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shrI jayatheertha's PadhyamAla- Part 6

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma



chithrai padhaishcha gambhIrai vAkhyaiRmAnai rakhaNdithai:

gurubhAvam vyajjayanthI bhAthi shrI jayathIRTha vAk


kalashOdhakapURNam thu thatha: shankha prapUjayEth

thvam purEthyAdhikAn manthrAn paTithvA prARThayEththa:

|| 51 ||


Now, the shankha should be worshipped. It should be filled with water from the vessel already worshipped. Then one should pray the shankha deity reciting the verse.


thvam purA sAgarOthpannA viShNunA vidhRutha: kare

namitha: saRvadhEvaishcha pAnchajanya namOthuthe

|| 52 ||


japEththri: shankhagAyathrIm puna: shankhAdhimudhrikA:

dhaRShayithvAShtavAram cha mUlamanthram japEththa:

|| 53 ||


The shankhagAyathro (Om namO bhagavathe pAnchjanyAya mahAshankhAya----) should be repeated thrice. All the finger formations mentioned previously should be shown again. Then touching the shankha, one should repeat the mUlamanthra eight times.


pAthrANyAsAdhayEthpURvam pancha pUjAvidhou sadhA


Before beginning the worship, five vessels filled with pure wate should be got ready.


aRghyam vAyupadhE prOktham naiRRuthyAm pAdhyamEva cha

eeshEthvAchamanIyam cha pAnIyAm chAgnikONakE

|| 54 ||


When the worshipper is sitting towardsthe East, the ARghaya vessel is placed in the corner north west, the pAdhya vessel in the south west, the aachamaneeya vessel in the northeast, & the pAnIya vessel in the south east corner.


madhyE dhvE saRvapAthrANAm shudhdhathOyEna pUrayEth

Ekam syAth madhupaRkEnyath punarAchamanam thaThA

|| 55 ||


Two vessels filled with pure water are placed in the middle. One is for madhupaRka & the other is for punarAchamana.


nikShipEth ganDhathulasIpuShpAdhIni yaThAvidhi



All the vessels should be duly worshipped by offering sandal paste, Tulasi, flowers etc ....


thulasIthalayukthEna shankhathOyEna pujaka:

|| 56 ||


pUjAdhravyANi saRvANi prOkShya pITam prapUjayEth


The worshipper should sprinkle all the articles of worship with water from the shankha in which Tulasi leaf is immersed.


pUjyashcha bhagavAnnithyamithyadhyAyE yaThAkramam || 57 ||


shrImadhvaguruNA prOktham pITAvaraNapUjanam

sUthrathvAththasya bOdhARTham kvachidhvakShyAmi vistharam

|| 58 ||


Now begins the pItapUjA (seat worship). Sri Madhwacharya has described the pIta & aavaraNapUjA in his work thanthrasAra. The description beginning with pUjyashcha bhaghavAnnithyam given by him is short but full of meaning. I shall elucidate it separately.


pITapUjAm vidhAyATha thathrAvAhyEthi sUthratha:

harimAmAhayEthpashchAth thadhvidhi: prOchyathEdhEnA

|| 59 ||


After finishing the pITapUjA, one should invoke the Lord Sri Hari. I shall describe the method of invocation.


adhOmukham hRuthkamalam vAyubIjEna chOnmukham

kuRyAththathOsya mukulam jJnyAnARkENa vikAsayEth

|| 60 ||


The heart otus pointing downwards should be turned & made to point upwards with the help of vAyubhIjam (Om yam Om). Then it should be made to open out its petals with the help of the rays of the sun in the form of knowledge.


thathkaRNikAsThitham dhEvam nArAyaNamajam vibhUm

uDhyadhbhAsvadhithi dyAthvA sapuShpathulasIkara:

|| 61 ||


The supreme God Narayana is seated in the middle of that Lotus. One should meditate Him according to the description given in the verses "udhyadhbhAsvadhsamAbhAsa:------- (Verse 37) given previously.


kRuthAnjaliputO bhUthvA aathmEthyEkAmRucham paTEth

mUlamanthram thathO japthvA yadhyAthmARTham prapUjayEth

|| 62 ||


Holding Tulasi & flower & folding the hands, one shoudl recite the vedic hymn aathmA dhEvanAm buvanasya ----- & after repeating the mUlamanthra, one should pray the God thus, if the worship is for one's own sake.


EhyEhi mama hRuthpadhmasThithashrIpuruShOththama

aavAhayAmi pITE thvAm prathimAyAm ramApathE

|| 63 ||


Supreme Lord RamApathE, my heart lotus is your abode. I wish to invoke your presence in this Idol seated on this pedestal.


dhviruchchARyaivamAvAhya thamAvAhanamudhrayA

thathasthu prARThanAmudhrAm vidhAya prARThayEdh harim

|| 64 ||


Reciting the above verse twice, one should pray Lord Hari showing the finger formation for Invocation & prayer.


yAgAvasAnapaRyantham athra sThithvA janARdhana

bhakthasya mama pUjAm thvAm gRuhIthvA pAhi mAm vibhO

|| 65 ||


Lord Janardana, kindly favour your presence in this idol till the end of my worship. Accept the worship of devotee & kindly protect me.


samprARThyaivam svabhimbAkhyam mudhrA aavAhanAdhikA:

ShaNmUlamanthrapURvam thu tham thamaRThamudhIrayEth

|| 66 ||


Praying the personal God thus, all the six Mudhras should be shown. The mUlamanthra should be repeated every time.


aavAhanam sThApanam cha sAnnidhyam sannirOdhanam

sammukhIkaraNam chaiva avakuNTanamEva cha

|| 67 ||


The six mudhrAs are aavAhana (invocation) sThApanA (placing) sAnnidhya (presence) sannirOdhana (obstruction) sammukhIkaraNa (Beckoning),AvakuNTana (Investing).


parARTham yadhi pUjA syAth sUrOgnyanthaRgatham harim

aavAhya pURvavath kARyam saRvamAvAhanAdhikam

|| 68 ||


If the worship is for the benefit of others, then the God is to be invoked not from one's heart but from the Sun or Agni. The other procedure regarding the invocation etc is the same as described previously.


Now the God is to be invited for bath.




thadhanga shankhApUjAm kariShyE


pAnja janyAya vidhmahE mahAdharAya dhImahi

thanna shankha prachOdhayAth

(shankha gayathri)


The worshipper should do show the mudhras & do dhyAna (Om namO nArAyanAya) 12 times.


shankhE chandhrARkAbhyAm namaha | madhyE varuNAya namaha | pRuShTe prajApathayE namaha: |

agrE gangA sarasvathIbhyAm namaha | shankha dhEvathAnthaRyAmi shrI lakshmI nArAyANAya namaha ||


Shankha dhEvathA pRARthana:


thvam purA sAgarOthpanna: viShNunA vidhRutha: kare

namitha: saRvadhEvaishcha pAnchajanya namOsthu thE


gaRbhAdhEvAri nArINAm vishIRyanthEsahasradhA

thava nAdhEna pAthALE pAnchajanya namOsthuthe


thava nAdhEna jImUthA: vidhravanthi dhishO dhasha

shashAnkhAyutha dhIpthAya pAnchajanya namOsthuthe


dhaRShanEna hi shankhasya kim puna: spaRShanEna cha

vilayam yAnthi pApAni himavath bhAskarOdhayE


nathvA shankham karE dhRuthvA manthrENAnEna vaiShNava:

yasnApayathi gOvindham thasya puNyamananthakam



anEna shankha dhEvathA pUjanEna bhaghavAn bharathIramaNa mukhyaprANAnthaRgatha shrIlakshmInArAyaNa: prIyathAm shri kRuShNARpanamasthu ||


panchapAthra pUjA


aRdhyapAthre lakShmIm aavAhayAmi

pAdhyApAthre sarasvathIm aavAhayAmi

aachamanIya pAthre rathim aavahayAmi

madhupaRka pAthre pithAmaham aavahAyAmi

punarAchamanUya pAthre shaanthim aavAhayAmi

snAnIya pAthre varuNam aavAhayAmi

panchapAthra dhEvathA: aavAhayAmi

shOdasha upachAra pUjAm samaRpayAmi


offer flower & mantrAkshathe


GaNTa pUjA


thadhanga gaNtApUjAm kariShyE | ghaNdAyAm brahmaNE nama: | makute garudAya nama: | dhaNde nAgAya namaha | svare sarasvathyai namaha | nAdhE prajApathayE namaha | samastha rAjOpacharAn samaRpayAmi ||


Offer flower & mantrAkshathe


Deepasthamba pUja


thadhanga dhIpasthambha pUjAm kariShyE | dhIpasthambhE sapthavishathi nakShatra dhEvathAbhyO namaha | nALE vAsuki dhEvathAbhyO namaha pAdhE chandhra aRkAbhyAm namaha | samastha rAjOpacharAn samaRpayAmi ||


Offer flower & mantrAkshathe


dhUpa dhIpa pAthra pUjA


dhUpa dhIpa pAthrayO: agnayE namaha | vAsuki dhEvathabhyO namaha | pAdhEShu chandhra aRkAbhyAm namaha | samastha rAjOpachArA: samaRpayAmi ||


Offer flower & mantrAkshathe


bhimbhamURthi dhyAnam


shAlagrAma shilAspaRsham yE kuRvathi dhinE dhinE

vAnChanthi kara samspaRsham thEShAm dhEvA: sa vAsavA:


shAlagrAma shilAyAm vai svayam vyaktha: thaThaiva cha

bimbamURthyA sahaikyEna thadhantha shchinthayEth harim


The worshipper should imagine the rUpa in the sAligrama which is Shri Hari to be his anthaRyAmi & worship the bimba rUpa of the lord.




viShNO: aasana bhUthAya dhivya rathnamayAya cha

pradhAna puruShEshAya mahApITAya thE namaha


Offer flower & mantrAkshathe to the MandhAsana


shAlagrAma pUjA


uthiShTa brahmaNaspathe dhEvayantha sthvEmahE | upaprayanthu marutha ssudhAnava indhra prAshURbhavAsachA ||


Pray to Shri Hari & invite Him for shower/bath.


Ehi shrI bhaghavAn viShNo snAnARTham majjnAlayam to be contd next---------


shrI kRuShNARpanamasthu








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