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!!! shrI: !!!

!!! shrI gurubhyO nama: !!!

!!! shrI parama gurubhyO nama: !!!

!!! lAthavya chakravarthi bhAvisamIra shrI vAdhirAja gurubhyO nama: !!!

!!! shrImadhAnamdha thIrTha gurubhyO nama: !!!



!!! bimbakriyAyaiva kriyAvAn aham dhAsajIvaha !!!




E mahImandaladoliha guru |

shrI madAchAryara mathAnuga |

rA mahA vaishnavara vishnu pAdAbja madhukarara ||

stOmakAnamipe avaravara |

nAmagala nempElve bahuvidha |

yAma yAmangalali bodhisalemage sanmathiya ||

[harikathAmrutasAra - Sandhi 32 - Padya 53]


sarvarige prEraka sarva kartha bhOktha |

sarvathradhali vyAptha sarva shabdhavAchya |

sarvaguNa paripUrNa sarva dhOshadhUra |

sarvaGny~JAna gaMya sarvashaktha mUrthi sarvEsha |

chaluva gOpAlaviTalarAya shrInivAsa |

sarvAmtharyAmi sArvabhouma namO shrInivAsa |

[sri Gopala Dasaru]



The following piece of work is an extract from a book

shrI sOdesha kshetra darshana by Dr. Nippani

Gururajacharyaru of Bellary with some additions from

my side. He is an authority in AkhyAna and has done a

Ph.D. in shrI rAjara yukthimallika. He is working as

HOD, Sanskrit Dept. in Bellary.


The writeup is a bit longer and I request the patience of



Pl. excuse me for any mistakes in translation.


Prasanna Krishna



shrI swApnavRumdhAvanAkhyAna kiru parichaya


: shrI hari

Producer : shrI laxmi dEviyaru

Asst. Director : shrI vAyu dEvaru





shrI vAdirAja thIrtharu - shrI lAtavyaru

shrI vEdavEdya thIrtharu - shrI gavyaru

shrI vEdanidhi thIrtharu - shrI bhAvi garudaru

shrI laxmipathi (vipra) - shrI bhavi indhraru

shrI vRundAvanAchAryaru - shrI bhavi indhraru


yO mAm dhEvam vijAnAthi RujusTham puNyakRunnara:

sa yAthi nilayam puNyam yadhgathvA na nivarthathE ||


thathpUrvamasya vamSEthu RujusThO hi surESwara:

vAdhirAjayathirbhUthvA chaithadvisthArayiShyathi ||

(braHmAmda purANa - rajathapITa puramahAthme)


sujana shirOmaNi vAdhirAjanu tha |

nijavAgi bommAmda purANa sADhakadhimdha |

ajapadhasalvadhu lEsha samshayabEdi |

nijanijanijavemdhu nithyadhi komdAdi ||

(shrI vijaya dAsaru in one of his suLAdIs on shrI rAjaru)



A braHmana (vipra) named Lakshmipathi, who was witness to many

aManusha mahimas of shrI vAdirAjaru, had pure, dedicated devotion

& bhakthi towards shrI rAjaru. His only aim was to serve his Master

towards reaching the final goal. Hence he kept himself away from

worldly matters & pleasures and acted as if he was dumb and mentally

non-elevated person.

(EdamUkam dhwijam swapnE - vA.gu.cha)

(akushala dEshiya braHmana swapnE - swA.vRun.A. vyAkhyAna)


shrI rAjaru was very much impressed by his Guru bhakthi. Having

understood the greatness of his gurugaLu, the braHmana had a strong

desire to know the mUla swarUpa of his gurugaLu and his uddhAra

mArga. With utmost devotion, he used to ask shrI rAjaru time &

again regarding that (uddhAra mArga) and each time shrI rAjaru kept

saying that he would let him know of these details at the right time.

(vaxyAmyEthadh dhwayam thubhyam | sowmya kAlAmtharE sphutam ||

ithyukthvA sAmthvayAmAsa prEshTam shishyamaSESHavith || - vA.gu.mA)


During the last stages of his avatAra, shrI rAjaru due to reasons

known only to him, left behind this braHmana in Udupi and returned

to sOde. shrI rAjaru installed pancha bRundAvana much before his

entry into them, worshipped them by establishing the sannidhana of

shrI hayagrEvadEvaru, anantha bhagavadrUpAs, shrI vAyudEvaru with

avatAra rUpAs of hanuma, bhIma & madhvaru, all dEvathAs, pancha

shrI hari rUpAs (anirudhdha, pradyumna, sankarushaNa, vAsudEva,

nArAyaNa), pancha prANa rUpAs (prANa, apAna, vyAna, udhAna, samAna).

(panchavRundAvanE puNyE pancharUpAthmakO hari: |

panchEkruthya swarUpANi nithyam sannihitha: swayam || - swA.vru.A)


shrI rAjaru entered pancha bRundAvana in the year 1601.


Within no time, the braHmana came to know of the incident and

realized the reason for him being left behind in Udupi. In no time

he reached sOde and started weeping uncontrollably for not having

met his gurugaLu. ShrI rAjaru being impressed by his disciple's

bhakthi gave darshan for a short span. Though the braHmana felt

happy at that moment, was depressed since he could not get the

answers for his questions. He continued his sEva with the same

devotion towards his Master praying for the answers to his questions.

In the course of time, shrI vEdavEdhyaru entered bRundAvana in 1612

and shrI vEdanidhi tIrtharu came to the crown of shrI sarvaGny~Ja pITa.


As the days rolled over, one divine morning, during braHmi muhurtha,

shrI rAjaru appeared in bhaHmana’s swapna (dream). Pleasant faced and

Eyes filled with kAruNya, bestowed his Grace on the bhaktha, started

giving the pearls


hayagrIvam chidhAnamdha vigraham sadhanugraham |

dhashagrIvachchidham shApAnmaNigrIva vimOchanam ||


in a poetic form with appropriate rAga and disappeared from the dream.

brahmaNa’s Ananda knew no bounds. He rushed immediately to

shrI vEdanidhi thIrtharu and started reciting the pearls bestowed

by his Master. ShrI vEdanidhi thIrtharu was literally surprised &

dumb struck. He understood that it is the mahima of shrI rAjaru and

asked his shisya shrI rAmachandrAchAryaru to document them.


This went on for several days. As the upadeshA proceeded,

shrI vEdanidhi thIrtharu started understanding its (upadeshA's)

importance & the purpose. It clarified many of the doubts and

explained the importance of sOda kshetra. Even though, shrI rAjaru

gave lakhs of pearls, only a few could be documented for the

upliftment of sAdhaka prapancha and the rest were taken over by

dEvathAs for their sAdhana.

(... nAkibhi: nIyathE kRuthi: ||)


shrI vEdanidhi thIrtharu as per the orders of the revered shrI rAjaru,

divided the grantha into adhyAyAs and started performing pUja from then on.



In his next janma the brAhmaNa born in a pious brAhmin family

(around 1776) got initiated into yatyAshrama in the sOde maTa

itself with the name of shrI vishwapriya thIrtharu. It is he

who brought this grantha into light & as per the orders of his

Master shrI rAjaru sub-divided each adhyAya into prakaraNAs.

Thus the grantha got present form. swApna bRundAvana AkhyAna

has 22 adhyAyAs and each adhyAya has many prakaraNAs. With

the able support of his shishyAs shrI raghupravEra thIrtharu of

bhimanakatte maTha and shrImushNAchAryaru, shrI vishwapriya

thIrtharu gave pramANa samarthaka grantha & vyAkhyAna grantha

respectively to sAdhaka prapancha. Being the prime contributor

to this grantha, shrI vishwapriya thIrtharu was aptly called



Eventhough the braHmaNa was the main shrothru, this grantha

appeals to all sAdhakAs, thus explaining them their duties.

This grantha is the essence of dwaitha sidhDhantha. It has

many meanings and depending on one’s yogyatha, they would be

understanding it. All the shlOkAs primarily praise shrI hari,

then shrI vAyu & then shrI rAjaru. There are many shlOkAs which

proves the Rujuthva aspect of shrI rAjaru. The grantha explains

the importance of pancha bRundAvana, shrI hari-vAyu-dEvatha

sanniDhana, the kshethra mahima and many more things.


shrI kRuShNArpaNamasthu



Prasanna Krishna



udhayAstha pariyamtha kRutha karma anubhavavu |

maDhuhA ninagarpithavO sakala karma ||



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