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Srimad Bhaghavat Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Thirtha - Chapter 1- 1

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shrI gurubhyO namaha


Here is the first posting.


These nine prameyas which are listed below are the most important in

Madhwamatha. Sri Sathyadhyana Thirtha Sri paadangalu in this book has

discussed very detailly quoting Sri Krishna's words in Bhaghavat Gita to

His students, audience MAINLY ON THESE NINE ASPECTS. The first chapter

deals mainly on Vishnu Sarvoththamma aspect.


sathyam jagathidhdhu pancha bedhavu nithya sri gOvindana,


G. V. & Shobha Srinivasan


Sri Vyasarajaru has collected everything of our Madhwamatha in one



shrIman-madhva-mate hariH parataraH satyaM jagat.h tattvato |

bhedo jIvagaNAH hareranucharAH nIchochcha bhAvaN^gatAH |

muktirnaijasukhAnubhUtiramalAbhaktishcha tatsAdhanam.h |

hyaxAditrayaM pramANamakhilAmnAyaikavedyo hariH ||


This may be split as:


shrIman.h madhva-mate In Sriman Madhva's doctrine


1> hariH parataraH Hari (Vishnu) is Supreme

2> satyaM jagat.h The world is true (real)

3> tattvataH bhedaH The differences are real

4> jIvagaNAH hareH anucharAH The classes of souls are


of Hari

5> nIchochcha bhAvaN^gatAH And reach different ultimate


6> muktiH naija-sukha-anubhUtiH mukti (liberation) is the


experience of the joy of one's



7> amalA-bhaktiH-cha tat.h sAdhanaM That is achieved by flawless


devotion and [correct



8> axAditrayaM hi pramANaM pratyaksha (observation), etc.,


indeed the sources of



9> akhila-AmnAya-eka-vedyo hariH Hari alone is praised in all

the Vedas.


Details on this premeya stothra can be seen in







VISHNU SARVOTHTHAMMA based only on the words of Sri Krishna.


In Bhagavat Geetha, there are two types of sentencesindicating

VishnusarvOththamathwa. In some Krishna has said that He Himself is

sarvoththamma. In other sentences, he has indicated his

sarvoththamathva. Further, in Chapter 11,, Prathyaksha of jnanees is

also indicated as pramana in the description of Vishvarupa darshana of

Arjuna & prayer he made at that time.


Question: Swamiji, what are the sentences of Sri Krishna that show

Vishnu is SarvOththamma?


Swamiji's reply: Krishna is Vishnu Himself or Hrushikesha thadakyamido

vaha, kinnorajyena govinda, " Janardhana " Vishnu like these many

sentences in Bhaghavat Gita prove that Krishna is Vishnu Himself. such

as Krishna is SarvOththamma is clear from many sentences in Geetha.


1. Servalika Maheshwaram .... (5- 29)


One attains Mukthi after doing dhyana of ME who is lord of all the world

containing both living & non living.


Substance of this: Pruthvi, water, Fire, vayu, Akasa Manasthatthva,

Budhithathva & Ahankara thathva, these eight constitute prakruthi.

Mahalakshmi who is different from these controls Prakruthi & She is

dependent on ME. All created living beings have had suitable origin

from living & non living prakrithi which are dependent on ME. I am the

creator & destroyer of the entire universe. Dhananjaya, you should

understand that there is nothing different from ME which is better than

ME in any respect.


In this, Krishna has said that the entire universe is produced from

living & non living Prakruthi which are dependent upon Him & He is both

creator & destroyer of the universe. He has specifically said that

there is nothing better or higher than Him.


(BG 7-24) says ignorant people are not able to understand my real nature

(swarupa) which is free from destruction of all kinds, which is complete

in all respects (Paripurna), which is different from everything else

(vilakshana) & which is better than all others.


(BG 9-11) says ignorant people seeing me having a body similar to

ordinary human body think that I am also an ordinary human being &

without understanding My real nature (Yartharthasvarupa) which is

complete in all respect & which is better than everything else.


(BG 9- 12 to15) Arjuna prays, Keshava, You are the Supreme God, You the

best shelter, You are the Purest, You are the Highest, Rishes like

Vasista, Devarhi Narada, Asitha, Devala & Vyasa say that you have all

six Gunas, Nirvikara, uncommon. Adideva, unborn & lord of everthing.

All the instructions, you have given me about Your Greatness are true.

O creator of all, the living beings in the Universe, controller of all

beings, God for even Devathas Lord of the Universe.


In these sentences, Arjuna calls Krishna as Supreme God (Parabrahman) &

say that his opinion has approval of all Maharishies & the author of

Vedantha, Suthra, Vedavyasa.


Thus Krishna upto Chapter 11 has not only indicated in different ways

that He is Supreme God, he has also specifically himself has declared 4

to 5 times that He is the Supreme God. He has instructed His disciple,

Arjuna, accordingly & has granted him, special vision to enable him to

actually see His greatness in His Viswarupa. Arjuna has heralded Vishnu

as the Supreme God. The statements by Arjuna after seeing Visvarupa

with special vision given by Sri KRishna should be considered as

Paramasathya (complete truth) as the statement made by Brahmajnyani (God

realized person) cannot be false.


(BG 11- 43): You are the father of the Universe, containing living &

non living beings & You are respected, You are teacher, & greater than

the great, you have uncomparable greatness so that there is no one equal

to You in all the three worlds. Then how can there be anyone greater

than You.


(BG 11-55) Arjuna, one who does proper karma & believes understanding

clearly that I am the supreme God (Sarvoththamma) joins ME.


(BG 12- 20) These Bhakthas who have faith in life after death (Asthika)

& believe that I am (Krishna) supreme God (sarvoththamma) are very dear

to me.


(BG 15-- 16 to 20) In the world, there are two types of proved living

beings called Kshara & Akshara. All jeevas from Brahma downwards are

called Kshara Purushas (as they are having a body liable to

destruction) Lakshmi who is called Kustastha, who does not undergo any

change is called Akshara (as her body is not liable for change or

destruction) Uththammapurusha is different from previously mentioned

Kshara & Akshara purusha, Paramathma (Parama Uththamma, Athma =

Chethana) " Chethana Schethananam " etc He is known like this in

Sruthies, purushoththamma has entered the world, protects & preserves.

Even when all the three worlds are destroyed, he remains without any

change because he is Lord (Easwara) with unimaginable special powers.

Krishna says He Himself is such purushoththamma is well known as such in

Mahabharatha & Vedhas because he is higher than all ksharajeevas & even

higher than Lakshmi who is akshara. He further tells Arjuna that every

one who is eligible for salvation clearly understands & believes Krishna

as Supreme God as explained above is considered to have had the

knowledge of all the sastras (if one understands properly the most

important Supreme God he will also get the profit he would get by having

the knowledge of other not so important things). Any one who

understands purushOththamma as Krishna as instructed above will do

dhyana of Krishna in all the proper ways as Krishna as father, as his

lord, asone who interested in doing good to him, as a relative, as a

friend, as the final goal. He will become aparokhajnani & attains

salvation (Mukthi) Krishna addresses Arjuna as one who is free from all

sins & tells him that he has instructed him with the most secret



Thus Krishna has specifically declared that He is higher & different

from all living beings & to dispel any doubt any ignorant person may

have in His words, he has suggested that He is the creator, protector &

destroyer (Shrushti, sthithi, laya) of the world & He remains changeless

under all circumstances. He quotes, the authorities of Vedas for his

statement. Krishna's words are compared to blue jagar diamond which is

properly cut & framed in God to form a dazzling ornament.


Question: Swamiji, in Bhagavathgeetha, where it has been clearly stated

that Brahma, Rudhra etc do not occupy the Supreme postion



Answer: to be continued


Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi)

by H. H. Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights go to the Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


Sri kRuShNARpanamasthu

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