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Shri Vaadiraaja Jayanthi

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Thank you Mr. Varna for this informative article on this great event. In

Hoovinakere (birth place of Shri Vadirajaru), they are celebrating 400th

anniversary of Shri Vadirajara Brandavana Pravesha (520th Birth Day) . Shri H

H Soda Swamiji will be performing many sevas for 4 days. Many scholars from

all over India are assembling at Hoovinakere to attend this celebration. My

parents, brothers and sisters will be in Hoovinakere to be with Swamiji. I

truly miss all these great moments!

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Dear Hari Bhakthas,


Thursday, Feb 18th is another holy day in this week. On Monday we

had the great day of " Madhva Navami " and Thursday is the day on which

our second great acharya Shri Vadiraja came to earth, five hundred

twenty years back, on 1480 AD Shri Vadiraja, well known as 'Bhavi

Sameera, is second to Shri Madhva Acharya is all respects, even in

'moola swarupa'. Shri Vadiraja's life history, contribution to

'tatvavada' literature both in Sanskrit and Kannada proves beyond any

doubt that Shri Vadirajaru is going to attain 'Vayu Padavi' in the next



There are beautiful postings on Shri Vadirajaru and these narrations

about our great acharya helps us to get away from 'ajnana'.





There are some interesting similar incidents in Shri Madhva Acharys's

life and Shri Vadiraja's life.

* Both parents had a daughter and prayed to get a son for a long time.

* Before taking sanyas, both acharyas convinced their parents that they

would get another son to look after them in their old age. These

younger brothers also took sanyas at later stage.

* Both acharyas went around India defeating all other scholars and

visited Badari twice. Shri Madhwa Acharya visited Shri Veda vyasa and

offered his 'Bhasya' whereas Shri Vaadiraja visited Shri Vedavyasa and

offered 'Lakshalankara " another important commentary on Mahabaratha.

* Both Acharyas met the Muslim kings and got honored by them.

* Shri Acharya Madhwa established Krishna temple in Udupi whereas Shri

Vadiraja established " Shri Trivikrama Temple' at Sode. Both these

icons are obtained by the grace of Lord, and not prepared by any


* Shri Acharya showed 'Gada' of Shri Bheemasena in Kurusketra whereas

Shri Vadirajaru brought icons of Shri Mukhyaprana and Shri Garuda from

Ayodhya and established them in Udupi.

* Shri Acharya lifted the huge stone across the river, in Kalasa

showing his extra ordinary power. Shri Vadiraja broke a huge stone for

construction of temple at Sode. Another huge pillar, which got slipped

and was about to fall, was stopped by the name of Shri Vadiraja. The

'dwaja Sthambha' at Sode which could not be erected by any amount of

efforts, was made to stand easily by Shri Vadiraja once his icon was

carved on that.

* Shri Madhwa Acharya has considered Shri Vedavyasa as his Guru and

brought 'Vyasa saligram' from Badari for worshipping while Shri

Vadiraja established icons of guru Shri Madhwa at Pajaka & Udupi for

worshipping and thus examplified his gurubhakthi. Also Shri Vadiraja

brought the 'Vedavyasa saligrama' back to 'Madhyavata' when Shri

Vyasarayaru took it.

* Shri Acharya's works were kept in the earth at 'Nadthila' for later

recovery. Shri Vadiraja kept all the gold and wealth sent by the Delhi

king in the earth and established ‘Subramanya Temple’ in Udupi.

* Shri Acharya Madhwa started the rotation system of worshipping

Krishna at Udupi. Shri Vadirajaru extended that and made it once in two

years and well established the

procedures and processes.

* Shri Acharya's 'moolaswarupa' was illustrated by Shri Thrivikrama

panditha through Hari Vayu stuthi and it was acknowledged by Acharya.

Later Shri Narayana Panditha wrote Sumdahva Vijaya. For Shri Vadiraja,

his disciple Shri Narayanacharya wrote many volumes, but Shri Vadiraja,

not wanting any thing to be revealed, left all of them in Ganga river

except 'Shri Vadiraja Kavacham'. Later another disciple Shri Raghunatha

Acharya wrote " Vraththa rathna sangraha " , almost 10 years before Shri

Vadiraja's vrandavana Pravesh and it is the authentic document about

Shri Vadiraja.


There are many books available on Shri Vadiraja's life history and

his works. Mysore University has published two books titled " shri

Vadirajara Kruthigalu " and " Shri Vadirajara dheerga kruthigalu " . The

first books contains more than 300 poems, sthothras and the second

book contains 30 long works of Shri Vaadiraaja. Still there are many

works of Shri Vaadiraja which are only referenced but not available.

Shri Vadiraja was a great author in both Kannada and Sanskrit. Shri

Vadiraja's 'Yukhimallika', an extended commentary on 'Brahma sutra',

is a fine example of poetic gift being used for philosophic exposition,

through which the wisdom of predecessors was brought within the reach

of all. Shri B.N.K.Sharma mentions that Shri Vadiraja thinks in Poetry

and argues in it. This great works consists of 5379 shlokas in 5



Another work 'Nyaya rathnavali " is inferior only in size to


Dr. Sharma refers to this classic as a miniature edition of

Yuktimallika. It is a very terse philosophical and polemical work that

is very difficult to translate. It has 899 verses in 5 chapters. Dr.

L. Stafford Betty, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at

California State College, Bakersfield, has translated the first part

into English with a foreword from Dr. Sharma in 1978. Dr. Betty

states, in his introduction, that (at that time) the only one work from

among the hundreds of volumes written over the centuries in defence of

the Dualistic system founded by Madhva (13th century) has ever been

translated and published (into any Western language). His motivation

to translate Nyayaratnavali was to bring to light a

philosophical/theological tradition and methodology all but overlooked

by Indologists.


All our great Haridasas staring from Shri Vijayadasaru, have praised

and prayed Shri Vadirajara. Shri Jagannatha dasaru got inspiration to

write the " Harikathamruthasara' by the grace of Shri Vadirajau. Shri

Kanaka dasa has called himself as 'trivikrama dasasya dasa'. Many great

saints including Shri Sathya Dharma Theertha, Shri SudhendraTheertha,

Shri Sathya Pramodha Theerhta sought the blessing of Shri Vadiraja.

Shri Vadiraja's mahima is attracting more and more people to Sode.


This only a bit and there is much more to learn about Shri

Vadiraja. On this holy day let us pray Shri Vadiraja to bless us with

jnana, bhakthi and vairaghya.



Shri Hari Priyatham






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shrI varNa avare,




The writeup by u proving the bhAvisamErathva of shrI vAdirajaru

was excellent.


I would like to add one more point which contributes shrI vAdirAjara

Rujuthva & bhAvIsamErathva.


In case of shrImadhAchAryaru, the bullock which was carrying

shrI AchAryAs granthAs, which was speechless (by default),

later on, in its next janma wrote tIka to shrImadhAchAryAs

works. This jIva is none other than shrI indhra dEvaru

of 8th kaksha.


In case of shrI vAdirAjaru, it was the speechless brAHmaNa,

who performed shrI rAjara sEva with utmost devotion, b'cos

of whom the swApnabrundAvanAkhyAna came into light, later on,

in his next janma, who was popularly known as vrundAvanAchAryaru

(actual name was shrI vishwapriya thIrtharu, he got initiated

into yathyAshrama in sOde maTha itself), categorized AkhyAna

into chapters and gave the true meaning of AkhyAna to this

world, without which we wouldn't have understood even a bit

of it. This jIva is none other than bhAvI indhraru. This jIva,

in next braHma kalpa, would attain indhra pada of 8th kaksha,

when shrI vAdirAjaru attains vAyu pada.




In Hari Guru Seva

Prasanna Krishna


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