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shrI jayatheertha's padhyamAla Part 8

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma



chithrai padhaishcha gambhIrai vAkhyaiRmAnai rakhaNdithai:

gurubhAvam vyajjayanthI bhAthi shrI jayathIRTha vAk


panchaprANa: panchabANA: virincha: kousthubhAthmaka:


Five Pranas (Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udhana, SamAna) are for five arrows. Virincha is for kousthuba jewel.


shrIrEva vanamAlAyAm lakShmI: shrIvathsasamsThithA

|| 83 ||


Shree is again for vanamAla & Lakshmi is for shrIvathsa.


aThAvaraNapUjAyAm lakShmIm vAmE hareRyajath

dharAm thu dhakShiNE pARShvE thatha: pURvAdhidhikShu cha

|| 84 ||


Now begins the worship of the different Deities sorrounding the God in different covers (aavaraNa), The principal God is in the middle. On His right is Goddess dharA & on the left is Lakshmi.


krudhdhOlkAya mahOlkAya vIrOlkAya namasthatha:

dhyulkAya cha namaskuRyAdhudhIchyAm dhishi cha kramAth

|| 85 ||


Starting from the East in the four directions, one should worship as krudhdhOlkAya namaha, mahOlkAya namaha, vIrOlkAya namaha, dhyulkAya namaha.


sahasthOlkAyEthi chathurAgnEyAdhividhikShu cha

|| 86 ||


In the four corners, one should worship as sahasthOlkAya namaha


This is the first cover (aavaraNa)


puna: pURvAdhikAShtAsu vAsudhEvAdhikAn yajEth ||

|| 87 ||


Again in the four directions, beginning from the East, vAsudhEva, sankaRshana, pradhyumna, anirudhdha are to be worshipped. This is the second cover.


kEshavAdhyAsthathO mURthi dhvAdhasha kramathO yajEth ||

dhishi dhvE dhvE kONa Eka IshE dhAmOdharO bhavEth ||

|| 88 ||


Starting from kEshava & ending with dhAmOdhara, the twelve are to be worshipped in the eight directions including the four corners. The first two kEshava & nArAyaNa in the east, the next mAdhava in south east corner, the next two gOvindha & viShnU in the south & madhusUdhana in the south west, so on.. This is the third cover (aavaraNa)


sankaRShaNAdhikRuShNAntha mURthayO dvAdhasha kramAth


Similarly in the eight directions the twelve from sankarshana up to Krishna are to be worshipped.


This is fourth cover.


mathsyAdhimURthiyOpyEvam dhvAdhashAntham kramAdha yajEth ||

|| 89 ||


aishAnyAm vishvarUpa: syAth kramENAnEna pUjayEth ||


Similarly two in the main direction & the next one in the next corner, the twelve mathsya, kURma, varAha, nArasimha, vAmana, parashurAma, rAma, kRuShna, budhdha, kalki, anantha & vishvarUpa are to be worshipped.


This is fifth cover.


saRvadhikShu punashchApi thyananthAdhIn sabhARyakAn

|| 90 ||


indhrAdhimshcha sapathnIkAn parigrahayuthAnapi

pUjayEthkramashO dhImAn svAsu dhikShu sThithAn bahi:

|| 91 ||


In the four directions anantha, brahma, vAyu & IshAna are to be worshipped. In the four corners, their wives vAruNi, saraswathi, bhArathI & Girija should be worshipped in order. Garuda with his wife soupaRNI is to be worshipped in front of the Lord. This is the sixth corner. Then in the outer cover, the following eight should be worshipped in order indra, agni, yama, niRuthi, varuNa, vAyu, sOma & rudhra, in the eight directions as

Om surAdhi pathayE indrAya shchIsahithAya sAyudhAya saparigrahAya viShNupARShadhAya namaha & so on.... Between niRuthi & varuNa, shEsha & brahma are to be worshipped in a similar manner.


This is the seventh cover.


pUjayithvAthatha: pUjyA: dvAdhasha dvArapAlakA:


Then twelve door keepers of the Lord, are to be worshipped.


prathamO vajranAbhashcha harIshashcha thatha: param

|| 92 ||


thRuthiyO gAngathanaya: thatha: shankhanidhIshvara:

jayashch vijaya: pashchAth dhAthA sapthamakO matha:

|| 93 ||


vidhAthA cha thathO bhadhra: subhadhrOThAmRuthEshvara:

virUpAkShOmthimashchaiva namaha shabdhEna pUjayEth

|| 94 ||


They are vajranAbha, harIshvara, gAngathanaya, shankhanidhIshvara, jaya, vijaya, dhAthru, vidhAthru, bhadhra, subhadhra, amRuthEshvara, virupAkSha. They are to be worshipped as vajjthranAbhAya namaha & so on-----


vanaspathyudhbhavEthyAdhimanthrai: mUlapurassarai:

dhUpam dhathvA thathO dhIpam dhadhyAnmUlamudhIrayan

|| 95 ||


Then fragrant incense should be offered to the Lord with the verse vanaspathirasOdhbhUthO---. Then a lamp with three wicks should be moved round in front of the Lord repeating the verse sAjyam thrivaRthisamyuktha----. This lamp should then be extinguished.


Now meals are to be offered to the Lord.


dhEvasyAgre bhuvam shOdhya shrIbIjam thathra samlikhEth

|| 96 ||


The ground in front of the God should be cleaned & the letter shrI should be written on it with marble powder.


naivEdhyamupari sThApya shudhdhathOyEna prOkShayEth


The dishes should be placed placed neatly overit. A little water is added to Shankha & it is taken in the hand & sanctified by repeating the mUlamanthra eight times, Then it is sprinkled on the dishes. One should imagine to have offered the best dishes, in the best manner by repeating the verse souvaRnE sThAlivaRye---


amRuthasthrAviNIm dhEnum naivEdhyOpari chinthayEth

|| 97 ||


dhEnumudhrAm pradhasRyAchchAm surabhyai nama ithyapi


One should show the dhEnumudhra & repeat the words surabhyai namaha. He should imagine that the heavenly cow is pouring nectar over the dishes.


humphadamtham sahasvAhEthyukthvA mudhrAm sudhaRshanIm

gArudIm chATha sandhaRshya gRuhIthvATha kare jalam


|| 98 ||


pariShimchAmi sathyamthvaRthEnEthi cha kramAdh vadhEth

paritha: sinchayEththOyam thatha aapOshanam kShipEth

|| 99 ||


To remove contamination or poison, if any, from the dishes Garuda mudhra is to be shown. For protection Sudharshana mudra should be shown. While doing so, one should repeat the manthra

Om namO bhagavathE sudhaRShaNAya mahAchakrAya hum phat svAhA


Then water should be taken from the special vessel & poured round the dishes repeating the words sathyamthvaRthena pariShEchayAmi. Then aapOshana (water for sipping) should be offered.


sudhArasam suvipulam aapOshanamidham thava

gRuhANa kalashAnItham yaThEShtam upabhujyathAm

|| 100 ||


ithi manthramudhIRyATha dhEvadhakShiNahasthakE

lakShmyA pradhIyamAnam thu sudhArasasamam shubham

|| 101 ||


aapOshanamidham dhyAthvAmRuthOpastharaNAmasi

ithyukththvApOshanOchChiShtam jalam pAthrAnthare kShipEth

|| 102 ||


My Lord, this nectarlike water has been brought by me in a seperate vessel. It is being offered by Your beloved Lakshmi. Kindly accept it. Also kindly eat the dishes placed before You. as You like ". Praying thus, aapOshana should be offered. Then reciting the words, amRuthOpastharaNamasi the remaining water should be poured in a different vessel.


thatha: prANAthmanE pUrvam ukthvA nArAyaNAya cha

svAhAmthamithi pajchaithA aahuthI: krramashO vadhan

|| 103 ||


shankOdhakam kShipEth pAthrE prathyAhuthaikapAthram


With water in the shankha five offerings (aahuthI) are to be given separately.




thulasI pushpamARchanam


Om KeshavAya namaha, Om nArAyaNAya namaha, Om mAdhavAya namaha, Om gOvindAya namaha, viShNavE namaha, Om madhusUdhanAya namaha, Om ThrivikramAya namaha, Om vAmanAya namaha, Om shrIdharAya namaha, Om hRushikEshAya namaha, Om PadhmanAbhAya namaha, Om dhAmOdharAya namaha, Om vAsudhEvAya namaha, Om pradhyumnAya namaha, Om anirudhdhAya namaha, Om puruShOththammAya namaha, Om adhOkShAya namaha, Om nArasimhAya namaha, Om janARdhanAya namaha, Om upEndhrAya namaha, Om haraye namaha, Om Sri KrishnAya namaha Om.


(Sri KanakadhAsaru has sung a wonderful famous song on all these 24 kEshava nAma " Isha ninna shara na bajane, Asaiyindha mAduvEnu" which has got lot of philosophical meanings.)


Om mathsyAya namaha, Om kURmAya namaha, Om varAhAya namaha, Om nArasimhAya namaha, Om vAmanAya namaha, Om parashurAmAya namaha, Om rAmAya namaha, Om KRuShnAya namaha, Om budhdhAya namaha, Om kalkinE namaha Om.


If time permits, chant the following:


Om adhAdhO brahma jignyAsA Om | Om anAvirudhdhis sampAdh, anAvirudhdhisampAdh Om . There are 564 Brahma sUthra names.




mAlyAdhini sugandhIni mAlathyAdIni vai prabhO

mayAhRuthAni pUjARTha puShpANi prathigRuhyathAm


pushpANi samaRpayAmi


aavaraNa dhEvathA pUjA


chakrAdhi aayudha dhEvathAbhyO namaha | lakShmyAdhi brahmAnantha aavaraNa dhEvathAbhyO namaha


dhUpa aarathi


vanaspathi udhbhavO dhivyO gandhAdayO gandha uththama:

aagreya: saRvadhEvAnAm dhUpOyam prathigRuhyathAm




dheepa aarathi:


sAjyam thrvaRThi samyuktham vahninA yOjitham mayA |

dhIpam gRuhANa dhEvEsha thrailOkya thimirApaha ||


bhakthyA dhIpam prayachChAmi dhEvAya paramAthmanE |

thrAhi mAm narakAth dhOrAth dhivya jyOthi: namOsthu the ||


Deepam dhaRshayAmi




Usually Srimad Acharya's Dwadasha stothra atleast one adhyAya is chanted.


Vishnu Gayathri & regular Gayathri is chanted.


With Shankha, do prOkshane.


Show the mudhras.


sathyam thvaRthena pariShimchAmi, amRutha upastharaNam asi


Refer to Verse 99 of PadhyamAla:


Om namO bhagavathE sudhaRShaNAya mahAchakrAya hum phat svAhA


Om prANAthmanE nArAyaNAya svAhA, nArAyaNAya idham na mama

Om apAnAthmanE vAsudhEvAya svAhA, vAsudhEvAyA idham na mama

Om vyAnAthmanE sankaRshaNaya svAha, sankaRShaNAya idham na mama

Om udhAnAthmanE pradhyumnAya svAha, pradhyumnAya idham na mama

Om samAnAthmanE anirudhdhAya svAha, anirudhdhAya idham na mama


sowvarnaihi sthAlivarhaihi manigana khachithaihi gogrithokthAn supakvAnbhakshAn bojyAmcha lehyAn api sakala maha chosyamannam nidhAyanAna sAkai rupetham dadhi madhu sugrutham ksheera pAniya yukthamthAmbUlam chApi vishnoho prathi divasam aham mAnase chinthayAmiIn a golden plate studded with priceless stones, I offer saveries cookedwith pure ghee, sweets, cooked rice (mahA naivedyam), various vegetables,curd, honey, milk, beetle leaves to Lord Vishnu everyday through my mind.


shrInivAsa namasthubhyam mahAnaivEdhyam uththamam

nithya thrUptha gRuhANa idham kRupayA bhakthavatsala


pITavaraNa dhEvathA sahitha shrI lakshmInArAyanAya namaha |

annAdhi mahA naivEdhyam samaRpayAmi | Madhye pAnIyam samaRpayAmi ||

amRutha abhidhAnam asi | uththara aapIshanam samaRpayAmi ||


In HarikathAmrutha sAra, second chapter, Sri Jagannatha dAsaru writes:


badabrAhmana oppidiyavali gaKilArtha.


This refers to Sudama (Kuchela), a poor brahmin friend of Krishna.The brahmin at his wife's suggession went to meet Sri Krishna in Dwaraka & took as a gift a handful of beaten rice (Avalakki). The Lord took it fromthe poor man, ate it with great pleasure & bestowed on him all wordlyfortune.smarisuvavara aparAdhagala thA smarisi sakalEshta pradhAyakamarali thanagarpisalu kittadha namdha madi mAdipari pariya lumdunisi sukha sAgaradhi lOlyAdisuva mamgalacharitha chinmaya gAthra lokapavitra sucharithra2-15Remembers not the faults of His worshippers; He is auspicious, eternal joyincarnate, world Renowned; He accepts what is offered. Though A mine ofblessings, Himself blesses people with limitless happiness.Shri Hari accepts good Satvik deeds done by his devotees. He accepts sothat He can offer happiness to the devotee but He has nothing to gain forHimself.manadhoLage sumdhara padhARThava nenedhukode kaikomdubalu nUthana sushOBitha gamdhasurasopEtha phalarAshidhyunadhinivahagaLamthe kottavaranu sadhA samthayisuvanusadhguNava kathdhavaraGava kadhivanu anaghanemdhenisi2-22Purest and noblest materials are created in the mind for offering to theLord and are offered through respective abimAna devathAs to Sri Hari. Thisis pooja done in the mind with utmost devotion (mAnasika pooja). Sri Harirewards with priceless jewels, clothes, and other materials in real likefloods in Ganges even though the devotee offers the pooja only in his mind,but with great concentration and devotion. Sri Hari also reveals Himselfto those devotees.we offer mAnasika naivedyam to Lord:ShrI Jagannatha dhAsaru talks in great detail in Hari KathAmrutha sAra in canto 31 Naivedhya samaRpane stothra.















































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Dear Krishnabhakthas:


We are sorry to send this Part 8 prematurely. There are lot to be done before Archana & Naivadhya.



GV & Shobha Srinivasan



GV Srinivasan

Cc: vijay_srinivasan

Thursday, March 02, 2000 4:42 P.M.

shrI jayatheertha's padhyamAla Part 8

"GV Srinivasan" <srinivasan

hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma



chithrai padhaishcha gambhIrai vAkhyaiRmAnai rakhaNdithai:

gurubhAvam vyajjayanthI bhAthi shrI jayathIRTha vAk


panchaprANa: panchabANA: virincha: kousthubhAthmaka:


Five Pranas (Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udhana, SamAna) are for five arrows. Virincha is for kousthuba jewel.


shrIrEva vanamAlAyAm lakShmI: shrIvathsasamsThithA

|| 83 ||


Shree is again for vanamAla & Lakshmi is for shrIvathsa.


aThAvaraNapUjAyAm lakShmIm vAmE hareRyajath

dharAm thu dhakShiNE pARShvE thatha: pURvAdhidhikShu cha

|| 84 ||


Now begins the worship of the different Deities sorrounding the God in different covers (aavaraNa), The principal God is in the middle. On His right is Goddess dharA & on the left is Lakshmi.


krudhdhOlkAya mahOlkAya vIrOlkAya namasthatha:

dhyulkAya cha namaskuRyAdhudhIchyAm dhishi cha kramAth

|| 85 ||


Starting from the East in the four directions, one should worship as krudhdhOlkAya namaha, mahOlkAya namaha, vIrOlkAya namaha, dhyulkAya namaha.


sahasthOlkAyEthi chathurAgnEyAdhividhikShu cha

|| 86 ||


In the four corners, one should worship as sahasthOlkAya namaha


This is the first cover (aavaraNa)


puna: pURvAdhikAShtAsu vAsudhEvAdhikAn yajEth ||

|| 87 ||


Again in the four directions, beginning from the East, vAsudhEva, sankaRshana, pradhyumna, anirudhdha are to be worshipped. This is the second cover.


kEshavAdhyAsthathO mURthi dhvAdhasha kramathO yajEth ||

dhishi dhvE dhvE kONa Eka IshE dhAmOdharO bhavEth ||

|| 88 ||


Starting from kEshava & ending with dhAmOdhara, the twelve are to be worshipped in the eight directions including the four corners. The first two kEshava & nArAyaNa in the east, the next mAdhava in south east corner, the next two gOvindha & viShnU in the south & madhusUdhana in the south west, so on.. This is the third cover (aavaraNa)


sankaRShaNAdhikRuShNAntha mURthayO dvAdhasha kramAth


Similarly in the eight directions the twelve from sankarshana up to Krishna are to be worshipped.


This is fourth cover.


mathsyAdhimURthiyOpyEvam dhvAdhashAntham kramAdha yajEth ||

|| 89 ||


aishAnyAm vishvarUpa: syAth kramENAnEna pUjayEth ||


Similarly two in the main direction & the next one in the next corner, the twelve mathsya, kURma, varAha, nArasimha, vAmana, parashurAma, rAma, kRuShna, budhdha, kalki, anantha & vishvarUpa are to be worshipped.


This is fifth cover.


saRvadhikShu punashchApi thyananthAdhIn sabhARyakAn

|| 90 ||


indhrAdhimshcha sapathnIkAn parigrahayuthAnapi

pUjayEthkramashO dhImAn svAsu dhikShu sThithAn bahi:

|| 91 ||


In the four directions anantha, brahma, vAyu & IshAna are to be worshipped. In the four corners, their wives vAruNi, saraswathi, bhArathI & Girija should be worshipped in order. Garuda with his wife soupaRNI is to be worshipped in front of the Lord. This is the sixth corner. Then in the outer cover, the following eight should be worshipped in order indra, agni, yama, niRuthi, varuNa, vAyu, sOma & rudhra, in the eight directions as

Om surAdhi pathayE indrAya shchIsahithAya sAyudhAya saparigrahAya viShNupARShadhAya namaha & so on.... Between niRuthi & varuNa, shEsha & brahma are to be worshipped in a similar manner.


This is the seventh cover.


pUjayithvAthatha: pUjyA: dvAdhasha dvArapAlakA:


Then twelve door keepers of the Lord, are to be worshipped.


prathamO vajranAbhashcha harIshashcha thatha: param

|| 92 ||


thRuthiyO gAngathanaya: thatha: shankhanidhIshvara:

jayashch vijaya: pashchAth dhAthA sapthamakO matha:

|| 93 ||


vidhAthA cha thathO bhadhra: subhadhrOThAmRuthEshvara:

virUpAkShOmthimashchaiva namaha shabdhEna pUjayEth

|| 94 ||


They are vajranAbha, harIshvara, gAngathanaya, shankhanidhIshvara, jaya, vijaya, dhAthru, vidhAthru, bhadhra, subhadhra, amRuthEshvara, virupAkSha. They are to be worshipped as vajjthranAbhAya namaha & so on-----


vanaspathyudhbhavEthyAdhimanthrai: mUlapurassarai:

dhUpam dhathvA thathO dhIpam dhadhyAnmUlamudhIrayan

|| 95 ||


Then fragrant incense should be offered to the Lord with the verse vanaspathirasOdhbhUthO---. Then a lamp with three wicks should be moved round in front of the Lord repeating the verse sAjyam thrivaRthisamyuktha----. This lamp should then be extinguished.


Now meals are to be offered to the Lord.


dhEvasyAgre bhuvam shOdhya shrIbIjam thathra samlikhEth

|| 96 ||


The ground in front of the God should be cleaned & the letter shrI should be written on it with marble powder.


naivEdhyamupari sThApya shudhdhathOyEna prOkShayEth


The dishes should be placed placed neatly overit. A little water is added to Shankha & it is taken in the hand & sanctified by repeating the mUlamanthra eight times, Then it is sprinkled on the dishes. One should imagine to have offered the best dishes, in the best manner by repeating the verse souvaRnE sThAlivaRye---


amRuthasthrAviNIm dhEnum naivEdhyOpari chinthayEth

|| 97 ||


dhEnumudhrAm pradhasRyAchchAm surabhyai nama ithyapi


One should show the dhEnumudhra & repeat the words surabhyai namaha. He should imagine that the heavenly cow is pouring nectar over the dishes.


humphadamtham sahasvAhEthyukthvA mudhrAm sudhaRshanIm

gArudIm chATha sandhaRshya gRuhIthvATha kare jalam


|| 98 ||


pariShimchAmi sathyamthvaRthEnEthi cha kramAdh vadhEth

paritha: sinchayEththOyam thatha aapOshanam kShipEth

|| 99 ||


To remove contamination or poison, if any, from the dishes Garuda mudhra is to be shown. For protection Sudharshana mudra should be shown. While doing so, one should repeat the manthra

Om namO bhagavathE sudhaRShaNAya mahAchakrAya hum phat svAhA


Then water should be taken from the special vessel & poured round the dishes repeating the words sathyamthvaRthena pariShEchayAmi. Then aapOshana (water for sipping) should be offered.


sudhArasam suvipulam aapOshanamidham thava

gRuhANa kalashAnItham yaThEShtam upabhujyathAm

|| 100 ||


ithi manthramudhIRyATha dhEvadhakShiNahasthakE

lakShmyA pradhIyamAnam thu sudhArasasamam shubham

|| 101 ||


aapOshanamidham dhyAthvAmRuthOpastharaNAmasi

ithyukththvApOshanOchChiShtam jalam pAthrAnthare kShipEth

|| 102 ||


My Lord, this nectarlike water has been brought by me in a seperate vessel. It is being offered by Your beloved Lakshmi. Kindly accept it. Also kindly eat the dishes placed before You. as You like ". Praying thus, aapOshana should be offered. Then reciting the words, amRuthOpastharaNamasi the remaining water should be poured in a different vessel.


thatha: prANAthmanE pUrvam ukthvA nArAyaNAya cha

svAhAmthamithi pajchaithA aahuthI: krramashO vadhan

|| 103 ||


shankOdhakam kShipEth pAthrE prathyAhuthaikapAthram


With water in the shankha five offerings (aahuthI) are to be given separately.




thulasI pushpamARchanam


Om KeshavAya namaha, Om nArAyaNAya namaha, Om mAdhavAya namaha, Om gOvindAya namaha, viShNavE namaha, Om madhusUdhanAya namaha, Om ThrivikramAya namaha, Om vAmanAya namaha, Om shrIdharAya namaha, Om hRushikEshAya namaha, Om PadhmanAbhAya namaha, Om dhAmOdharAya namaha, Om vAsudhEvAya namaha, Om pradhyumnAya namaha, Om anirudhdhAya namaha, Om puruShOththammAya namaha, Om adhOkShAya namaha, Om nArasimhAya namaha, Om janARdhanAya namaha, Om upEndhrAya namaha, Om haraye namaha, Om Sri KrishnAya namaha Om.


(Sri KanakadhAsaru has sung a wonderful famous song on all these 24 kEshava nAma " Isha ninna shara na bajane, Asaiyindha mAduvEnu" which has got lot of philosophical meanings.)


Om mathsyAya namaha, Om kURmAya namaha, Om varAhAya namaha, Om nArasimhAya namaha, Om vAmanAya namaha, Om parashurAmAya namaha, Om rAmAya namaha, Om KRuShnAya namaha, Om budhdhAya namaha, Om kalkinE namaha Om.


If time permits, chant the following:


Om adhAdhO brahma jignyAsA Om | Om anAvirudhdhis sampAdh, anAvirudhdhisampAdh Om . There are 564 Brahma sUthra names.




mAlyAdhini sugandhIni mAlathyAdIni vai prabhO

mayAhRuthAni pUjARTha puShpANi prathigRuhyathAm


pushpANi samaRpayAmi


aavaraNa dhEvathA pUjA


chakrAdhi aayudha dhEvathAbhyO namaha | lakShmyAdhi brahmAnantha aavaraNa dhEvathAbhyO namaha


dhUpa aarathi


vanaspathi udhbhavO dhivyO gandhAdayO gandha uththama:

aagreya: saRvadhEvAnAm dhUpOyam prathigRuhyathAm




dheepa aarathi:


sAjyam thrvaRThi samyuktham vahninA yOjitham mayA |

dhIpam gRuhANa dhEvEsha thrailOkya thimirApaha ||


bhakthyA dhIpam prayachChAmi dhEvAya paramAthmanE |

thrAhi mAm narakAth dhOrAth dhivya jyOthi: namOsthu the ||


Deepam dhaRshayAmi




Usually Srimad Acharya's Dwadasha stothra atleast one adhyAya is chanted.


Vishnu Gayathri & regular Gayathri is chanted.


With Shankha, do prOkshane.


Show the mudhras.


sathyam thvaRthena pariShimchAmi, amRutha upastharaNam asi


Refer to Verse 99 of PadhyamAla:


Om namO bhagavathE sudhaRShaNAya mahAchakrAya hum phat svAhA


Om prANAthmanE nArAyaNAya svAhA, nArAyaNAya idham na mama

Om apAnAthmanE vAsudhEvAya svAhA, vAsudhEvAyA idham na mama

Om vyAnAthmanE sankaRshaNaya svAha, sankaRShaNAya idham na mama

Om udhAnAthmanE pradhyumnAya svAha, pradhyumnAya idham na mama

Om samAnAthmanE anirudhdhAya svAha, anirudhdhAya idham na mama


sowvarnaihi sthAlivarhaihi manigana khachithaihi gogrithokthAn supakvAnbhakshAn bojyAmcha lehyAn api sakala maha chosyamannam nidhAyanAna sAkai rupetham dadhi madhu sugrutham ksheera pAniya yukthamthAmbUlam chApi vishnoho prathi divasam aham mAnase chinthayAmiIn a golden plate studded with priceless stones, I offer saveries cookedwith pure ghee, sweets, cooked rice (mahA naivedyam), various vegetables,curd, honey, milk, beetle leaves to Lord Vishnu everyday through my mind.


shrInivAsa namasthubhyam mahAnaivEdhyam uththamam

nithya thrUptha gRuhANa idham kRupayA bhakthavatsala


pITavaraNa dhEvathA sahitha shrI lakshmInArAyanAya namaha |

annAdhi mahA naivEdhyam samaRpayAmi | Madhye pAnIyam samaRpayAmi ||

amRutha abhidhAnam asi | uththara aapIshanam samaRpayAmi ||


In HarikathAmrutha sAra, second chapter, Sri Jagannatha dAsaru writes:


badabrAhmana oppidiyavali gaKilArtha.


This refers to Sudama (Kuchela), a poor brahmin friend of Krishna.The brahmin at his wife's suggession went to meet Sri Krishna in Dwaraka & took as a gift a handful of beaten rice (Avalakki). The Lord took it fromthe poor man, ate it with great pleasure & bestowed on him all wordlyfortune.smarisuvavara aparAdhagala thA smarisi sakalEshta pradhAyakamarali thanagarpisalu kittadha namdha madi mAdipari pariya lumdunisi sukha sAgaradhi lOlyAdisuva mamgalacharitha chinmaya gAthra lokapavitra sucharithra2-15Remembers not the faults of His worshippers; He is auspicious, eternal joyincarnate, world Renowned; He accepts what is offered. Though A mine ofblessings, Himself blesses people with limitless happiness.Shri Hari accepts good Satvik deeds done by his devotees. He accepts sothat He can offer happiness to the devotee but He has nothing to gain forHimself.manadhoLage sumdhara padhARThava nenedhukode kaikomdubalu nUthana sushOBitha gamdhasurasopEtha phalarAshidhyunadhinivahagaLamthe kottavaranu sadhA samthayisuvanusadhguNava kathdhavaraGava kadhivanu anaghanemdhenisi2-22Purest and noblest materials are created in the mind for offering to theLord and are offered through respective abimAna devathAs to Sri Hari. Thisis pooja done in the mind with utmost devotion (mAnasika pooja). Sri Harirewards with priceless jewels, clothes, and other materials in real likefloods in Ganges even though the devotee offers the pooja only in his mind,but with great concentration and devotion. Sri Hari also reveals Himselfto those devotees.we offer mAnasika naivedyam to Lord:ShrI Jagannatha dhAsaru talks in great detail in Hari KathAmrutha sAra in canto 31 Naivedhya samaRpane stothra.




















































nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||"I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are His worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not otherwise. That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are due to His recurring grace" If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in this way, it pleases Vishnu. --- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya To send an empty E-mail (without subject and body info.)to - or go the web page/community/

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