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gIta sArodhdhAra English - 6

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Dear hari bhaktas


Here is shrI Bannur Ramachandra Rao's English notes on the tenth,

eleventh and twelfth verses of the gIta sArodhdhAra.


parama purushana nere nambidavarige duritha bAdhegaLa gurutu tOruvade

madhusudhana bhimasena rao

hunsur sriprasad


Shloka 10-10


tEshAm satatayuktAnam bhajatAm prItipUrvakam

dadAmibuddhji yOgam tam yEna mAmupayAnti tE


Word-by-word meaning:


satatayukAnAm = those who have their minds always fixed on Me

prItipUrvakam = with devotion

bhajatAm = utter My name

tEsham = for them buddhiyOgam that knowledge (which is

the tool for attaining their desire)

yEna = by which

tE = they

mAm = Me

upayAnti = reach closely




This sloka also reflects the same principle as the earlier two,

but here a new point is made. Jivas are not having any

independence to get the knowledge of Sri Hari. It is He that

gives it to His bhaktas so that they can practice accordingly

and become eligible for mOxa.


In Nyayasudha it is said that Bhakti enhances gnYana and in turn,

gnYana enhances Bhakti. This shall be by His grace. gnYana, Bhakti

and Vairagya (which includes surrendering one's actions to the

will of the Lord) are the means to attain His Grace.



Shloka 11-54


BhaktyA tvananyayA ahamEvamvidhO$rjuna

jnAtum drashtum cha tatvEna pravEshtum cha parantapa


Word-by-word meaning:


Evam vidha:h = in this way (as revealed to Arjuna)

aham = I

tatvEna = in fact (really)

jnatum = to be known

drastum = to be seen (we have to note that Arjuna

could not see the Lord's 'vishvarupa' with


his physical eyes, and Sri Krishna had to

grant Him special sight for viewing the


pravEstum cha = to be one with Me (to get sAyujya moxa)

ananya bhaktya = by extraordinary devotion

shakya:h = become possible




This stanza appears at nearly the end of chapter 11 where the

Lord grants 'aparOxa' to Arjuna (we must note that as Indra he

was anyway eligible for moxa). In the introductory verse to Gita

Tatparya, Sri mAdhvacharya has stated that this and the sloka

preceding it (11-53) together show that only sincere devotion

to Vishnu is the best of all 'sadhanas' for release from bondage

and attaining 'aparoxa' leading to moxa.


Explanatory notes:


The very fact that Arjuna had 'vishvarupa darshana' of the Lord

is enough proof to show that the Lord and the soul are different

from each other and that the Lord is superior to the souls..


It is interesting to note that not one shloka in this chapter is

capable of being interpreted to show similarity or eqality of Jiva

and Paramata or mithyatva or vyavaharikatva of the world.


Shloka 12-8


mayyEva mana Adhatsva mayi buddhimnivEshaya

nivasishyasi mayyEva ata Urdhvam na samshaya:h


Word-by-word meaning:


mayyeva = in Me alone

mana Adhatsva = keep your mind all the time (if this can't be done)

mayi buddhim = train your intellect to gain knowledge about Me

nivEshaya (this will help you to do so)

nivasishyasi mayyEva = when you keep your mind fixed on Me

ata = then

Urdhvam = gaining moXa

na samshaya:h = is certain




HAve your mind fixed on Me, i.e., be fully devoted to Me, and if this

cannot be done and if it wanders, train your intellect with the

right knowledge of the Lord by which your devotion gets steady and

this will certainly lead you to mOxa.


Explanatory notes:


We have seen that adhyAyas 7 to 12 stress on the knowledge of shrI

Krishna as the supreme diety and that the path to moxa is unflinching

'bhakti' to Him; this devotion leads to apaRoxa and through that to mOxa.






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