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gIta sArodhdhAra - English - 5

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Dear hari bhaktas


Here is shrI Bannur Ramachandra Rao's English notes on the eigth and ninth

verses of the gIta sArodhdhAra.


nArAyaNa yenna bArade


madhusudhana bhimasena rao

hunsur sriprasad


Shloka 8-14


ananyachEta:h satatamyO mAm smarati nityasa:h

tasyAham sulabha:h PArtha nityayuktasya yOgina:h


Word-by-word meaning:



ya:h = whoever

nityasa:h = all the time

mAm = Me

ananyachEtA:h = without thinking anything else

smarati = is concentrating on Me alone

tasya yOgina:h = for such a Yogi

nityayuktasya = whose all actuions are directed towards attaining Me

aham sulabha:h = I am easily accessible .




I am easily accessible to such a yogi whose thoughts are constantly fixed on


and whose actions are directed towards attaining Me (that is, My abode, MOxa).


Explanatory notes:


In the above summary,the statement 'attaining Me' should be understood as

getting 'aparOxa' by His grace which leads to Moxa. Having described the

characteristics of a Yogi deserving mOxa in chapter 7, the Lord reiterates

that 'yoga' (as we have understood earlier) combined with Bhakti, or

constant devotion to Him leads to His grace and mOxa. For such a person the


grants the favour of repeating His name at the last moment of his life.


Srimadacharya interprets the word 'yogina:h' in this stanza as 'paripurna

yogasya', one whose yoga is complete, i.e., one who has the characteristics

described earlier in shloka 7-28.


Shloka 9-22


ananyAschintayantOmAm yWE janA:h paryupAsatE

tEsham nityuAbhiyuktAnmAm yOgakshemam vahAmyaham


Word-by-word meaning:


yE janA:h = who

ananyA;h = without a second (to Me); that is, without


any other diety (as supreme)

mAm chintayANTA:H = THINKING OF mE

paryupAsatE = worship with full devotion

tEsham = of such persons

nityAbhiyuktAnAm = who are totally involved in Me, with their mind,


and body (kAya, vAcha, manasa)

yOgakshemam = their well being

aham vahAn mi = I take responsibility




(Sri Krishna says:)


I will take care of the well being of those who worship Me without

worshipping any other diety as supreme (that is who worship Me with the

concept that I am the supreme Lord and all other dieties are subordinate to

Me) and are (thus) totally involved in Me, thinking of Me alone all the time.


Explanatory notes:


This stanza is often quoted as the essence of the Gita.


The stress is laid again on incessant Bhakti combined with the knowledge of

the supremacy of the Lord over all other dieties. From the meaning given to

'nityAbhiyuktAnam' we may deduce ' nishkamakarma yoga'. In essence,

therefore, it follows that the Lord will be pleased with those who worship

Him with true devotion and whose actions are all treated as the worship of

the Lord and He will lead such people to mOxa, the word 'yogakshema' being

intended to mean their getting 'Ananda' in moxa (it may also be taken as

happiness on this world and also moxa).

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