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shrI jayatheertha PadhyamAlA- Part 2

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shri gurubhyo namaha, parama gurubhyo namaha

shrimadanandathirtha bhaghavatpAdAcharya namaha


Dear krishnabhaktAs:


I will start with the actual transliteration of padyamAla from now. Sri

Jayatheertha talks about the manthras to be chanted, (he says manthra starting

with ....), but does not give the actual manthra. To make it easy for the

readers, we have added the manthras. The deva pUja manthras are taken from Deva

Puja Paddhathi, written by Sri Krishnamurthy sharma, UttarAdi Mutt, Triplicane,

Madras. These postings may not contain all the manthras, however, we have added

as much as we can find. Translation of padyamAla was provided by Sri M.S. Katti

and was published by Sriman Madhwa Siddhantonnahini Sabha (SMSO), Chirtanur,

1980. To distinguish, the verses from padyamAla are numbered, while the inserted

manthras are not. Hope it will of benefit to all of you.


In service of Sri Hari, Vayu, and Guru


GV and Shobha Srinivasan



shri Hari vandhane


nArAyaNAyAya paripURNaguNARNavAya vishvOdhaya sThithi layOnniyathi pradhAya

jJnyAnapradhAya vibhudhAsura soukhyadhu:kha sathkAraNAya vithathAya namO




shrImadanandhathIRtha vandhane


yO vipralambha viparIthamathiprabhUthAn vAdhAnnirasya kRuthavAn bhuvi


saRvEshvarO haririthi prathipAdhakam tham AnandhathIRThamunivaRyamaham



praNamaya shrIpathim saRvAn gurumshchATha pravachmyaham

yaThAvidhi hare: pUjAvidhim vaiShNavasammatham

|| 1 ||


I bow humbly to Lord Narayana, the eternal husband of Shri Lakshmi. I also

pay my due respects to all my preceptors & I shall describe the correct

method of worshipping God in accordance with Tantrasara composed by

shrImadacharya, the foremost devotee of Lord Vishnu.


aadhou dhEvagRuhe nyasya kalashaan saptha pancha vaa

aaharEth thulaseem dhURvAm puShpANyadhyathanAni cha

|| 2 ||


yaThAkaalOpapannani svaaraamavanajAnyapi

akrIthaanyapradhaththAni chouRyAlabhdhAni yaani cha

|| 3 ||


shUdhrAhRuthAni vA bhUmou pathithAni thaThaiva cha

araNdARkajapathreShu chAhRuthAni kare thaThA

patAhRuthAni yAni syu: vaRjayEththAni yathnatha:

|| 4 ||


After bathing, one should bring five or seven different pots of pure water &

keep them in the place of worship. Then he should go & bring flowers for

sacred grass (dhURvA). He should also bring flowers for worship. The

flowers should be fresh & not stale. Flowers that are bought from the

market, that are stolen from some place are to be discarded. They should be

never carried in a piece of cloth. They should be taken from one's own

garden or from a forest. They should not be obtained through a shudra.

Flowers fallen on the ground should be discarded. They should not be

carried in hand or in a castor leaf.


aRdhyapAdhyAdhisambhArAn yaThAshakthi vidhAya cha

prakShalya pANI pAdou chApyAchamya harivEshmana:

|| 5 ||


upadhvAram samAgamya bhakthyA kuRyAth shriyai nama:

pURve namO jayAyATha vijayAyATha dhakShiNe

|| 6 ||


shriyai balAya prabalAyATha prathyak shriyai namaha:

nandhAyATha sunandhAya shriyai cha kumudhAya cha

|| 7 ||


kumudhAkShAyOththare cha dhwArapAlAmshcha pUjayEth

pURvadhwAre shriyai namaha jayAya namaha vijayAyai namaha

thadhanujJyAmavApyATha vAyavAyAhi dhaRshatha

|| 8 ||


Thus one should assemble according to his ablility all the requisites of

worship like arghya, pAdhya. One should take another bath. Doing aachamana

he should go near the threshold of the God's room. There he should worship

the doorkeepers of the Lord's room in the four directions. Jaya & Vijaya

towards the east, Bala & Prabala towards the south, Nanda & Sunanda towards

the west & Kumuda & Kumudaksha towards the North.



pURvadhwAre shriyai namaha | jayAya namaha | vijayAyai namaha |

dhakShiNAdvAre shriyai namaha | balAya namaha | pravalAya namaha |

pashchimadwAre shrIyai namaha | nandhAya namaha | sunandhAya namaha |

uththaradhwAre shrIyai namaha | kumudhAya namaha | KumudhAkShAya namaha


anEna vAyumanthreNa samudhdhAtaya kavAtakam

kRuthva thAlathrayam dhwAre dhEhalImasprushan vishEth

|| 9 ||


After obtaining the permission of all the doorkeepers, one should recite the

vAyumanthra & open the door




samastha kaRma prErakAya shrI vAyave namaha |

vAyavAyA hi dhaRshatha imE sOmA aramkRuthA: | thEShAmpAhi shrudhIhavam


dhakShiNAmgri puraskRuthya hyAgninAgni: samidhyathe

anEna vahnimanthreNa dhIpAnudhdhIpayEththatha:

|| 10 ||



clapping the hands thrice, one should enter the room with right foot inside

without touching the threshold. He should then light the lamp or improve it

reciting the hymn



agninAgni: samidhyathe samidhyathe | kaviRgRuhapathiRyuvA | havyavAt


(dhIpam prajvAlya)


IkShayA puShpakShEpeNa pAShNigAthathrayENa cha

dhivyantharikShabhUmiShTAn vidhnAnuchchAtayEthsudhI:

|| 11 ||


apasaRpanthu yE bhUthA ithi manthram paTannapi

bhUthAnuchchATaya nArAchamudhrayA banDhayEdhdhisha:

|| 12 ||


The obstacles lying overhead in the sky, those in the space round about &

those on the ground should be dispelled respectively by glance, throwing of

a flower & stamping on the ground thrice. The evil spirits should be

banished by reciting the hymn apasaRpanthu ye bhUthA. Then all the

directions should be sealed to prevent the reentry of the spirits by showing

nArAchamudhrA an arrow like formation of the fingers.



apasaRpanthu bhUthA: yE bhUthA:krAs chaiva thu rAkShAsA |

yE chAthra nivasandhyEvadhEvathA bhuvi sandhadham ||

thEShA mapi avi rOdhEnE, brahmakaRma samArapE ||


apaivEthyAdhi yEbhyashcha yEvA pithraRuchou paTEth

nivARya mAnuSham gandham AbhiRmanthraisthu pUjaka:

|| 13 ||


By reciting the three hymns beginning from apaivA, ebhya:, EvApithre the

worshipper should remove the odour of human beings from the place of



We don't have the manthra begining with apaivA, however here are the manthras

begining with ebhya and Evapithre:



yEbhya mAthA madhupathpinvathe paya: pIyUSham dhyouradhithi radhribaRhA:

ukThA shuShmAn vRuShabharAn svapnasasthAm AdhithyAm anumadhA svasthaye


EvApithre vishvadhEvAya vRuShNe yajJnyaiRvidhEma namasA haviRbhi:

bRuhaspathE suprajA vIravanthO vayam syAma pathayO rayINAm

mAnuShO ganDha AyAthi dhEva thath kShamyathAm prabhO


kalpayithvA javanikAm dhEvamAthmAnamantharA

aaruhya vEdhikAm pashchAth brahmApArasthavam paTEth

|| 14 ||


The worshipper should arrange a curtain between himself & the God. Then he

should climb over the God's dias & recite the brahmApArasthOthra.


aagamARTha thu dhEvAnAm gamanARtham thu rakShasAm

kuru gaNTAravam thathra dhEvathAhvAnalAjChanam

|| 15 ||


ajJnyAnathO jJnyAnathO vApi kAmsyagaNtAm na vAdhayEth

rAkShasAnAm pishAchAnAm thadhdhEshe vasathiRbhavEth

|| 16 ||


thasmAthsaRvaprayathnEna gaNtAmachAlya vAdhayEth


Gods should come here to receive the worship & demons should clear away from

this place. With this purpose, one should ring the bell as an invitation to

the gods. Knowingly or unknowingly, if the bell is not rung then the place

of worship would be the place of dwelling for the demons & the evil spirits.

One should therefore ring the bell with particular care.


thathO javanikAm thyakthvA niRmAlyam visRujEththa:

|| 17 ||


After removing the curtain, the worshipper should remove all the stale

things from the God. The sandal wood paste, flowers etc that were offered

on the previous day should be removed & a preliminary cleansing bath should

be given to the God.


snAnapAthram thaThA pItam yaThAsThAnam nidhAya cha

souvaRNa maNtapam dhyAyEth hEmarathnOpamaNditham

|| 18 ||


The bathing pot & seat or pedastal should be placed in their proper

positions. Then the worshipper should recite the verse uththappojvala &

imagine that the God with his retinue is seated in a golden maNtapa, studded

with jewels.


adhyAsIthAsanE svasThO hyapakrAmamthvithIrayan

ChOtikAmudhrayA kuRyAth bhUthOchchAtanampyutha

|| 19 ||


Calm & composed, the worshipper should be seated on a firm seat. He should

dispel all the evil spirits by reciting the verse apakrAmanthu bhUthA.....

by making a sharp sound (ChOtikA) with his fingers.



apAdrAmanthu yE bhUthA: kRurAs chaiva thu rAkShasA: |

yE chAndhra nivasantha yEva, dhEvathA bhuvi sandhadham ||

thEShA mapi avirOdhEnE, brahmakaRma samArapE ||


pRuThvi thvayEthi manthreNa pRuThivIm prARThayEththatha:

AsanE maNdalE chEndhO: kURmaskanDhEhamAsThitha:

|| 20 ||


Then reciting the verse pRuthvi thvayA dhRuthA lOkA, he should pray the

Goddess Earth. He should imagine himself to be seated on the back of a

Tortoise in the middle of the Moon.



pRuthvi thvayA dhRuthA lOkA: dhEvi dhvam viShNuNA dhRuthA |

thvam cha thAraya mAm dhEvi, pRuthvam guru chAsanam ||


shrI KrishnARpanamasthu

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