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shrI jayatheertha's padhyamAla Part 4

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shrI krishnAya namaha


aanIya nAbhidhEshe tham vAyubhIjEna shOShayEth

hRudhyagnibIjathO dhagdhvA bhasma vAmanasA thyajEth

|| 33 ||


Touching the navel & bringing the evil person to the navel, one should dry him

up by repeating the vAyubhIja as Om yam, yam Om six times meditating the Lord



Touching the heart & bringing him to the heart, he should be burnt down

meditating sankarshana by repeating the annibIja Om ram Om twelve times. His

ashes should be thrown out through the left nostril.


vAruNEnATha bIjEna shirasThAmRuthadhArayA

plAvayEthsaRvagAthrANi kRuthvAthmAnam thathO hRudhi

|| 34 ||


Touching the top of the head, one should repeat the varuNabIja as Om vam Om

twentyfour times meditating shrIvAsudhEva & imagine that the nectar stream

flowing from the head is inundating the whole body & purifying it. The Lord

should now be brought from the head & placed back in the heart lotus.


prANAyAmam thatha: kRuthvA thathvanyAsAmsthatha: param

mAthRukAnyAsakAn kRuthvA prANAnAyamya mUlatha:

|| 35 ||


The worshipper should then do prANAyAma (controlling of breath) & perform

thathvanyAsa & mAthRukAnyAsa:


prANAyAma consists of three stages.

a). rEchaka i.e. expelling bad air form the lungs.

b). pUraka i.e. filling the lungs with fresh air.

c). kumbhak i.e. holding the breath for sometime.


The thanvanyAsa consists in meditating the presiding deities of different

thathva situatied in the different positions of the body including the fingers

of the hand & the foot.


In mAthRukAnyAsa, the fiftyone Deities of the different alphabets are considered

as residing in different parts of the body. Thus our whole body & its functions

are to be regarded as controlled by different Deities or different forms of the

Lord. The details of the two operations should be learnt from other books.


aShtAkSharanyAsapURvam dhyAthvOdhyadhbhAsvadhithyaTha

pUjAmgamithi mUlam cha japEdhaShtOththaram shatham

|| 36 ||


punashchAkSharavinyAsam kRuthvA dhyAyEdh harim puna:


The mUlamanthra consists of eight alphabets as om namO nArayaNAya


To this Om is to be prefixed & suffixed during repetition in the beginning & in

the end. The Deities conveyed by the different eight alphabets are to be

meditated in different positions of the body. The mUlamanthra is to be repeated

for hundred & eight times. During repetition the God is to be medidated

according to the description given in the verses.


udhyadhbhAsvath samAbhAsa: chidhAnandhaikadhEhavAn

chakrashankhagadhApadhmadharO dhyEyOhamIshvara:

lakShmIdharAbhyAmAshliShta: svamURthigaNamadhyaga:

brahmavAyushivAhIshavipai: shakrAdhikairapi

sEvymAnOdhikam bhakthvA nithyanishshOShashakthimAn


tha: kRuthAnkaliRbhUthvA niShusIdhEthyRucham paTEth

|| 37 ||


Then with folded hands, the worshipper shoudl repeat the vedic hymn.


niShusIdha gaNapathE gaNEShu thvAm AhuRviprathamam kavInAm

na RuthE thvath kriyathE kimchanAre mahAmaRkam maghavan chithramaRcha


In this hymn, the devotee prays the God to direct his organs in the proper



aarAdhyasE prANabhRuthAm praNEthrA prANAdhinAThEna samIraNEna

nArAyaNA jJnyAnasukhaikapURNa svAmin mama shrIramaNa prasIdha

|| 38 ||


" Lord Narayana, the eternal beloved of Goddess Lakshmi, You are endowed with

unlimited knowledge & bliss. You are served & propitiated by Mukhya Prana who

dominates & controls all the activities of all the souls. Oh God, kindly bestow

your favour on me.


bimbOsi prathibimbOsmi thava yadhyapi chAntharam

svAminniRdhOSha madhdhOSham virEchaya namOsthu the

|| 39 ||


" You are the Object & I am your image. I am eternally dependent in all ways on

You. Oh Lord ! You are completely free from all blemishes. I bow to You

humbly. Kindly dispel my numerous faults " /


bhagavan yanmayA kaRma shubham kArayasi prabhO

thathsaRvam viShNupUjAsthu thava dhEva prasAdhatha:

|| 40 ||


" Controlling all my senses, whatever good deeds You make me to do, Oh master, I

request You to kindly consider all of them as your humble worship. "


shrI kRuShNARpanamasthu

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