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BG lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Thirtha, Chapter 1- Part 3

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shrI gurubhyO namaha




In Brahmasuthras like " Janmadhasyayathah " (B 88) it has been shown that

Janmadhasyayayathah " (B 88) it has been shown that

Janmadhashtakarthuthwa is an indicator of sarvOththamathwa. In BG, the

same Ashtakarthuthva has been shown in Sri Krishna.


BG 7-6: I am the creator of the whole world.

BG 10-8: I am the creator of everthing.

BG 7-12: You should understand that all things the world belong to

sathwik, Rajasik & thamasik gunas have been created by me.

BG 8-18: At the time of creation of the world, all things take birth

from Avyakthanamakaparamathma

BG 11-2: Hey Kamalapatraksha, I have heard in detail that all things

are created & destroyed by You.

BG 11-43: For the entire world of living & non living, You are the


BG 4-13: All the four varnas ie. Brahmin, Kshathriya, Vaishya, Sudhra

are created by Me.

BG 10-2 : I am the cause for dhevathas & Maharishies.

BG 9-7: I create the world in the beginning of akalpa, which was

destroyed at the end of the previous kalpa.

BG 9- 18: I am creator.

BG 8- 17: Parabrahma (Krishna) is the creator of all things at the

beginning of the Kalpa.

BG 14- 4: I am the creator not only at the time of the creation of the

world in the beginning of the kalpa but I am the creator whenever a

birth takes place among deva, manushya, pasu, birds etc for all these

Lakshmi is like a Mother & I am impregnating Father. >From this, it is

clear that paramathma is present in every father & produces & children.

Krishna says, that he is the creator of every one & no one else has this

power of creation.

BG 9- 10: Prompted by Me, the chethana Prakruthi (Lakshmi) produces, all

living & non living world.

BG 9- 8: Making use of the Prakruthi which is depending on Me, I

produce all the living & non living world again & again. This means

that paramathma is the only independent creator & Lakshmi etc by the

grace of Supreme God dependent creators.

BG 4- 13: There is no separate creator for me. You should understand

that I am Avyaya- one that does not change. Dhevas & Rishies believe

that I am unborn.

But in the sloka " Bahunimevythithani Janani " Krishna has said to me also

many births have gone by Krishna explains the meaning of this statement

as below:

BG 4---6-9: Even though my body & nature are permanent & free from birth

& destruction & I am the controller of all others by My own will, My own

appearance I so choose. Since normally, I am avyaktha ie. not seen by

others. My appearing to others at which are uncommon attains

salvation. Since Krishna has said that He isthe only Independent

creator of the entire world & all others like Lakshmi do their work as

dependents of Paramathma, with His grace & there is no one else creating

Him at any tim under any circumstances, it is proved that He is the only

independent creator & SarvOththamma.


STHITHIKARTHUTHVA (Maintenance & protection of the whole world). The

ability to protect & maintain the whole world by Himself is only with

Vishnu (none else). Hence He is sarvOththamma. Vishnu protects &

maintain the world in three different ways.

1. He is present inside & outside of every individual item of this

living & non living being & thus protects the nature of all things.

2. Remaining inside of every living being, he is making available in

the proper form to the individual concerned.

3. By taking different avatara, whenever necessity arisies, He protects

sadhus & His bhakthas just as a father protects his children.


BG 7--7: In a necklace just as pearl & other precious stones remain in

fixed position by the help of the thread passing through all of them, in

the same way, all living & non living items are there due to my

support. This means, if there is no support from Paramathma, the world

will disintegrate.

BG 8--9: Supreme God is the protector & maintainer of the whole world.


BG 9--4: All bhutas are living on my support.

BG 9--16: To the world, I am protector

BG 9--18: I am the supporter of everything. Arjuna also says the same.


BG 11- 38: You are the great support to the world.

BG 11--15: Hey Dheva, I am seeing in your body (depending on You) all

dhevathas, groups of animals, Brahma & Rudhra sitting on the lap of

Brahma, all rishies & serpents.

BG 13--15: Para Brahma sustains everything (sarvadharaka)

BG 13--17: Parabrahma (Krishna) is the sustainer & protector (Dharana


BG 13-22: The uncommon purusha (Krishna) remaining in the concerned

body sustains all living beings.

BG 15--17: The Supreme God (Paramathma) who is changeless, who has

unimaginable power has occupied all the three worlds (Heaven, earth &

hell) & sustains all of them, one who protects & maintains others is

always considered to be superior to those whom he protects & maintains.

Therefore, Paramathma is superior to world. In this way, Krishna has

proved his SarvOththammathva.

BG 15--13/14: Krishna says that entering the earth he sustains

everybody, entering moon, he protects & improves all plants, remaining

as Vaisvanara agni in the stomach of jeevas (He digests all the food

eaten by the jeeva). This means, the power of sustenance of earth, the

power of protecting & improving the plants of moon, the digestive power

of the stomach, are all due to the presence of Supreme God who controls

all these actions.

BG 7--12: All things in the world falling under sathvika, rajas &

thamasa gunas have taken birth from me. They are dependent on me but I

am not dependant on them.

BG 9-4: All living beingare depending on Me. I am not depending on them

though I am in them. More over Krishna in different forms carries out

protection of good & punishment of bad, which is very neccessary for

Brahma, Rudhra etc...

BG 4-7: Whenever Dharma declines & adharma prosper, I take an avathara

& appear to protect the Bhakthas & punish the wicked & to establish

dharma in every yuga.

BG 11-18: You Krishna, are the protector of Sanathanadharma.

BG 9--22: I look after the welfare of my Bhakthas who constantly show

devotion (dhyana) to me alone. This means Krishna protects Jnani &

ensures Mukthi for him.

BG 9--31: My Bhakthas never get destroyed like Bana, Ravana,

Bhasmasura, devotees of others.


SAMHARAKARTHUTHVA (Power of destruction of the whole world):


to be contd:


Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi)

by H. H. Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights go to the Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


Sri kRuShNARpanamasthu

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