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DhyAna snAna or meditative bath- Part -1

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KrishNa bhaktas,



Here is a summary excerpt on Dhyana snana from the book " The Glories of

Gayathri " by sri pandurangAchArya srinivAsAchArya Waiker published by

Gurukr^ipa prakAshana, Bangalore( 3353180). The book is an excellent

source on the details of gayathri manthra, its power and its practice.


Dhyana snana should be done by every body after the external bath is

done before starting sandhyavandana. It is prescribed in the Vamana

purANa. It consists of chanting of the thirteen stanzas and

contemplating on Lord nArAyaNa as mentioned here. The transliteration

is in the ITRANS format.


hariH OM


trivikramaM tIrthapAdaM natvA sarvAgha nAshanaM |

dhyAna snAnaM pravkshyAmi sarva satkarma sidhdaye ||1||


After doing prostrations to sacred feet of Lord trivikrama, I narrate

the dhyAna snAna or the meditative bath, which will destroy all the sins

and will help to attain all the good karmas (deeds).


shrii brahmovAcha:


Shri Brahma said:


svastithaM pundarIkaakshaM maMtramUrthiM hariM smaret |

anantAdityasaMkAshaM vAsudevaM caturbhujaM ||2||


Remember Lord Sri Hari who resides in ones hearts and who

has eyes like the Lotus flower. He is also called vAsudeva, has

four arms and has the brilliance of infinite number of suns.






Vasu Murthy





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