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BG lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Thirtha, Chapter 1, part 5

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shrI gurubhyO namaha





& ignorance to jeevas). The power of giving & controlling independently

all the attitudes & modes of mind of all living beings (all

manodharamas) is only to Vishnu & to no one else. The name

" Hrushikesha " which means " the lord of all indriyas including mind, ie:

" manas " of Krishna confirms this fact only Vishnu (Sarvajna) there is no

one else controlling his knowledge. Only by the grace of Vishnu, Brahma

& others are able to understand Vishnu to some extent but not fully.


Note: " Prakruthi Sthavam niyokshyatha " & " Karishyashyavasopithath " when

these are taken by themselves, indicate that prakruthi, remaining in

living beings, is capable of independently directing the behavior of

living beings. But that is not correct interpretation. For Krishna has

said " Prakruthi Vidhi me param " , prakruthim yanthi mamikam " " Brahanehi

prathishtaham " . This means the power of prakruthi is due to the

presence of paramathma in her.


BG 7-10: I am the cause for the knowledge in wise people.

BG 7- 21: Krishna says whichever person wishes to worship whichever

devatha, with bhakthi, I confirm to him his strong desire to worship in

that dhevatha chosen by his free will. Here it has been confirmed,

Krishna has the power of granting special knowledge (Asthekyabudhdhi).

BG 10---4/5: Many qualities (Dharmas) like the following are given &

controlled by Me to all the living beings. Correct knowledge, doubtful

knowledge dislike to do a bad act, to overlook the offence given by

another (Kshama), truth, kind feeling towards all, (Sama), control over

senses, (Dhama), pleasure, pain (Dukha), fear, fearlessness, kindness to

all (Ahimsa), equvanimity (dhvandhuasahishnuthe). To be satisfied with

his lot (Thushti), Thapas giving alms to the deserving, good name

(Keerthi), bad name (apakeerthi).

BG 10--11: To those who continuously do My bhajana loving Me intensely

& constantly, I give such knowledge by which they will be able to join

Me. To bless them, I shall remain in their anthahkarana, & ensure the

presence of a light of knowledge which will drive away the darkness of

ignorace from them.


Krishna afterdescribing paraparathathva (final truth), by the example of

a tree, suggests the means to obtain such knowledge that will lead to



BG 15--4: To obtain freedom from recurring births & deaths, embodied

soul should approach the same ancient person from whom it is continuous

flow has come from ancient times. From this, it is clear that

paraparathathva can be understood only by the grace of God.


There have been instaces where either devathas like Brahma, Rudhra,

Indra etc have given knowledge to their bhakthas or ignorance to their

enemies. Since the power of giving jnana or ajnana (Knowledge or

ignorance) is not exclusively to Krishna then how to say that Krishna is

saRvOththamma on this count? Krishna Himself answered this point.


BG 7--21/22: Whichever devotee desires worship whichever dhevathas, I

confirm in him his desire to worship his chosen dhevathas. Such a

devotee after worshipping this chosen dhevathas with unshaken devotion

(Bhakthi), he gets his desire fulfilled from Me alone, Who resides in

his chosen dhevathas also, as Krishna resides in all living beings.

BG 9--29: Even these devotees who worship dhevatha other than Me,

infact, they worship Me only without following the proper method of



From this, it is clear, other dhevathas, (other than Krishna) are not

independent but dependent on Krishna for the purpose of granting any

favour to their devotees. Further, Krishna has unlimited knowledge. He

has all the knowledge by Himself without anybody's help. The knowledge

of other devathas like Brahma, Rudhra etc is limited & they have it by

the grace of God This is clear from the following:


BG 11-22: Arjuna says Rudhras, Adhithyas, Vasus, Sadhyas etc are

looking at Your visvaroopa with wonder. Since Krishna's rupa has caused

wonder to them. This proves that their knowledge is limited.

BG 10--15: Your real nature is not known to dhevathas & dhanavas but

you know by yourself. This means that Vishnu knows thoroughly his own

nature which is unknowable thoroughly by the dhevathas & dhanvas " Vedha

Vidhevachaham " means only Myself can understand the meaning of Vedas

independently. This proves that dhevathas like Brahma get the knowledge

of vedhas by the grace of paramathma Vishnu. There is clear statement

to this effect.

BG 15---15: From Me, alone arise remembrance, true knowledge & doubtful





It is well known that one who binds another better than he who gets

bound, one who frees a bound person is better than the bound person.

These qualities of binding & freeing are found only in Vishnu hence he

is SarvOththamma. (Greatest).


BG 7---14: The ignorance (Avidhya) which is operated by Lakshmi, who

has terrible power, who is subordinate of Narayana & to who Krishna has

assigned her duties, cannot be overcome without the grace of Narayana.

In this way, Krishna said that it is not possible to overcome His " maya "

or avidhya. This proves that he is the Bandhakartha. Therefore, many

authorities to show that power of granting freedom (Mukthi or salvation)

is only with Vishnu.

BG 7--14: Only those who entirely dependent on Me will be able to cross

over the obstacles placed by Lakshmi as said before.

BG 11--55: One who does all good & allotted karmas for obtaining

graceof Krishna only, who firmly believes that Krishna only is

saRvOththamma, who has firm devotion in Krishna does not have desire for

worldly pleasure & does not have dislike for devotees of God will get


BG 18-58: With unshakable faith in Me & will my grace you will cross all

obstacles placed by Prakruthi.

BG 18---66: Submit the results of your all dharmas to Me, avoiding all

avaishnavadharmas or firmly believing surrendering to God

unconditionally is the greatest of all dharmas, surrender to me, I will

make you free from all sins. Do not be unhappy.

(This means, Krishna will grant Mukthi or Salvation). Like this, the

powers of binding & granting freedom are with Krishna only. Such powers

are not with others, like Brahma or Rudhra etc is indicated by the

description of places, of their residence & the results that can be had

by worshipping them.

BG 8--16: Brahma's house & other lokas send back to repeated births &

deaths, all people reaching them. But those that reach Me never return

to samsara (repeated birth & death). This means unless one reaches

Krishna, he cannot have salvation.

BG 18---53: By My grace, one can acheive permenent position.

BG 8---16: Krishna says He is the final goal. Thise great people who

reach Him achieve best permanent postions & shall never return to

sorrowful temporary state of repeated birth & death.

BG 8--21: My lokas of Vaikunta are such permanent that those who enter

them never return. Krishna says at the time of Pralaya, the whole world

including brahmaloka gets destroyed, but Himself & His loka , & its

inmates remain permanently.

BG 8-20: Bhagavan, who is known as Avyaktha is independent, is great,

unborn & permanent. He is different from all other living beings i.e.

uncommon. Even when all other living beings get destroyed, he remain

permanent without any change in him.

BG 15--6: My parandhama (Vaikunta) is such that neither sun, nor moon

nor fire, can make it bright, further when one enters it, he will never

return to samsara (i.e. normal repeated birth & death).

BG 18--62: Hey, Bharatha, by all means, surrender yourself to Easwara

(to Me). By My grace, you will get a permanent position in Vaikunta.

Other dhevathas like Brahma, cannot give such permanent position

(Mukthi). The result obtained by the worship of other than Vishnu are

temporary & not so valuable.

BG 7---20-23: Devotees with many different requests surrender to other

dhevathas (other than Vishnu). The results such weak minded persons can

achieve, get lost very soon (temporary). The great devotees that

surrender to Me get permanent salvation & never go back to the

temporary & sorrowful state of repeated birth & death.


If we consider the reply given by Krishna to Arjuna for his question in

BG 12th, " What is the difference between worship of Lakshmi who is a

permanent Muktha & Your worship " . it will be clear the great difference

between Lakshmi & Narayana in their position & power. Worship of

Lakshmi to Her satisfaction is very difficult & after a long time when

she is pleased it becomes the cause for obtaining the grace of Vishnu by

Her recommendation. Lakshmi cannot grant favors to Her devotees

independently but can recommend to Her Husband & secure all favors to

her devotees. Direct worship of Narayana to His satisfaction is not so

difficult & does not take much time & energy. It is only Narayana that

can grant all favors independently not others.


BG 12---1 -7: Arjuna asks whether devotees worship Krishna directly or

worships through Lakshmi since the final results is the same, namely,

Mukthi, then what is difference between the two kinds of worship?

Krishna replies, that worship of all devotees is with the aim of

obtaining the grace of the Lord. Worship through Lakshmi is ardueous &

takes long time for the devotees to attian his goal. But those who

after completing all prescribed Karmas in the proper way submit

everything to Krishna & during the worship continuously think of

Krishna, firmly believing that he is the SarvOththamma, such devotees

are realeased from Samsara very early & Krishna grants them Mukthi.


From the above, it is clear that power of giving salvation which is with

Lakshmi is due to grace of Vishnu. Krishna also said in clear words to

this effect in other places.


BG 14--27: I am the controller of Lakshmi group of permanent Mukthas,

permanent Dharma & enjoyment in Mukthi.


In this way, Krishna has established His SarvOththammava by showing all

these qualities are also present in Him, due to the presence of which

Vishnu has been established as SarvOththamma in vEdhanthasuthras.


Apart from the above, there are many extraordinary qualities in Krishna

which are not in other dhevathas & every one of such extraordinary

quality confirms Krishna to be SarvOththamma (Greatest in all respects).




to be contd:


Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi)

by H. H. Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


Sri kRuShNARpanamasthu

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