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shrI jayatheertha Padhyamala- Part 9

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma



chithrai padhaishcha gambhIrai vAkhyaiRmAnai rakhaNdithai:

gurubhAvam vyajjayanthI bhAthi shrI jayathIRTha vAk


Part 8 was posted 3 days ago.


PadhyamaAla contd......


madhuvAthA thaThA svAdhubhOjamthvEthe paTedhRuththa:

|| 104 ||


pAnIyamaRpayEthpashchAth thathO javanikAm kShipEth


The vedic hymns madhuvAthA RuthAyathE & bhOjamthvAmindhramaham should be recited. Then drinking water should be offered. Considering that the Lord is taking meals, a curtain should be drawn in between.


bhunjajJnyAnam chinthayanmulam japEdhaShtOththaram shatham

|| 105 ||


When the God is taking meals, the mUlamanthra should be repeated hundred & eight times.


UththarApOshanam pashchAdh amRuthApidhAnamasi

ithyukthvApOshanOchChiShtam jalam pAthrAnthare kShipEth

|| 106 ||


Repeating the words amRuthApidhAnamasi, final aapOshana is to be given by pouring water in a separate vessel.


vAmE gaNduShapAthram syAth thathra gaNduShamaRpayEth


After washing the mouth, for spitting a vessel is to be provided on the left side.


hasthaprakShAlanam dhathvA pashchAdhAchamanam kShipEth

|| 107 ||


Water should be provided for washing the hands & then for aachamana (sipping)


MUlEna puShpathrithayam aRpayithvA thathO vadhEth


Repeating mUlamanthra three flowers are to be offered.


pUgIphalam sakhadhiram chURNakaRpurasamyuthama

|| 108 ||


nAgavallIdhalaiRyuktham thAmbhulam gRuhyathAm vibhO

ithyukththvA thambUlam dhadhyAth nAkasyEthi cha dhakShiNAm


O Lord ! Kindly accept betelnut powder mixed with lime, camphor & other things." With this prayer, betelnut is to be offered & the hymn nAkasya pRuShTE adhi thiShTathi shrithO ----- is to be recited.


jayathyAdhi paTan manthrAn punaRdhUpam samaRpayEth

aRchathEthyAdhikAn manthrAn paTannIrAjayEdh harim

|| 110 ||


Incence should be offered again & nIrajana should be done repeating the verses.

jayathi harirachinthya: saRvadhEvaikavandhya:. aRchatha prARchatha priyamEdhAsO----


puShpANyaShtou samaRpyATha mUlamanthrENa vaiShNava:


With mUlamanthra, eight flowers are to be offered.


vEdhamanthraishcha pourANairaRNayEth kusumAjjalim

|| 111 ||


A handful of flowers should be offered repeating Vedic & Puranic verses.


mahArAjOpachArAmshcha nRuthyavAdhithragIthakAn

saRvAnnivEdhayEth bhakthyA mUlamanthreNa sAdhaka:

|| 112 ||


The worshipper should offer with devotion all the Royal articles & honours like Chatra (Umbrella), chAmara, music, dance etc everytime repeating mUlamanthra.


thathasthu shankhamApURya shudhdhathOyEna mudhirikA:

dhEnvAdhI: sampradhaShyaTha thOyam shankhagatham spRushEth

|| 113 ||


ashtavAram japEnmUlam bhrAmayEchthri: pradhakShiNam

shankOdhakam thu thathpAthrE sThApayithvA pRuThak sudhI:

|| 114 ||


Then one should fill the shankha with pure water. All the Mudras like dhEnu: etc should be shown. Touching it, mUlamanthra is to be repeated eight times. Then that shankha should be moved round near the God in the clockwise direction. The water in the shankha should then be poured & kept in a separate vessel.



ramAbrahmAdhidhEvAnAm dhathvA thIRThAdhikam balim


Then thIRTha, gandha, thulasi etc are to be offered to Lakshmi, vAyu & others according to their gradation.




During neivedhya chant


shrInIvAsa namasthubhyam mahAnaivedhyam uththamam

nithya thRuptha gRuhANa idham kRupayA bhakthavathsala


pITAvaraNa dhEvathA sahitha shrI lakshmInArAyaNAya namaha

annAdhi mahA naivEdhyam samaRpayAmi | madhye pAnIyam samaRpayAmi


amRutha abhidhAnam asi | Uththara aapOshanam samaRpayAmi


Water is offered to Shri Hari to have finished His meals & poured in another vessel.


He gets up & water is offered to wash His Hands. So chant the following:


hastha prakShAlanam samaRpayAmi


To wash His Face & Mouth, take the shankha close to face & mouth & pour it in a vessel, the following is chanted


gaNdhUShAn samaRpayAmi


To wash His Feet 2 times using water, the following is chanted:


pAdha prakShAlanam samaRpayAmi


aachamanIyam samaRpayAmi


nAnAvidha phalAni samaRpayAmi


offer fruits to the Lord.




pUgIphala samAyuktham nAgavallI dhalai:yutham

kaRpura chURNa samyuktham thAmbUlam prathigRuhyathAm




hiraNyagaRbha gaRbhasTham hEmabIjam vibhAvasO:

ananthapuNya phaladha aghashAnthiprayachCha mE






ghee or sesame oil should be used for 5 deepArathi, karpurArathi, many deepArathis with ringing of Hanuman bell, jAnkatE etc... Before doing the deeparathi, it should be touched by the shanka & the aarathi should be done.




a) aRchatha prARchatha | priyamEghAsORchatha | aRchanthu puthrakA uthapura na dhRuShnu aRchchatha |


b) jayathyajO akhaNda gunOrumaNdala, sadhOdhithO jJnyAnamarIchi mAlI | svabhaktha hARdhOchchathamO hihanthA vyAsAvathArO hari: aathmabhAskara:


pITa aavaraNa dhEvathA sahitha shrI lakshmInArAyaNAya namaha: mahAnIrAjanam samaRpayAmi


Request ramA devi, mukya prAna et al to take the manglArathi before we take and chant the following when taking mangalArathy



kOtya: brahmahathyAnAm agamyAgama kOtaya:

dhahathi aalOka mAthrENa viShNO: svArARthikam mukham


By seeing the dheepAradhanE, crores of sins such as brahmahathhi etc are removed.


We are using Shankha for every thing during the puje since we are worshipping Shri Hari through Lakshmi (RamA devi) only. As the famous song sung by shri purandara dAsaru:


Enu dhanyalO lakumI Entha mAnyalO, sAnurAghadhindha hariya,

thAnE sEvE mAduthihaLu


kOti kOti bRudhyariraLu, hAta kAmbarana sEvE

sAti illadha pUjEgaLaNu, saRva kAla mAduthihaLu (Enu dhanyalO) etc etc etc-----


manthra puShpAnjali


a) yO na: pithA janithA yO vidhAthA, dhAmAni vEdha bhuvanAni vishvA | yO dhEvAnAm nAmadhA, Eka Eva, tham samprashnam bhuvanAyamthyanyA ||


b) rAjAdhirAjAya prasahya sAhinE | namOvayam vaishravaNAya kURmahE | sa mE kAmAn kAm kAmAya mahyam kAmEshvarO vaishravaNO dhadhAthu | kubErAya vaushravaNAya, mahArAjAya namaha | Yo vai thAm brahmaNO vEdha amRuthEnAvRuthAm purIm | thasmai brahma cha brahmA cha aayu: kIRthi prajAm dhadhu: | thAsAm aavirabhUth souri: smayamAna mukhAmbuja: | pIthAmbaradhara: shragvI sAkShAthmanmaTha manmaTha: ||

pITAvaraNa dhEvathA sahitha shrI lakshmInArAyaNAya namaha manthra puShpAmjalim samaRpayAmi


Offer Tulasi, flower & MantrAkshathe


anu upachAra


padhukA, chathra, chAmara, vyajana, dhaRpaNa, gIthA, nRuththa, vAdhya, aandhOlikAdhi samastha rAjOpachArAn samaRpayAmi


at this time chant verses from four vedas, upanishath, ithihAsas, and purAna are also chanted.


dAsa sAhithyas can also be sung.


shanka pramanam


chant this manthra while moving the shanka in the clock wise direction:


dhusTa yakSha pishAcha dhuRdhaRshana nivRuthyaRTham shankha bhramaNam kariShye thava bhramAsa aashuyA pathanthi anuspRusha dhRShathA shOshuchAna: thapUmShyagnE juhvA viShvagulkA:


keep the shanka thIrtha seperately in another vessel. This thIrtha is used for prokshana (when partaking the thIrtha at the end).


ramA nEivEdhya


Sri JayathIrtha did not expilicitely say offer naidedya to ramA devi et al. He has only said offer thIrtha, gandhA and thulasi. However naivedya to ramA, mukya prAna et al is offered in our puja tradition. This is usually offered after completing the pUja to Sri Hari. So we have given the procedure for that below since Sri JayathIrtha has mentioned about them at this time.


Take some of the naivedya offered to the Lord and make five small parts in a another plate. Offer thIrtha, gandha, akshate, thulasi to ramA devi (shanka), mukya prAna, garuda, sesha et al. Then do prokshana to the food, sathyam thatvena parishinAmi, and put some thIrtha on the food and offer it to ramA et al. chant the following sloka:


ramA brahmAdhayO dhEvA: sanakAdhyA: sukAdhaya:

shrI nRusimhA (or Krishna) prasAdhO ayam saRvE gRuhNanthu vaiShNavA:


Offer thIrtha (once) and thulasi again to ramA et al after naivedya.


(It is said that ramaa neivedhya should be discarded and not to be consumed by devotees. We don't know why and we request knowledgeble persons to explain).


shrI kRuShNARpanamasthu














































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