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Bhaghavat Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Thirtha, Chapter 1, part 7

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shrI gurubhyO namaha





descriptions in all the Vedhas & Vedhantha). It has been considered

that this quality belongs only to Parabrahma who is sarvOththamma in

sruthies like " Sarvevedhyathadhamamanthi " & Brahmasuthras like " Thaththu

samnvayath " . Since Krishna says He has that quality, in Him, He must be



BG 15-15: Only I am to be understood from the study of samhitas,

Brahmanas, Aranyakas & Upanishads i.e. from the study of the whole


BG 15-18: I am known as Purushoththamma in works like Mahabharatha & in

all vedas.

BG 13-5: Many statements, about Kshethra & changes in them, about God,

who brings about such changes & who is the overload of everything, &

everybody, are made in contradictory terms by different rishies, the

nature of the supreme Lord has been decided by the vedas having meaning

determined according to different vedhanthasuthras. Krishna is the

paramathma as He has the name of Govinda which has been determined by

Vedhas as stated above.


PRANAVA PRATHIPADHYATHVA: It is well known in all vedhas that pranava

represents Supreme Lord. Krishna says He is only represented by

Pranava. Hence Krishna is Parabrahma. He says " Pranava Sarvavedheshu "

i.e. pranava is the quintessence of all vedhas. If this pranava

represents Krishna then it is naturally follows that all the vedhas

represent Krishna.


BG 8-13: Krishna says, the person who at the time of his death would be

continuously thinking of Krishna & saying " Om " & at the same time leaves

his physical body behind will get Mukthi (Salvation). Because Om is the

name of Krishna. Any one that thinks of Him & calls Him by that name &

dies, simultaneously Krishna will come & give mukthi. If " Om " were to

some one else's name, Krishna would not come.

BG 9-13: I am the object of enquiry, I am sacred one for the world, I

can be known from " Om " , Rigveda, Yajurvedha, Saamavedha, I am their


BG 7-23: Parabrahma is known by " Thath " & " sath " .


NIRGUNATHVA (withouth any qualities): Without being affected by

prakruthi is considered as the quality of Parabrahma, he will join

Parabrahma (Krishna) who has no Prakrithabody (like human body).

Nirvanabrahma mentioned in shloka 13 of Adhyaya 8, Mamanusmaran Yha

Pruyuthithya is Krishna only.


Question: Swamiji, Nirvanam means without body that means no body at

all. Why should we say that God is without prakruthi body instead of

saying he has no body at all?


Srigalavaru: There is no living organism without a body. If one has no

body, he cannot be seen by any one. Krishna has been seen by Arjuna &

even when Arjuna saw with his special sight, he saw Krishna having a

body. " Pasyamidhevamsthavadheha Sarvam " . >From these sentences, it is

clear Parabrahma (Krishna) has a body having organs like hands, abdomen,



Question: Swamiji, if Paramathma also has body like us, then he shoudl

suffer from sorrow etc like us?


Srigalavaru: If Paramathma had a body like our body, then happiness &

sorrow could have troubled Him as they do to us. But Parabrahma's body

is extra ordinary (dhivya)., uncommon, pasyamepartharoopani,

Nanavidhanidhivyani, janmakarma chamedhivyam etc. That feels thinks

that I have a body like a body of a human being. Krishna is the special

one not like the body of the human being. 2) Krishna has said

" Avajananthi Mam Mudaha " etc... That feels thinks that I have a body

like a body of a human being 3) causes for sorrow, namely,

incompleteness, like strength, being affected by prakruthi gunas, &

Karmas etc are absent in paramathma " Nanavapthamavapthavyam " '

Ananthavirya mithavikramasthvam " ....He is not affected by prakruthiguna

of sathva, rajas, thamas.


BG 6-25: That Yogi always being conscious of knowledge of Brahma in the

end attains nirvana Brahma i.e. Brahma who has no prakrithbody


BG 5-25: Knowledgeable people jnaneesafter becoming devoid of all

doubts & sins, after leaving the physical body reach brahma who has no

Prakrathik body (i.e. Krishna). If Brahma has no body at all, how can

his devotees reach him?

BG 7-9: Those who remember at the time of death parama purusha

(Krishna) who has the color of Sun, who is also called by the word Sun,

who is very different from Prakruthi & who has no connection with

prakruthi will attain salvation. This shows that though the Lord is

entirely different from non living matter, he has a peculiar bright

figure in Chapter 11. Krishna has said " i.e. Hey Arjuna, you see my

numerous figure, which are uncommon (Aprakrutha) peculiar

(Lokavilakshana) of different color & different shapes.

BG 13-12: Parabrahma (Krishna) has body, indriya, quality & Karma etc,

which are in no way connected with prakruthi or Prakruthi has not

contributed in any way for those pertaining to Parabrahma (Krishna).

BG 13-14: In this sentence, Krishna says that " I am devoid of Indriyas:

I am devoid of all connections with others, I am connected with

everything, I am devoid of all qualities, I am full of qualities. " like

this, he has said contradictory qualities for one & the same person.

Since Krishna is all knowing, He talks only sense so we have to

interpret that Krishna is devoid of such prakrithik indriyas that lead

astray, he is free from all such connections that cause tiresomeness Sin

etc. unlike common people. He is devoid of qualities of sathva, rajas &

thama derived from prakruthi. If we do not follow the method Krishna's

statement will be meaningless.


Question: Why we should not consider Krishna as by nature is devoid of

all qualities, but now he is with qualities? (Saguna)


Srigalavaru: To indicate that he is both devoid of qualities & full of

qualities (ie. both nirguna & satguna) Krishna has used " Cha " a word

that gives both the meaning (Samuchchayar thaka) further if we say that

there is a (Nirguna) brahma devoid of qualities, by saying that He is ,

we are accepting a quality of existence to him & it becomes a self

contradictory term like " Son of a barren woman " . Therefore the

apparently contradictory statement should be explained in an

unambigiuous, convincing way. those Sruthees which declare that

Paramathma is devoid of qualities (Nirguna), devoid of action

(Nishkriya) should be explained as devoid of prakruthik qualities &

devoid of prakruthik action.


Note: Sri Sankaracharya in his bhashya on Geetha under 13-14 sloka has

explained the word Nirguna as " Gunaha Sathva Raja Sthamomsi thath "

rahitham nirgunam " This means " since Paramathma is devoid of Sathva,

Rajas & Thamas, he is called devoid of qualities (Nirguna) " If only he

had continued to explain in this way, it would have been excellent.

BG 4--9: There are many statements in Sruthe Smruthi & puranas to the

effect that Krishna is devoid of body & qualites contributed by

Prakruthi. In Geetha also Krishna Himself has said about peculiarity of

the birth, action etc. one who understands that my birth & action are

not like those of other human beings, will attain salvation.


Meaning: Fools think that I am also like any ordinary II human being as

I am having a body similar to human body. They do not know My real

nature which is without beginning or end, constant, without under going

any change, complete with all good qualities (Guna poorna) & best in all

respects (SarvOththamma).

BG 13-31: Hey, Kauntheya: Paramathma (Krishna) is devoid of any change

(Avyaya) since He is unborn & devoid of qualities of Prakruthi. He is

free from all four types of change or distraction.

BG 14: 5: The human soul by nature devoid of change (Avyaya) but the

three qualites (Gunas) Sathva, rajas & thamas born out of Prakruthik

bound the human soul in the body mode out of prakruthi liable for

variation change or destruction.

BG 13-21: Jeeva (Soul) remaining in the body produced by prakruthi

enjoys or suffers the consequences of his interest in the sathva, rajas,

thamas qualities produced by prakruthi (ie.) for the jeeva to get the

janma of Rushi or rakshasaas, pisacha, dog, sheep, cock, the cause is

the particular quality (Guna) he has adopted.

BG 14-29: The jeeva who is in the body can get Mukthi only when he

proceeds beyond the prakruthi gunas qualities since the causes for

getting a body are three Gunas. By rendering devotion to Krishna one

can becaome free from three gunas & get Mukthi.




BG 14-19:


to be contd:


Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi)

by H. H. Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


Sri kRuShNARpanamasthu

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