a Hindu Temple " in the early 70s.


Anyway, in my opinion, any religious concepts as it being

indoctrinated upon people will have to be modified to suit the local customs

or preferences. In time it will be influenced by the local tradition and in

this form it has a better chance of stabilizing. e.g. Bhutharadhana is the

unique feature of South Kanara from time unknown. It is a very

characteristic feature of that geographical area as the scholars have

identified. There are numerous bhuthas of various stature that are being

worshipped even to-day.(You may find a partial list in Gururaja Bhatt's

monumental work " Studies of Tuluva History and Culture " and recently you

may find some articles of the same in " Coastal Karnataka " booklet by Dr.



Your " Annappa- Dharmasthala " example was an eye opener and a classic

one. Elaborating the same concept, it is not an uncommon tradition that some

brahmana families have an auxiliary trend of recognizing these bhuthas after

the main diety pooja. Mostly they are kept outside the perimeter of the

house and treated only as tertiary object. It all depends on the local

importance and belief. I am not trying equate bhuta to Ayyappa! This is just

an example how factors of local tradition will have to be amalgamated into a

religion in order to be harmonious in the community.


Professor Hebbar, do you think I opened a can worms? These things

could be discussed on a personal basis rather than going into e-mail. Anyway

please do not take it seriously. It is just a casual talk. Thank you for



With regards,


Balakrishna Rao






[ ]

Saturday, January 22, 2000 5:33 AM


Digest Number 265






There are 7 messages in this issue.


Topics in today's digest:


1. Raghavendra Rachuri


2. Fwd: Re: Ayyappa and demigod issue

Gopal Potti <gpotti

3. Re: Ayyappa and demigod issue

Vasu Murthy <vmurthy

4. Re: Re: Ayyappa and demigod issue

Balaji Hebbar <bhebbar

5. Re: Re: Ayyappa and demigod issue


6. Re: Re: Ayyappa and demigod issue

Balaji Hebbar <bhebbar

7. Some observations

" Keshava Tadipatri " <meerakesav








Message: 1

Fri, 21 Jan 2000 11:23:30 EST


Raghavendra Rachuri


Krishna Bhaktas:


Raghavendra Rachuri's decision is commendable, and should be followed by the

rest of us, at least in terms of kindling a desire to gain the right

knowledge. Those who are in alien lands find a compromise at every stage,

until they are left with nothing of their own.


It is a pity that I won't be able to meet him in person this weekend, but I

want to take this opportunity to wish and hope that the very best in

learning comes to him, easily and quickly, so that he may impart it to the

rest of us.


Arvind Acharya






Message: 2

Fri, 21 Jan 2000 12:07:50 -0500

Gopal Potti <gpotti

Fwd: Re: Ayyappa and demigod issue



>Thu, 20 Jan 2000 23:57:26 EST

>Re: Ayyappa and demigod issue



Let me refresh Sri AsifJah's memory: I have stated very clearly before by an

email that I would not have made any comment if Mr. Prasanna Krishna had

simply stated that Lord Ayyappa was not an avathara of any devatha and

according to Madhva Philosohpy, Lord Ayyappa does not exist. But he went on

making a statement that he strongly recommend that any madhva worshipping

Lord Ayyappa should be stopped right now. That prompted me to send an email

explaining why I believe in Lord Ayyappa. That is all. Being a krishnabakta,

I cant not go to your level of making fun of people especially respected Sri

Vasu Murthy.


Dear Vasu, my position of leaving VMS is firm. Please remove my name by this

weekend. My help will be always there since I am doing service to Lord



Dear Sri Ramachandra Rao, I will send you an email directly answering some

of your questions at a later time regarding gradation and other things.


For people who want to continue this thread, please direct all your

enquiries to


The Hindu Temple Socoety of North Ameria,

Sri Maha Vallabha Ganapti Devastanam

45-57 Bowne Street

Flushing, NY 11355

Tel. 718-460-8484



Whether it is a coincident or not, this week without my request, I received

a 2000 calender by mail from NY Ganapthi Temple where in the month of June

page, you will see a picture of Lord Vishnu as Mohini and Lord Shiva with

sages. Now some of you can go after NY temple priests and Board of Trustees

for coming up with a picture like that. Please note that there are a lot of

learnt schalors associated wth that temple since I know them very well

while I was in NY area during early 70s.


Best regards to all,


Gopal Krishna Potti






Message: 3

Fri, 21 Jan 2000 12:42:23 -0500

Vasu Murthy <vmurthy

Re: Ayyappa and demigod issue








Message: 4

Fri, 21 Jan 2000 14:03:35 -0400

Balaji Hebbar <bhebbar

Re: Re: Ayyappa and demigod issue


Dear shrI Acharya:


You have pointed out that my thinking is flawed. No problem. I

accept that. In my profession as a college professor in the

humanities field, argumentations are part of the scenario. To use

an amercanism " it comes with the territory " . I deal with my

colleagues and my graduate students all the time who also

feel the same way over other issues. My job as a teacher is to

be patient and work and rework these things to clarify to the

other party (to the best of my ability) what I am saying. It

may or may not work. But that's OK!


To clarify my previous analogies:


1. In the Dharmasthala narrative, I was making the aNNappa =

ayyappa correlation. I wouldn't be surprised if these two are

regional variations of one demi-god etc. Certainly, the names are

similar and Dharmasthala (as the crow flies) is not all that far

from Sabarimalai. Anyway, as an academic without

further proof I will deem it to be just a personal conjecture on

my part. I don't except you or anyone else to agree with that.

And I fully understand.


2. In the GauDa-SArasvat narrative, I was making the correlation

of the unorthodox fish-eating practice to the " unorthodox " Ayyappa

worship practice.


In both of these situations (aNNappa worship and fish-eating), the

Mainline MAdhva tradition has tended to tolerate and look " the

other way " at these. Perhaps (and only perhaps) such an allowance

should be permitted in the Ayyappa worship as well. It certainly

seems plausible.


shrI Acharya, some us tend to be more sensitive than others. It

is OK. Anyway, it only reinforces shrImadAcArya's philosophy that

each jIva is unique as per its svabhAva. Let us give allowance

for that. If someone feels sensitive about Ayyappa, just let it



Many thanks to you for patiently reading my write-ups and

responding to them.

with kindest regards,







Message: 5

Fri, 21 Jan 2000 13:18:55 EST


Re: Re: Ayyappa and demigod issue



> Dear shrI Acharya:


> You have pointed out that my thinking is flawed. No problem.

> I accept that. In my profession as a college professor in the



Prof. Hebbar: Please go back to read my e-mail that you are quoting. What

I said is this: that Vasu's reference to your e-mail is flawed, because he

implied that your observations of variance from the Madhva norm in some

communities makes Ayyappa worship permissible.


I did not say your arguments were flawed. You pointed out some facts, and

I would not be foolish enough to dispute what is a fact.


Now you clearly state that we should be making a similar concession to

Ayyappa. That is a liberal viewpoint; while I can't agree with you, I

cannot dispute your right to an opinion.


I apologize to you if you felt offended by my earlier e-mail. It is not my

intention to belittle you or your thinking. I note with great pride that

you are the only professor I know who is equally skilled in taking a Western

as well as Shastraic approach to Dvaita.


Since you had copied the list as well as Shri Potti, I was forced to do so

as well.










Message: 6

Fri, 21 Jan 2000 18:43:54 -0400

Balaji Hebbar <bhebbar

Re: Re: Ayyappa and demigod issue


Dear shrI Acharya:


In that case, the apology must come from me to you for having

misread you. Not the other way around. I must be man enough to

admit that in front of all. How can I ever be offended by a

FRIEND? That is impossible.


No matter what, your goodself, Vasu, shrI Gopal Potti and all

others in this forum, I will continue to hold as my good

friends in both the secular and the sacred.


regards to all,

Hari-vAyu smaraNa









Message: 7

Sat, 22 Jan 2000 00:59:11 -0500

" Keshava Tadipatri " <meerakesav

Some observations


A lot of heat has been generated without giving importance to the

actual string of events that caused it.


Sri Gopal Potti has done lot of charity and service to Madhva community and

very likely to others as well. May God bless him and his family for all that

he has done. But this need not come in the way of philosophical discussions

or the position VMS takes in assserting its stand.


To recap, I am giving only relevent portions. Readers can go back and check

the archives for complete details, if they want to.


Sri Prasanna Krishna was posting a very descriptive account of " tAratamya "

and Sri Krishna Kalale asked the following question.


3. What are the relative positions of : other popular devatas such as

Aiyyappa, Kali?


Sri Prasanna Krishna felt obliged to answer and he wrote:


> " A) Ayyappa is not considered avatAra of any dEvatha according to Madhwa


> I do not want to comment any further on this. But I strongly recommend

any follower of dwaita philosophy to stop worshipping Ayyappa if they are

doing. "


Please note that he did not attack any individual. Please look at the choice

of words he used. This has been later twisted and misstated in various forms

like " Worshippers of Ayyappa have to be stopped " etc.


Sri Potti responded:


> " " So to recommend stop worshipping Lord Ayyappa shows lack of maturity on

one's part and I strongly suggest that madhva extremists lay the facts and

leave up to the members to decide what to follow. " "


Sri Prasanna Krishna responded:


>Dear Sri Gopal!


>Sorry if I had hurt ur sentiments.


>Note : I definitely agree to the fact the it is up to each individual to

>believe or not any concept.


>Let me clear one point. This I am not pointing to either

>Ayyappa/Saibaba/Santoshimata or any others.


>Pl. take the gist of it.


* deleted *


>Once again, let me be clear that I am not criticising anyone and I request

>the readers to take the gist of my argument.


The participation got bigger with Nataraj asking relevent questions about

validity which should have been taken in proper spirit.


Sri Potti's statement:


>From above one can see that I practice Madhva philosophy and not a


>If maddhva extremists think that Lord Sri Krishna is going to punish Gopal

>for worshipping Lord Ayyappa, they are in fool's paradise. Madhva


>came into existance only during 1238-1317 A.D, do these people believe that

>nobody got mukthi and went to heaven prior to Madhva's time. This is just


>Southern Baptists preaching getting to heaven is only through Jesus Christ

>as if no one had gone to heaven prior to that.


>So I do not want anyone telling me what I shoud do with repect to worship.

>I do not care whether I am called a madhva or a nonmadhva.


No one made any personal attacks and the discussion was purely

philosophical. Being a Madhva one should know some of the simple facts

(of course which is based on faith which I will discuss further down):


The doctrine of Tattvavaada is considered to be eternal; in historical

times, it was revived by Ananda Tiirtha (Madhvaachaarya).


Madhva people never went on spreading their religion by the kind of

means Southern Baptists used. Only those who got convinced are the ones

that embraced the dvaita philosophy (more aptly known as tattvavAda).


For a Madhva, to coin a word " Madhva extremists " and equate them to

Southern Baptists is a self-damaging statement.


Another question raised:


>If Pralaya had taken thousands of years back and the whole world was

>under water, Lord Narayana being the supreme deity, must have created

>every thing after that. Is it possible that Sri Lord Narayana must

>have created GODS of other religions ?!!! so that the whole complex

>world can be managed more effectively. Crazy thinking on my part !!!


The basic fact in tattvavAda is that no jIva was created by God. They

are all anAdi (beginningless). Pralaya is not a one time event. In

the cyclic process of infinite time, many pralayas have taken place.

One who is all Supreme is the one who is all independent. The Lord's

name Narayana is not like any name such as devadatta. To know more

about it, one can go to CMS archives and read.


What is most sad situation is that every thing was labelled as

" hatred " and " intolerance " . What shocked me most is Sri Kanekal's

remarks that also went into the same groove. In addition he remarked


>I do find it extremely disturbing that Vivekanda and other were

>regarded with what was tantamount to hatred.


Is there nothing in between " treating someone as God " and " hatred " ?


If " not treating someone as God " is tantamount to hatred, then I

must confess that I hate all my dearest friends as I do not deem

any of my dear friends as a deity.


Let any one worship any god(s). What is wrong in giving Madhva

position and recommendation to those who want to follow the

Madhva sampradaya? How can statements like " show us some pramANa

from sadAgamAs and we will accept " be taken as intolerance? The

real irony is that one who said " sorry " was labelled intolerant

and an extremist and the one who refused to apologize was

sympathized as a " hurt one " . More important is the fact that

this list is supposed to be " Vishvamadhvasangha "

and not " vishva Hindu cultural organization " or " Association

of religions of the world " . In the same context, regarding the

picture of Mohini in NY temple calendar, NY temple is not

Madhva temple. In Connecticut temple, there are Jaina and

Buddha idols as well since those groups also contributed money,

it is made a common place of worship.


Sri Rajaram Cavale wrote:


" If there is an Almighty, who is only That One who is beyond everything,

saving only those who believe in Him and if He can not appear to the

people of different visions in different forms, then He suffers from a

very serious limitation. "


" This is a circular argument used by all religions of the world

including Hinduism.

Therefore we can not write off a person because he recognizes

Ayyappa. "


How can a philosophical discussion be called " writing off a person " ?

Nobody is writing off anybody.


Who says God does not appear in different forms? That does not mean

we can call any body as god. That is where the guidance from the

great gurus comes to our rescue. Faith is a starting point. That is

the one that breaks the circular loop. But that faith has to be a

disciplined faith which is gotten by variuos schools. As this list

caters the needs of Madhvas, the statements from Madhva gurus are

used as standard. That is where the gurus play an important role.


HH Sri Sugunendra tiirtha said:


" One should act like a bee, which collects and stores the

essence from different flowers, and makes its own

special honey. "


To know what is honey and what is poison, one must have the guiding

light of the able gurus of their sampradaya who know the facts.


So, this does not mean just make a conglomerate of all religions

and end up with a totally illogical product.


Also Sri Vadiraja and Sri Madhvacharya accepted people from other

walks of life does not mean that they approved their earlier

life-styles or principles. Some may have changed genuinely and

some jump-shipped but could not alter their life-style. But, if

we accept such a statement then the fact that SrI Madhvacharya

brought Sri Trivikrama Panditacharya into his folds will imply

that advaita is an acceptable philosophy as Trivikrama Pandita

was advaitin before he became a Madhva follower.


Stating the correct philosophical aspect unequivocally does not

imply " hatred " or " intolerance " or " writing off a person " .

Replacing the threats of delete buttons with threats of " quitting "

is not a right approach at all.


" sarvaguNa sampUrNaH sarva doshha vivarjitaH

prIyatAM prIta evAlaM vishhNurme paramaH suhR^it.h "


" God has infinitely auspicious qualities and devoid of all the

flaws. May He be pleased. Lord Vishnu is the most dear one to me. "


One has to love the Supreme Lord more than oneself.




Keshava Rao





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