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gItAsArodhdhAra - 2

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Dear vaiShNavas


We would like to post meanings for the first 3 shlokas in the

gItAsArodhdhAra that we posted on Feb 5, 2000. Before you proceed to the

meanings we would like you to note the following:


1. The gIta is not an ordinary piece of literature. It is filled

with a lot of inner meanings that most commentators, other than our

shrimadAchArya and his followers, have stumbled on. If you look at the

bhAshya and tAtparya that he has provided, and rAyaru's gIta vivritti, and

their implications you will realize the depth of meaning hidden in each

shloka. To do justice to this would call for a very massive effort that is

beyond the scope of this project. Since our original purpose was to help

in nitya-parANe we are posting only the 'pratipadArtha' provided by H.H

shrI satyadhyAna tIrtha, one of the greatest exponents of the gIta.


2. shrI viShnutIrtha has chosen one shloka from each adhyAya, except

the first, and added a final shloka to end the GS. The first adhyAya was

left out because it only sets the stage for subsequent adhyAyas. It may be

noted that even shrimadAchArya starts his bhAshya from the second adhyAya.

So, to make up for a shloka from the first adhyAya, shrI viShnutIrtha has

provided one of his own.


Since the first shloka is not from the gIta we requested shrI Bannuru

Ramachandra Rao to provide the meaning, which he has very kindly and

graciously done. So the explanation for the first shloka is in English

whereas the others are in Kannada.


In the service of gItAchArya, shrimadAchArya, parimaLAchArya and aDavi AchArya


Madhusudhana BhImasEna Rao

Hunsur Sriprasad



Explanation of shlokas begins


The explanation of the first verse is in English.


</b>shlOka: | | 1 | | buDhAnAma buDhAnAm vA mOxamARgapraVEshinAM

alamkAra pradhIpO & yam thanyathE ruchikArakah | |


budhanAmabudhAnAm vA


budhAnAm = jnAninAm = those who are knowledegeable


abudhanam = those who are not knowledgeable ,


vA = to either of them


'budhAnAm' means those who have the knowledge of shastras(as explained by

SrimadAchArya),that is'jignAsus'; 'abudhAnAm' means those who are not

having such knowledge . The second one is referring to those who are not

eligible to study 'vedas' etc., that is 'stri sudra brahmabandhus' as

stated in the sloka ' strisudrabrahmabandhUnAm trayI na sruti gocharA iti

bhAratamAkhyAnam krupayAmuninAkrutam' from Bhagavata.(this has been quoted

by Sri Raghavendra swamigalu in Gita Vivritti).


mOxamArgapravEshinAm = those who desire to follow the path to mOxa




alankAra = ornament, pradIpa:h = shining, ayam= this, taken together this

means that the Bhagavadgita,represented by the slokas selected hereunder,

is like a shining ornament.


tanyatE ruchkAraka:h


ruchikAraka:h = a thing that gives ruchi or happiness; that is the BG

gives such happiness as one gets when he wears a jewel.


tanyatE = gives great pleasure or Ananda


Where as the happiness referred to by the word 'ruchikAraka:h' is the

happiness on this world 'tanyaTe' is intended to mean that it gives

'Ananda' in mOxa .


To summarise: The Bhagavdgita(or these selected verses from it) is mOxa

shastra. It is to be studied and treated like a shining jewel in the

head by those who are eligible to study the shastras and have done so

following the path laid down by Srimadacharya(understanding the Gita

according to his Bhashya and Tatparya) and those who are not eligible for

such study, like women,sudras,and brahmabandhus,and who try to know the

meaning of the Gita from those who have studied the shastras(or the Gita

shastra). It gives such people happiness on this world as well as it

leads them to eternal happiness,that is mOxa.



View this portion in Baraha.


</cred></acenter></b> | | gIthasArOdhdhArah | |</-a></-c>


</cblue>(shrI viShNuthIRTharimdha virachitha shrI madhBagavadhgItheya

shlOkagaLa samgraha saRvara nithyapaTanakkaagi) maththu

(shrI mathsathyaDhyAnathIRTha shrIpAdhamgaLavarimdha virachithavAdha

" gIthAsArasamgrahavu " dhimdha aaydha kannada tIke tippaNigaLannu sajjanara

aDhyayanakkAgi kodalaagidhe.</-c>


imthi harivaayugurugaLa sEvaaRThavAgi</-b>

maDhusUdhana BImasEnarAv maththu huNasUru shrIprasaadh

Edisan, nyU jaRsi.



</b>shlOka: | | 1 | | buDhAnAma buDhAnAm vA mOxamARgapraVEshinAM

alamkAra pradhIpO & yam thanyathE ruchikArakah | |


( I shlOkadha arThavannu mEle kodalAgidhe)


</b>shlOka: | | 2 | | budhdhiyukthO jahAthIha uBE sukRuthadhuShkRuthE

thasmAdhyOgAya yujyasva yOgah kaRmasu kaushalam | | (2 - 50) | |


padhaChEdha:</-b> budhDhiyukthah, jahAthi, iha,uBE,


yOgAya, yujyasva,yOgah,kaRmasu,kaushalam.


</ajustify></b>shrI sathyaDhyAnara vyaaKyAna:</-b> </b>iha</-b>

kAMyakaRmavannu mAduva,jGnyAnARThavAgi niShkAmakaRmavannu

mAduva janagaLalli, </b>budhDhiyukthah</-b> niShkAmakaRmavannu mAdi

IshvarAparOXavannu homdhidhavanu,

</b>uBE sukRuthadhuShkRuthE</-b> puNyavu,pApavu iveradannu, </b>jahAthi</-b>

biduththAne,(mOxavannu homdhuththAne)

</b>thasmAth</-b> sakAmakaRmadhimdha mOxavu Agadhe niShkAmakaRmadhimdha

aparOxajGnyAnAdhvArA nithya suKarUpavAdha

mOxavu Aguvudharimdha,</b>yOgAya</-b> aparOxa jGnyAnakke kAraNavAdha

niShkAmakaRmakkAgi </b>yujyasva</-b> prayathna mAdu. </b>kaRmasu</-b>

sakAmaniShkAmakaRmagaLalli </b>yOgah</-b> niShkAmakaRmavu </b>kaushalam</-b>



</b>thAthpaRyavu:-</-b> niShkAmakaRmadhimdha huttidha

IshvarAparOxajGnyAnadhimdha mOxavumtAguvudharimdha

sakAmakaRmagaLalli niShkAmakaRmavE shrEShTavAdhudharimdha niShkAmakaRmavannE



</b>vichAravu:-</-b> paramAthmana aparOxajGnyAnadhimdha puNyapApagaLannu

biduththAne,( puNyapApagaLu hOguththave) emdhu hELidhe.aparOxajGnyAnadhimdha

paapavu hOguvudhu (pApadha Palavu baradhiruvudhu) iShtavAdharU iShtavAdha

puNyavu (puNya Palavu) hOguththadheyemdhu hELuvudhu hEge homdhuvudhu emba

</b>AxEpakke samADhAnavu:-</-b> - lOkadhalli padhARThagaLu,kelavu

kAlagaLalli iShtavAdhavugaLAdhAgyU kelavu kAladhalli iShtagaLAgadhiruvuvu

maththu saRva kAladhalliyU iShtavAdhuvugaLu emdhu eradu prakAravuLLavugaLu.

</b> udhAharaNe:-</-b> xudhravAdha kattige modhalAdhavugaLu;thuppa kEsara

modhalAdhavugaLu janagaLige iShtavAdhaagyU kattige modhalaadhavugaLu

saRvadhA iShtagaLalla. omdhu Urimdha maththomdhUrige hOguvAga kattigeyannu

bittu saRvadhA iShtagaLaadha GRuthakEsarAdhigaLannu thanna samgada

thegedhukomdu hOguththAne.hIgeyE kelavu kAlagaLalli iShtagaLAdhAgyU kelavu

kaalagaLalli iShtagaLAgadhiruvuvu ,maththu saRvakAladhalliyU

iShtagaLAgiruvuvu emdhu puNyaPalagaLu eradu prakaaragaLaagive.


</b>udhAharaNe :-</-b> shudhDharaadha shrImamtharalli huttuvudhu aThaVA

yOgigaLa kuladhalli huttuvudhu emba puNya Palavu samsArAvasTheyalli iruvAga

iShtavAdharU mukthiyalli iShtavAdhudhalla; niShkAma kaRmadhimdha umtAdha

puNyadhimdha umtAguva mOxasuKavu saRvadhA iShtavAdhudhu. I eraduviDha

puNyagaLalli shudhDhavaadha shrImamthara kuladhalli huttuvudhakke

kAraNavAdha puNyavu mOxAvasTheyalli iShtavalla. A puNya Palavannu thanage

bEkAdhavarige kottu adhannu kaLedhukoLLuththAre.(mOxadhalli suKavannu

anuBavisuvudhakke kAraNavAdha puNyavu hOguvudhilla emdhu aBiprAyavu.)


" jaxan krIdan ramamANah " (ChAm.8,12,13), " kAmaannIkAmarUpI " (thai,3,10,4)

ithyAdhi shruthigaLalli mukthanu BOjanakrIdaa modhalAdha vyAparagaLannu

mAduththA suKavannu anuBavisuththAnemdhu hELiruvudharimdha " MOxadhalli

suKavillavAdhudharimdha adhakke kaaraNavaadha puNyavu aparOxajGnyAnadhimdha

naShtavAguththadhe " emba adhvaithigaLu hELuvudhu yukthavalla. </-a>




</b>shlOka: | 3 | mayi saRvANi kaRmANi samnyasyADhyAthmachEthasA

nirAshIRniRmamO BUthvAyudhdhyasva vigathajvarah | | ( 3 - 30 ) | |


padhaChEdha:</-b> mayi, saRvANi,kaRmANi,samnyasya,ADhyAthmachEthasA,

nirAshIh,niRmamah, BUthvA,yudhDhyasva vigathajvarah.


</b>shrI sathyaDhyAnara vyAKyAna:</-b> </b>ADhyAthma chEthasA (ADhyAthmani

chEthah)</-b> shrEShTanAdha paramAthmanalliruva manassinimdha,

</b>nirAshIh</-b> PalEchChArahithanU, </b>niRmamah</-b> kaRthRuthva

aBimAnadhimdha rahithanU, </b>BUthvA</-b> Agi,</b>saRvANi</-b>


</b>kaRmANi</-b> ninnimdha mAdalpatta kaRmagaLannu , </b>mayi</-b> nannalli

(shrIkRuShNanalli) </b>samnyasya</-b> aRpaNamAdi (I ellA kaRmagaLannu viShNu

pUjAthmakavemdhu anusamDhAnamAdi) </b>vigathajvarah (san)

</-b>dhuhKavilladhavanAgi,</b>yudhDhyasva</-b> yudhDhamAdu.









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