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PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama PejattAya

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Dear Friends:


Since this is both a philosophical as well as a current

religious issue, I posting this on both lists.


kindest regards to all,

Hari-vAyu smaraNa,






Why we MAdhvas ought not to harp too much about the defeat

of PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama PejattAya?



There is a almost innate tendency among us MAdhvas, scholars

and lay folks alike, to harp on the victory of our beloved

shrImadAcArya over the Advaitic savant, PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama

PejattAya. This, I believe, is not going to do us any good

in the long run and has even started in a small way to

already backfire on us. Let us examine this point calmly and



To assess the above, we must ask ourselves firstly, who

PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama PejattAya was?

PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama PejattAya (1258-1320 AD) was the oldest

of three sons of PaNDitAcArya SubrahmaNya PejattAya of the

AngIrasa gotra who hailed from KAvugoLi, near KAsaragoD (now in

KeraLa). Like shrimadAcArya, he was a TauLava (shivaLLi) brahmin

by birth and was a person of great erudition. He spent the

major part of his career as the chief minister to Jayasimha

II, the ruler of Kumbla (now in KeraLa). His younger brother,

Shankara PejattAya, was shrImadAcArya's librarian. It is from

him that PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama was able to obtain many works

of shrImadAcArya and acquaint himself with the latter's

refreshingly novel interpretations of the Hindu sacred lore. It

was PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama's third and youngest son,

PaNDitAcArya Kavikulatilaka nArAyaNa PejattAya who eventually

became shrImadAcArya's biographer by virtue of his belles

lettres of 16 cantos, i.e. the Sumadhvavijaya.


PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama was a staunch Advaitin by conviction

and had mastered the polemical works of Advaita VedAnta well.

Roughly around 1300 AD, he got his final chance to come face

to face with his arch foe at the temple of ViShNumangaLam

(now in KeraLa). There, a 15-day intellectual tournament ensued

(something that has become legendary in the Madhvite circles)

between Trivikrama PaNDita and shrImadAcArya in which the former

is supposed to have been soundly beaten. Anyway, his conversion

marked a red-numbered date in the history of Madhvaism as more

people converted (in TuLunAD) to the new faith than at any

other point in shrImadAcArya's spiritual career.


Trivikrama PaNDita wrote two major works after his conversion,

the TattvapadIpa (a running and discursive yet lucid gloss on

shrImadAcArya's BrahmasUtrabhAShya), and the uShAharaNa, a poem

of nine cantos covering in range from the birth of Our Lord,

shrIkRShNa, to the ultimate alliance of uShA (the daughter of

BANAsura) and Aniruddha (the grandson of Our Lord). Among the

minor works of PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama are, the narasimhastuti,

the ViShNustuti and the most famous of them all the VAyustuti

(later renamed as the " shrIharivAyustuti " by shrImadAcArya after

appending the nRsimhanakhastuti to it).


Given all this glory associated with Trivikrama PaNDitAcArya,

why then should we MAdhvas " hold our horses " when brandishing

the dialectical superiority of our faith over the rival

Advaita. The reasons are many.


1. Everyone of shrImadAcArya's chief and erudite converts, viz.

Shobana BhaTTa (PadmanAbha TIrtha), SvAmI shAstrI (Narahari

TIrtha), ViShNu shAstrI (MAdhava TIrtha), Govinda shAstrI

(AkShobhya TIrtha) and PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama though extremely

well-versed scholars were by no means " bigwigs " of Advaita.

They were certainly not of the order of Sureshvara, VimuktAtmA,

shrIharSha, Citsukha, VidyAraNya, MadhusUdana SarasvatI or Appayya

DIxita. The names of shrImadAcArya's scholarly Advaitic converts

do not even " ring a bell " leave alone " touch a raw nerve "

among our contemporary Advaita savants. The first question that

is asked by them is " who in heaven's name are these people

(meaning Trivikrama PaNDita, Shobana BhaTTa etc.) ? There is

nothing in the Advaitic historical annals either at the SRngeri

or at the KAn~chI apostolic seats to prove that these folks

were worth any metal (from an Advaitic viewpoint). They never

wrote any works, much less works of solid scholarship upholding

Advaita (PRIOR to their conversion). As far as we are

concerned, they are a bunch of nobodies who probably already

harbored secretly a rebellious attitude toward Advaita and who

were just waiting for a catalyst like Madhva to come along

and offer a dissenting opinion on the interpretations of the

Holy Writ. " These are certainly serious issues to consider from

our side, if we are to be taken seriously by the other side.

We ought to put our heads together through research and other

means to carefully construct a well-thought out scholarly

rebuttal of the above instead of some haphazard emotional

" gung-ho " response.


2. In light of the above, it would be certainly well-worth

our while to investigate things like the details of the 32

mistakes pointed out by shrImadAcArya in the iShTasiddhi of

VimuktAtmA as well as investigate historically, archeologically

and philosophically the veracity and details of the

VidyAraNya-Axobhya TIrtha debate at MuLubAgil since VidyAraNya is

a name to be reckoned with in the Advaitic scholarly circles,

as he was no less a person than someone who occupied the

pontifical post at SRngeri (the CaturotkRShTa even among the 4

pre-eminent Pontificates of the Advaitins). If anything were of

come of this, then, we MAdhvas would have some really solid

ammunition in our favor here.


3. MahAmahopAdhyAya PaNDitaratna Bannanje Govindacharya too, has

often expressed to me that Trivikrama PaNDitAcArya converted to

ShrImadAcArya's fold, not because the former was intellectually

" done in " by our beloved AcArya, but that the PaNDitAcArya was

just overwhelmed by the extra-ordinary personality of

shrImadAcArya. In short, it was more of a charismatic

conversion rather than a " debate and defeat " conversion.


4. ParampUjya Guruji Govindacharya's point is further confirmed

by the fact that not all TuLu brahmins are MADhvas!!! There

is still a considerable section of the TauLava shivaLLi

brahmins who are firmly in the SmArta-BhAgavata-Advaitic fold

(like the famous TyAgarAja of TiruvArUr, TamilnAD). In fact,

they are numerous enough to be governed by two maThas, i.e.

the EDanIr and the BALakudru MaThas. (The EDanIr MaTha is

located in KAsaragoDu, not too far from Trivikrama

PaNDitAcArya's ancestral home!). Wearing UrdhvapuNDra gopIcandana

in the morning and tripuNDra bhasma in the evenings and

preaching the Advaita doctrines, the pontiffs of these TauLava

SmArta maThas are well-liked and respected by ALL TauLavas

regardless of their ideological allegience. Many a times, the

pontiffs of these maThas have visited uDupi at the invitation

of the incumbent paryAya svAmin, performed their paTTada-devaru

pUjAs in the CandrashAlA and have been invited into the

sanctum sanctorum (garbha gRha) of Madhvaism's holiest shrine,

the shrI-KRShNa temple at uDupi during MahApUjA!!! In fact,

shrI VyAsAchArya (pUrvAshrama step-brother of HH shirUr svAmIjI,

erstwhile " divAn " of the shIrUr and Sode MaThas and a good

friend of mine) who is also otherwise a staunch MAdhva, once

told me " they (TauLava SmArtas) our own people, how can we

treat them any differently. " This, coming from an important

pontifically-affiliated source like him, clearly shows that bare

ideological views divorced from the historical, sociological and

regional considerations remain precisely that, i.e. a bare,

bookish and unrealistic ideology.


All this is indeed something very pertinent for all of us to

ponder on, given the condition of our own cosmopolitan times.


Responsible replies, criticisms and comments to the above are

most welcome.



Hari-vAyu smaraNa,


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i am very glad that the newly created list (vms-philosophy) has a good

subscription count and is well accepted.


to make the life of list maintainers easy, i would like to propose to our

learned members that they 'post each article' only to one particular list and

not to both (please avoid cross-posting).


to ease your decision making (as to which list to post to), here are some tips:


1. all members on the vms-philosophy are on the list. so

duplication is wastage of precious resources.


2. if the article is informational only (not kindling any discussions) it can

go to list.


3. if the article involves or invokes a lot of discussion, vms-philosophy is

the best candidate.


4. if the learned members want to have discussion on an article _already_

posted on the , please carry it to vms-philosophy list.


i hope these points will help all our members. please let me know if any of

you have any concerns.



naaraayaNa smaraNam.



shrIyaH patye nityAgaNitaguNamANikyavishada-

prabhAjAlollAsopahatasakalavadyatamase |


jagajjanmasthema pralayarachanAshIlavapuShe

namo.asheShAmnAya smR^iti hR^idayadIptAya haraye ||



--- Balaji Hebbar <bhebbar wrote:

> Dear Friends:


> Since this is both a philosophical as well as a current

> religious issue, I posting this on both lists.


> kindest regards to all,

> Hari-vAyu smaraNa,

> B.N.Hebbar






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Dear Sudhindra:


Thank you for clarifying the guidelines. I apologize for the

double-posting. You can be rest assured that it will not

happen again from my side.




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Dear Sri Hebbar, ,

''Sri Trivikrama Panditacharya(TP), Subramanya panditacharya(SP),Narayana

Panditacharya(NP) are foremost among the 'Grihastas' of Tulunadu who made

extraordinary contribution to Acharya Madhva's Philosophy'- Bannaje

Govindacharya in 'Pejavara Prashasthi- page 13 published on the occassion of sri

Pejavar Shri's taking over this year's Pariyaya.


From NP's narration of Shri TP's early life in sholka 43-58 of Canto 13 of SMA,

we can draw the foll conclusions:


TP's father, SP was himself a great scholar and poet respected by all 'vadi's',

i.escholars who could participate in philosophical discussions in his days. TP

had shown poetic abilities even from childhood- Shloka 47. He wrote " Uhsa

Harana " possibly when he was a boy or at a very young age ( shloka 48 and 50) (

and not after he was defeatedby Shri Madhva as stated by you). He had his own

doubts regarding the relevance of Mayavada inspite of his extraordinatry

scholarship (shloka 51).


We may therefore conclude that he might not have written any work on advaita as

he had his own doubts. The fact that Pundarikapuri was defeated by Shri by Shri

Madhva and had run away from the dias along with his followers as stated in the

last few verses of Tatvojyota ( which does not seem to have been refuted by any

advaitic scholars of that day) and TP entered the scene after that shows that he

was a scholar of high merit in advaitic circles of the day. It is also

significant that after TP's defeat, no advaitic scholar appears to have

challenged Shri Madhva.. It is also significant that no advaitic scholar of


written, it would have been extolled by advaitins . Even after SMV was written

by NP no contemporary advaitic scholar wrote any work of significance

challenging either the Tatvavada of Madhva or the crticisms of advaita in SMV.


Infac, Shri Madhva was fast spreading his doctrines of Hari Sarvottamatva and

many advaitins were getting converted, even before TP was defeated ( ex:

ShobanaBhatta and others) and TP's defeat would have only added an extra

magnitude to it. It is significant to note that it took at least a century or

more before the adviata scholars could produce any significant work challenging

tatvavada after Madva's days. Possiblythe first significant reply to

Acharya'scriticism of Advaita came only from Nrisimhashrama, who was at least

150 years later than Madhva. All others like Madusudhana Saraswati and Appiah

Dikshita came at least 3 centuries later.This point has been dealt with by

Dr.BNK Sharma in his preface to his work 'Advaita siddhiv vs Nyayamrita :a

critical reappraisal' .


Therefore we may conclude that the statement that TP was not a siginificant

scholar of advaita in his days is not correct. Likewise, it cannot be said that

TP was just taken aback by the personality of Shri Madhva and got himself

converted to Vaishnavism of Madhva.None can discard NP's statement that TP

argued with Madhava for 15 days even taking that his writing in SMV has an

element of exaggeration. So, there is every reason for Madhvas to give great

credence to the defeat of TP by Sri Madhva and TP embracing his philosophy. If

still Shobhana Bhatta,and Trivikrama Panditacharya are not to be treated as

'bigwigs' of Advaita, the question remains if there were no other 'bigwigs' of

Advaita in the days of Madhva and whether they kept quiet even when he was

making an onslaught on the Advaita using such words as 'hEyam mayamatam



With regards,






Balaji Hebbar <bhebbar wrote:


Balaji Hebbar <bhebbar


Dear Friends:


Since this is both a philosophical as well as a current

religious issue, I posting this on both lists.


kindest regards to all,

Hari-vAyu smaraNa,






Why we MAdhvas ought not to harp too much about the defeat

of PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama PejattAya?



There is a almost innate tendency among us MAdhvas, scholars

and lay folks alike, to harp on the victory of our beloved

shrImadAcArya over the Advaitic savant, PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama

PejattAya. This, I believe, is not going to do us any good

in the long run and has even started in a small way to

already backfire on us. Let us examine this point calmly and



To assess the above, we must ask ourselves firstly, who

PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama PejattAya was?

PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama PejattAya (1258-1320 AD) was the oldest

of three sons of PaNDitAcArya SubrahmaNya PejattAya of the

AngIrasa gotra who hailed from KAvugoLi, near KAsaragoD (now in

KeraLa). Like shrimadAcArya, he was a TauLava (shivaLLi) brahmin

by birth and was a person of great erudition. He spent the

major part of his career as the chief minister to Jayasimha

II, the ruler of Kumbla (now in KeraLa). His younger brother,

Shankara PejattAya, was shrImadAcArya's librarian. It is from

him that PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama was able to obtain many works

of shrImadAcArya and acquaint himself with the latter's

refreshingly novel interpretations of the Hindu sacred lore. It

was PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama's third and youngest son,

PaNDitAcArya Kavikulatilaka nArAyaNa PejattAya who eventually

became shrImadAcArya's biographer by virtue of his belles

lettres of 16 cantos, i.e. the Sumadhvavijaya.


PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama was a staunch Advaitin by conviction

and had mastered the polemical works of Advaita VedAnta well.

Roughly around 1300 AD, he got his final chance to come face

to face with his arch foe at the temple of ViShNumangaLam

(now in KeraLa). There, a 15-day intellectual tournament ensued

(something that has become legendary in the Madhvite circles)

between Trivikrama PaNDita and shrImadAcArya in which the former

is supposed to have been soundly beaten. Anyway, his conversion

marked a red-numbered date in the history of Madhvaism as more

people converted (in TuLunAD) to the new faith than at any

other point in shrImadAcArya's spiritual career.


Trivikrama PaNDita wrote two major works after his conversion,

the TattvapadIpa (a running and discursive yet lucid gloss on

shrImadAcArya's BrahmasUtrabhAShya), and the uShAharaNa, a poem

of nine cantos covering in range from the birth of Our Lord,

shrIkRShNa, to the ultimate alliance of uShA (the daughter of

BANAsura) and Aniruddha (the grandson of Our Lord). Among the

minor works of PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama are, the narasimhastuti,

the ViShNustuti and the most famous of them all the VAyustuti

(later renamed as the " shrIharivAyustuti " by shrImadAcArya after

appending the nRsimhanakhastuti to it).


Given all this glory associated with Trivikrama PaNDitAcArya,

why then should we MAdhvas " hold our horses " when brandishing

the dialectical superiority of our faith over the rival

Advaita. The reasons are many.


1. Everyone of shrImadAcArya's chief and erudite converts, viz.

Shobana BhaTTa (PadmanAbha TIrtha), SvAmI shAstrI (Narahari

TIrtha), ViShNu shAstrI (MAdhava TIrtha), Govinda shAstrI

(AkShobhya TIrtha) and PaNDitAcArya Trivikrama though extremely

well-versed scholars were by no means " bigwigs " of Advaita.

They were certainly not of the order of Sureshvara, VimuktAtmA,

shrIharSha, Citsukha, VidyAraNya, MadhusUdana SarasvatI or Appayya

DIxita. The names of shrImadAcArya's scholarly Advaitic converts

do not even " ring a bell " leave alone " touch a raw nerve "

among our contemporary Advaita savants. The first question that

is asked by them is " who in heaven's name are these people

(meaning Trivikrama PaNDita, Shobana BhaTTa etc.) ? There is

nothing in the Advaitic historical annals either at the SRngeri

or at the KAn~chI apostolic seats to prove that these folks

were worth any metal (from an Advaitic viewpoint). They never

wrote any works, much less works of solid scholarship upholding

Advaita (PRIOR to their conversion). As far as we are

concerned, they are a bunch of nobodies who probably already

harbored secretly a rebellious attitude toward Advaita and who

were just waiting for a catalyst like Madhva to come along

and offer a dissenting opinion on the interpretations of the

Holy Writ. " These are certainly serious issues to consider from

our side, if we are to be taken seriously by the other side.

We ought to put our heads together through research and other

means to carefully construct a well-thought out scholarly

rebuttal of the above instead of some haphazard emotional

" gung-ho " response.


2. In light of the above, it would be certainly well-worth

our while to investigate things like the details of the 32

mistakes pointed out by shrImadAcArya in the iShTasiddhi of

VimuktAtmA as well as investigate historically, archeologically

and philosophically the veracity and details of the

VidyAraNya-Axobhya TIrtha debate at MuLubAgil since VidyAraNya is

a name to be reckoned with in the Advaitic scholarly circles,

as he was no less a person than someone who occupied the

pontifical post at SRngeri (the CaturotkRShTa even among the 4

pre-eminent Pontificates of the Advaitins). If anything were of

come of this, then, we MAdhvas would have some really solid

ammunition in our favor here.


3. MahAmahopAdhyAya PaNDitaratna Bannanje Govindacharya too, has

often expressed to me that Trivikrama PaNDitAcArya converted to

ShrImadAcArya's fold, not because the former was intellectually

" done in " by our beloved AcArya, but that the PaNDitAcArya was

just overwhelmed by the extra-ordinary personality of

shrImadAcArya. In short, it was more of a charismatic

conversion rather than a " debate and defeat " conversion.


4. ParampUjya Guruji Govindacharya's point is further confirmed

by the fact that not all TuLu brahmins are MADhvas!!! There

is still a considerable section of the TauLava shivaLLi

brahmins who are firmly in the SmArta-BhAgavata-Advaitic fold

(like the famous TyAgarAja of TiruvArUr, TamilnAD). In fact,

they are numerous enough to be governed by two maThas, i.e.

the EDanIr and the BALakudru MaThas. (The EDanIr MaTha is

located in KAsaragoDu, not too far from Trivikrama

PaNDitAcArya's ancestral home!). Wearing UrdhvapuNDra gopIcandana

in the morning and tripuNDra bhasma in the evenings and

preaching the Advaita doctrines, the pontiffs of these TauLava

SmArta maThas are well-liked and respected by ALL TauLavas

regardless of their ideological allegience. Many a times, the

pontiffs of these maThas have visited uDupi at the invitation

of the incumbent paryAya svAmin, performed their paTTada-devaru

pUjAs in the CandrashAlA and have been invited into the

sanctum sanctorum (garbha gRha) of Madhvaism's holiest shrine,

the shrI-KRShNa temple at uDupi during MahApUjA!!! In fact,

shrI VyAsAchArya (pUrvAshrama step-brother of HH shirUr svAmIjI,

erstwhile " divAn " of the shIrUr and Sode MaThas and a good

friend of mine) who is also otherwise a staunch MAdhva, once

told me " they (TauLava SmArtas) our own people, how can we

treat them any differently. " This, coming from an important

pontifically-affiliated source like him, clearly shows that bare

ideological views divorced from the historical, sociological and

regional considerations remain precisely that, i.e. a bare,

bookish and unrealistic ideology.


All this is indeed something very pertinent for all of us to

ponder on, given the condition of our own cosmopolitan times.


Responsible replies, criticisms and comments to the above are

most welcome.



Hari-vAyu smaraNa,





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nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


" I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are His

worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not otherwise.

That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are due to His

recurring grace "

If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in this

way, it pleases Vishnu.

--- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya


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A great deal has been said already on the subject. I was some

what doubtful if I should say some thing at all, at the closing

stage of the debate. But I have felt that some thing does need

to be said on one or two specific issues to put the matter in

proper perspective.

1. Let me quote a posting from Mr. Hebbar first :

MahAmahopAdhyAya PaNDitaratna Bannanje

Govindacharya too, has

often expressed to me that Trivikrama

PaNDitAcArya converted to

ShrImadAcArya's fold, not because the former

was intellectually

" done in " by our beloved AcArya, but that

the PaNDitAcArya was

just overwhelmed by the extra-ordinary

personality of

shrImadAcArya. In short, it was more of a


conversion rather than a " debate and defeat "



4. ParampUjya Guruji Govindacharya's point is

further confirmed

by the fact that not all TuLu brahmins are

MADhvas!!! There

is still a considerable section of the

TauLava shivaLLi

brahmins who are firmly in the

SmArta-BhAgavata-Advaitic fold

(like the famous TyAgarAja of TiruvArUr,

TamilnAD). In fact,

they are numerous enough to be governed by

two maThas, i.e.

the EDanIr and the BALakudru MaThas. (The

EDanIr MaTha is

located in KAsaragoDu, not too far from


PaNDitAcArya's ancestral home!). Wearing

UrdhvapuNDra gopIcandana

in the morning and tripuNDra bhasma in the

evenings and

preaching the Advaita doctrines, the pontiffs

of these TauLava

SmArta maThas are well-liked and respected by

ALL TauLavas

regardless of their ideological allegience.

Many a times, the

pontiffs of these maThas have visited uDupi

at the invitation

of the incumbent paryAya svAmin, performed

their paTTada-devaru

pUjAs in the CandrashAlA and have been

invited into the

sanctum sanctorum (garbha gRha) of Madhvaism's

holiest shrine,

the shrI-KRShNa temple at uDupi during

MahApUjA!!! In fact,

shrI VyAsAchArya (pUrvAshrama step-brother of

HH shirUr svAmIjI,

erstwhile " divAn " of the shIrUr and Sode

MaThas and a good

friend of mine) who is also otherwise a

staunch MAdhva, once

told me " they (TauLava SmArtas) our own

people, how can we

treat them any differently. " This, coming

from an important

pontifically-affiliated source like him, clearly

shows that bare

ideological views divorced from the historical,

sociological and

regional considerations remain precisely that,

i.e. a bare,

bookish and unrealistic ideology.

COMMENTS : I do not know in what context Sri Bannanje expressed

this opinion. The only authority we have on the subject is

Sumadhvavijaya - 15 th Chapter.

There are 68 shlokas describing the Vada Katha of Acharya Madhva

and Sri Thrivikrama. The bulk of them is in the form of stating

the Thathvavada position along with similes and figurative

dsecriptions of the two scholars debating the issue. The debate

took place for 15 days, after which Sri Thrivikrama became

" Nirutthara " - unable to reply. He prostrated at the lotus feet

of the Acharya and begged forgiveness for his " Chapalam " -

impudence in arguing against the Sarvajna Acharya. This can not

be reconciled with the concept of some body who has been bowled

over by the personality of Acharya Madhva, perhaps on the first

day, when he met him. I think this interpretation is unfair to

Sri Thrivikrama, the biographer Sri Narayana and also to Acharya

Madhva that he took 15 days to silence some body in debate,

specially when it is also implied that the latter was not the

best in the field. Even the importance of the great victory is

diluted by the concept that it was more due to personality than

a validly conducted debate. I hope these implications which seem

to be unavoidable are not really meant by the distinguished

gentlemen who have expressed the above opinion. This contrasts

with the brief descriptions of other debates where Acharya

Madhva had silenced his critics with one word or quote.

2. I feel also that it is improper to consider that Sri

Thrivikrama was only a second rung of Advaitha scholarship for

the following reasons :

a. He composed Thathvapradeepa, his Teeka on Brahma Suthra

Bhashya of Acharya Madhva based on the order of the Guru

himself. Though I have not studied the composition, I have come

across quotes from it in subsequent compositions of others

according it great respect. Acharya Madhva would have hardly

taught personally and had a commentary written by one whom he

did not consider as a very competent scholar.

b. There are references in Sumadhvavijaya to efforts by Advaitha

scholars in positions of authority to steal Acharya Madhva's

books and references and their being restored to him on the

orders of the king. Similarly efforts were made to persuade Sri

Thrivikrama to fight on behalf of Advaitha. It is possible to

dismiss these as biased versions of actual events. But those

persons from Advaitha school who claim that Acharya Madhva did

not really meet any worthwhile scholars (avoided them!) also

have no real grounds to prove their point. The reigning pontiffs

are not necessarily the most knowledgeable, as we all know. In

any case we would hardly expect that Advaitha Maths would

carefully preserve records of their defeats at the hands of

Thathvavada, though the very existence today of Thathvavada

would show that such must have been the case. May I also mention

the attempts made recently by a district official (Amildar) to

erase the lettering of the famous victory pillar in Mulbagal

recording the victory in Vada Katha of Sri Akshobhya Tirtha over

Sri Vidyaranaya. We would have been totally denied the record

but for the independent verification of this victory by Sri

Vedatha Deshika. The argument that present Advaitha offers about

the quality of the scholars confronting Acharya Madhva in his

time being inadequate would have looked better if they could

have produced at least one scholar subsequently who defeated a

later day Madhva scholar.

In our effort to show fairness of mind and objectivity, let us

not lean over backwards to such an extent that we are unfair to

ourselves and the great savants who have given of their best to



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