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shrI jayatheertha's padhyamAla Part 3

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shri gurubhyO namaha, parama gurubhyO namaha

shrimanandhatheertha bhaghavatpAdAchArya gurubhyo namha


Dear Krishnabhakthas:


Sri JayathIrtha has not given the procedure in detail for nirmAlya pooja and

visarjana. For those who want to know here are the manthrAs and procedure for

nirmAlya as per " Deva pUja paddathi by Sri Krishnamoorthy Sarma of UttarAdhi

Mutt, Chennai " . (please note: traditions may differ.)


In service of shrI hari, vAyu, gurugalu


GV & Shobha Srinivasan





After removing the curtain the worshipper should remove all the stale things

from the God.



a). om nArAyaNAya vidhmahe | vAsudhEvAyA dhImahi thannO viShNu prajOdhayAth

(Vishnu gAyathri) & open the sAligrama samputa.


b). kRuthAmjali putO bhUthvA vinayAnatha kandhara:



E thvAm dhEva pUjAmRTha uththishta thvam ramApathe

(waking the Lordc). aayathAbhyAm vishAlAbhyAm shIthalAbhyAm kRupAnidhE

karuNAmRutha pURNAbhyAm lOchanAbhyAm vilOkaya


d.) uththiShTa brahmaNaspathe dhEvayanthasthvEmahe

upaprayanthu marutha: sudhAnava indra prAshURbhavasachA

(rigveda 1-3-20)


e). namO brahmaNya dhEvAya gO brahmaNa hithAya cha

jagath hithAya kRuShNAya gOvindhAya namO nama:




a_ham ru_dhrebhiRvasu'bhishcharAm_yahamA'dhithyairutha v_ishchadhEvai: | aham

mithrAvaruNObhA bhibhamRyahami' ndhrAgnIham' shivan_ObhA || a_ham

sOmamAh_anasam' bibhaR_myaham thvaShTA' ramutha pUShaNam bhagam | aham dhadhAm_i

dhraviNam h_aviShmathE suprAvyE (3) yajamAnAya sunv_athe || (rig 8-11-12) & so



shAlagrAva shilAyAm thivasantham kalimOjasA |

bhImasEna mahAbAhO uchchAtaya namOsthu thE ||




With clean water in the sankha, perform abiseka to sAligrama chanting Purusha

suktha and ringing of the bell.


sahasra shIRShO nArAyaNa: puruShO anuShtup | anthyA thriShtup | abhiShEkE


& then chant Purusha suktham. Collect the nirmAlya thIrtha.


Shankha abhishEka:


In the 9th para of AmruNi SUktha, shankha abhimAni dhevatha, Goddess Lakshmi

abhisheka should be done. NirmAlaya theertha should be given 3 times. During

EkAdhashi, only once the theertha should be given.


MukhyapRaNA abhisheka:


sphurithAbhyam svaRNakAnthim dhvibhujam cha kRuthAmjalim kuNdaladhvaya samshObhi

hanumantham upAsmahE || Om ham hanumathE nama:


Garuda AbhishEka:


garuda: saRvadhA dhyEya: sudhApURNam hiraNmayam |

dhadhAna: kumbhamabhayam pItha: shuklOruNO harith ||

Om gam garudAya nama:


shEShA AbhishEka:


dhadhAna: halasounandhou shvEthavaRNa: kRuthAnjali: sahasramURdhA dhvithIya

kaRNabhUSha: priyAyutha: | vanamAlI nIlavAsA: dhyEyO viShNOsthu pRuShTatha:

|| Om shEm shEShAya namaha


Then offer nirmalya thIrtha to our guru parampara in respective order and take

the thIrtha. Use the nirmAlya thIrtha for adorning the nAma and mudhre. Then

perform nithya karmAs such as sandhyAvandhana, etc..)


PadyamAla continued:


Here are the verses 21 to 30.


aasanE maNdalE chEndhO: kURmaskandhEhamAsThitha:

kalpayithvEthThamAsInO vyAharEdh bhURbhuvasvarOm

|| 21 ||


Then reciting the verses pRuthivi thvayA dhRuthA (manthra is written in the last

posting itself), he should pray the Goddess Earth. He should imagine himself to

be seated on the back of a Tortoise in the middle of the Moon. Repeating the

words bhURbhuva: svarOm, he should touch the seat.


aThAsanamupaspRushya maNdUkAya namasthatha:

kURmAyATha varAhAya shEShAya cha namasthatha:

|| 22 ||


namaha: kAlagnirudhrAya vajthrAya cha namO nama:

sAnusvAram sAdhivaRNam praNavAdhimudhIRya cha

|| 23 ||


sAnusvAram sAdhivaRNam praNavAdhimudhIRya cha

namOnthamithi chaithEShu Shadkam cahiva japEdhbudha:

|| 24 ||


Then he should repeat the words



om mam maNdUkAya namaha; om kum kURmAya namaha;

om vam varAhAya nama:; sham shEShAya namaha;

om kAlAgnirudhrAya namaha & vam vajthrA namaha


okthEShu vakShyamANEShu sThAnEShvanyEShu saRvasha:

pUjAvidou cha dhEvAnAm pITAvarayORvadhEth

|| 25 ||


At the time of worshipping the Gods, residing in the seat & round about in

various positions, he should repeat the names of the Gods in the dative case

beginning with om & ending with namaha.


thathannAmachathuThRyatham praNavAdhi nmOmthakam

thathOsthrAya padithyukthvA dhishO badhdhavEShumudhrayA

|| 26 ||


prAkArAvasThitham vahnim dhyAthvA mudhrAm sudhaRshanIm

dhaRshayEdhaTha chaindhrAdhidhikShubadhnAmi chAShtasu

|| 27 ||


namashchakrAya svAhEthi manthramEnamudhIrayEth


Reciting the words asthrAya phat, he should show the iShumudhrA (arrowlike

formation of the fingers) in all directions & seal all the directions. He

should think in his mind about the fire situated on the wall. Then reciting the

words namashchakrAyasvAha he should show the sudhaRshanamudhrA all round & seal

once again all the eight directions.


thathasthiThyAdhi sankIRthya sThitham dhEsham cha samsmarEth

|| 27 ||


Then he should repeat the name of the place where he is present at that time,

the year, the month & the day.



aarAdhyase prANabhRuthAm praNethrA prANAdhinAThEna samIraNEna |

nArAyaNa jJnyAna sukhaikapURNa svAmin nama: shrI ramaNa prasIdha ||

(Blessings from Sri Hari)



shubhe shObhane muhURthe, aadhya brahmaNa:, dhwithiya parARdhE, shrI

svEthavarAha kalpe, vaivashvatha manvanthare kaliyuge, praThamapAdhE,

jambUdhvEpe, bhArathavaRShe, bharathakhaNde, dhaNkakAraNye, gOdhAvaRyA:,

dhakShiNe pAshve, shAlivAhana shakE, boudhdhavathAre, rAmakShEthre, asmin

vaRthamAnE NAAMA samvathsare, ------ayanE -------- Ruthou------mAsE--------

pakShE------thiThou-------vAsare shubha nakShathre shubha yOge, shubha karaNe,

avamguNa vishEShaNe vishiShtAyAm shubhathiThou, bhArathiramaNa mukhya

prANAnthaRgatha, shrI lakshmIramana prEraNayA, shrI lakshmInArayaNa prIthyaRtha,

bhagavathO balena, bhagavathO vIRyENa, bhagavathsthEjasA, bhagavatha: kaRmaNA,

bhagavathA samjIvitha svAntha vapushchidhidhinra ya:. aham, anantha avathArarUpa

guNakriyAthmaka shrI mukhyaprANAnthaRgatha, shrI lakshmInArAyaNasya, yaThAmathi,

yaThAshakthi, sampAdhithadhravyai:, aavAhanAdhi shOdasha upachAra pUjAm kariShye



ananthakalyANaguNaikasindhO shrI viShNunA prerithamAnasOham

thasyaiva vIRyENa balEna thEjasA sanjIvithasvAnthabapushchidhindhriya:

|| 28 ||


prIthyaRThamasyaiva karOmi pUjAvidhim pradhiShtam kalu thanthrasAre

brahmANasAhasthrapatheRdhayAlORbhakthyA yaThAshakthi yaThaiva sampath

|| 29 ||


Before beginning the worship, the worshipper should pray the God as " Oh God

Vishnu, endowed with infinite auspicious qualities, all my senses outward &

inward are completely controlled by you. Oh Lord of thousand worlds, just for

gaining your pleasure & blessings, I intend to perform your worship according to

the method laid down in TantrasAra. I shall worship you to the best of my

ability & as much as I can afford " .


vAyvagnivaruNAnAm cha bIjAni yaravA: kramAth

prathyEkam samputIkRuthya praNavEna cha bindhunA

|| 30 ||


Ebhi: kARyam kramAthShOdA karasandhiShu shOdhanam

thatha: saRvAn gurunnathvA hRuthpadhmAdhishTitham prabhum

|| 31 ||


suShumnAmARgathO nIthvA vinidhadhyAthsvamURdhani

thathashcha brahmAhathyEthi dyAyEththam pApapUruSham

|| 32 ||


By repeating Om yam, Om ram, Om vam & again all these three, one should touch

the joints of the hands & purify them.


Then one should humbly bow to all the preceptors as


1. shrIgurubhyO namaha

2. shrIparmagurubhyO namaha

3. shrImadAnandhathIRThabhagavathpAdhAchARyagurbhyO namaha

4. shrI vEdavyAsAya namaha

5. shrIbhArathyai namaha

6. shrIsarasvathyai namaha

7. shrIvAyave namaha

8. shrIbrahmaNE namaha

9. shrIlakShmai namaha

10. shrInArAyaNAyAya namaha

11. shrI ishtadhEvathAyai namaha

12. shrI vAsudhEvAya namaha


Then one should bring mentally the Lord seated in the heart lotus through the

passage of the suShumnAartery & place him at the top in the middle of the head.

There after touching the left side of the stomach, one should think of the

person who is sin incarnate & whose limbs constitute the different acute sins

like murder of the Brahmins, drinking of wine et vby repeating the verse

brahmAhathyA shiraskam cha----- etc


to be contd.


shri krishnARpanamasthu

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