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Bhaghavat Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Thirtha, Chapter 1, Part 8

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shrI gurubhyO namaha






BG 14-19: Krishna says that when a jeeva realises that the cause for

his continuing in the cycle of births & deaths in his being taking

interest in prakruthi gunas & gets over the gunas & understands clearly

the nature of Supreme Lord who is free from prakruthi gunas, he will

attain Mukthi. This proves that only Krishna is free from prakruthi

gunas while all others are affected by prakruthi gunas & when devotees,

of Krishna themselves become free from prakruthi, it naturally follows

that Krishna Himself must be free from prakruthi gunas.

BG 14-26: He who is constantly rendering devotion with firm faith in

Krishna will be able to becaome free from prakruthi gunas & attain

Mukthi. It is just as the quality of nirgunathva is a sufficient proof

for the sarvoththammathva of Krishna's Karmabandha rahithya is also a

proof for Krishna's sarvoththammathva as stated in suthras like

" Sambhogagraprapthi rithichenna voiseshyath " . (B90) All jeevas like

Brahma earn credit for (punya) doing action & debit (sin from bad action

(punya & papa). But Krishna alone is independent & is not affected by

any action. He is the Lord of all Karma (Karmadhyaksha) others are

eligible to do Karma (action).

BG 2-47: Hey Arjuna, you & wise men (Jnanees) like you have right to do

only prescribed Karma; but you have no right to expect any particular

result (as you are not independent) do not do any Karma with the

intention of getting a result. Do not be interested in ommiting the

discharge of any particular Karma.

BG 3-8: You should do prescribed Karma. The practice of doing

prescribed Karma is better than not doing the prescribed Karma.

BG 10-24: Do Karma as prescribed in the sastras.

BG 18-5: Yajna dhana good action (Sath Karma) in the form of thapas

should necessarily be followed by all (since Yajna dhana & tapas should

necessarily be followed by all (since Yajna dhana & thapas are

beneficial event) jnanees. Therefore, Krishna says that every one

irrespective of Jnani or ajnani should properly perform prescribed


BG 18--59/60: Thinking that you are independent to do action or not to

do, you may decide not to fight but your decision becomes a waste.

Because prakruthi (God's wish, Lakshmi, the controller of prakruthi

Gunas) will compel you to fight, as you are bound by the Karma, you have

done earlier from this it is clear that all except Paramathma are bound

by the effect of their Karma & they are under the control of the Lord.

Therefore, Krishna is not bound by any Karma.

BG 3-22: Krishna says Arjuna, there is no particular work which I have

to do either due to the compulsion of another person or to obtain some

benefit which I do not already have as I have everything & I do not have

any want.

BG 3-31: Those who always follow My instruction that all prescribed

duties should be properly performed & results should be submitted to Me,

will become free from Karma (by acquiring proper knowledge). Then there

is no need to say that Krishna is free from Karmabandha when He is so

great as to make others free from Karmabandha.

BG 4-14: Karmas do not affect Me (i.e. the creation, destruction

etc...They do not cause Me either pleasure or pain to Me). I am

uninterested in the result of the Karma, I am independent & remain

completely happy always. One who understands this, My position, will

become free from effect of Karma.

BG 9-9: Hey Dhananjaya, My work of creation etc... do not affect Me.

Because I do function without expecting any return. Though O am not

indifferent, I appear as such, since I do not have any self interest.


SARVA SATHKARMA PHALA BHOKTHATHVA: (The power of enjoying the result of

all good actions). This extraordinary qualities has been established as

pertaining to Parabrahma in Vedas & Brahma Suthras like " Guham pra

Vishtavathma naivnithadhdhar sanath " Keishna says He has that quality

in Him


BG 3-30: Submitting all prescribed Karmas to Me, with firm faith that I

am SarvOththamma, fight in the war without any fear.

BG 9-27: The ordering sentences like " submit all karmas to Me " show

that Krishna accepts all (good) Karma phala. He has said the same


BG 5-29: Devotee rendering devotion to Krishna, who is the real enjoyer

of full effects of properly conduced yajnas like Jothishtoma & tapas

like Kruchchra chandhrayana, attains salvation.

BG 8-4: I am in the body of every being & prompt the jeevas to do the

yajna & enjoy the results of the yajna.

BG 9-24: I prompt people to perform all yajnas like chandrayana yajna,

thopoyajna & yogayajna & enjoy the results of all the yajnas. As

paramathma is always fully satisfied with Anandha, His acceptance or

enjoying the results of the good action does not cause any variation in

His state of Anandha. He is a PoornAnandha.


SARVATHVA SAMATHVA: (the power of remaining same everywhere i.e. the

circumstances do not affect the paramathma) This extraordinary quality

has been established as belonging only to parabrahma in brahma suthras

like " Nasthna thopiparasyo bhaya lingam Sarvathrahi " Krishna says He has

that extraordinary qualities in Him.


BG 5--18/19: Learned people (pandits) see Paramathma present in learned

brahmins, in a Cow, in an elephant, in a dog in a lowest person being

same without any variation.

BG 6-9: One who understands that Paramathma (Krishna) who stays as

antharyami in different places, remains as purna anandamaya, everywhere,

without any variation is a wise person (Jnanees).

BG 6-30: That Yogi who does dhyana with the firm conviction that there

is no variation in my jnana anandha & other action whereever I am

present is my baktha (devotee).

BG 6-29: One who is immersed in dhyana yoga (meditation of God)

believes that God who is present in every individual from Brahma to a

blade grass remains without any variations in his all noble qualities

i.e. The particular form of Brahma present in Brahma without any


BG 13-17: Parabrahma (Sri Krishna) remaining without any difference

between His any two forms, appears to be different in different places

to ignorant people. All the living beings from Brahma to the blade of

grass have many differences & variations from one an other among

themselves. But God who is present in everyone of them remains the same

in all of them. He is always full of good qualities & free from all

defects & draw backs. One who believes in this way is a wise person


BG 13-29: The person who clearly understands that Parabrahma (Krishna)

who is present in every individual being from Brahma to blade of grass.

Who is complete in all noble qualities & who is free from all defects &

draw backs, is without any variation in any respect between any two of

his different forms, escapes hell & attains Mukthi.

BG 13-31: All the different beings in the form of dhevas, dhanavas etc

who are different from one another in different way are depending on

only one paramathma (Krishna) who is present in every one of them in the

same way, without any variation. The devotee who understands the above

truth attains Mukthi.



uncommon power of any one part being capable of discharging work of all

the other parts pertains only to Parabrahma & this power is absent in

others like Brahma, Krishna says He has that power in Him i.e. any one

indhriya of Paramathma can do the work of all other indriyas also

Krishna says:

BG 9-5: My body is capable of creating other beings.

BG 11-16: This is the prayer of Arjuna I am seeing You having numerous,

abdomen, numerous faces & numerous eyes & in every form different


BG 13-13: Parabrahma (Sri Krishna) has in his every organ of the body

the power of hand & legs, all His organs can do the work of eyes, head,

face, He can hear from all organ of His body, He is present everywhere.



only Paramathma at the time of death, he will attain Mukthi):


to be contd


Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi)

by H. H. Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


Sri kRuShNARpanamasthu

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