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Bhaghavat Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Thirtha, Chapter 1, Part 9

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shrI gurubhyO namaha





only Paramathma at the time of death, he will attain Mukthi) who is he?

Krishna says HE is that Paramathma.


BG 2-72: As described before, being free from all desires to remain

always meditating on Paramathma is the normal condition of brahmajnAni

(realised person) one who has attained this stage does not return to

cycle of births & deaths. At the time of casting away, the physical

body, if the jnanee is in that state of meditation of Parabrahmam, he

attains Parabrahma who is devoid of a body made of Prakruthi (Krishna).

BG 8-5: Those that understand as one who is present in all beings

subject to death, as one who is in all dhevathas like Hiranyagarbha, as

one who prompts the performance of all yagnas, & one who enjoys the

results of all yagnas properly conducted, & meditate on Me at the time

of death, they are the people who have their mind in samadhi state.

BG 7-5: The person meditating on Me at the time of death, casts off has

physical body & continues his journey will attain Me (ie. will attain

Mukthi). There is no doubt in this.

BG 8-13: The person who saying pranava in his mouth think of Me in his

mind, casts off his physical body will attain Mukthi. The meaning of

these sentences is that the person whose remembrance at the time of

death ensure, Mukthi must be the Parabrahma.


PARAMAKSHARATHWA (The quality of being represented by the word AKSHARA- "

i.e. permanent, without having any destruction). It has been decided in

Brahma Suthras like " Aksharaman brantha dhruthehe thath, this quality

belongs to Parabrahma-Vishnu, only Krishna has said that chiefly that He

is represented by the word " Akshara " . This also proves that He is

sarvoththamma. Akshara means devoid of Kshara which is four kinds, in

completeness, liable for sorrow, liable for loss of body (dhehanasa),

not permanent (temporary). Since none of these four are found to be in

Achyutha, he is Akshara " Nathvevaham Jathunasarn etc.. in these

shlokas.. Krishna has said He as well as other souls are immortal. He

also has said that " Dhehino dhehanthara prapthi " only jeevas has loss of

body (dheha) but He has no such loss.


BG 8-20: Yahasa sarveshubhoo the shu nasyathsuna vinasyathi...... In

this shloka, Krishna has said that in Mahapralaya thouth all beings

sustain the loss of their body, He does not suffer any such loss, from

shlokas like " nanavapthama vaptha viham " , He shows there is no cause for

any sorrow for Him from shlokas like " Mahthaha paratharam nanath " He

shows that there is no one better than Him (Uththamma) & He is the

highest in everything, therefore jeevas having a nature of loosing the

body the body cannot be Akshara but Lakshmi who has full happiness

(purnaanadha) is eligible to be called Akshara, still Lakshmi is

subordinates to Her Lord. Paramathma is only independent Akshara.

Since Krishna has said in 8th adhyaya, " only He who is able to grant

Mukthi which releases the jeeva from the cycle of repeated births &

deaths, is pricipally meant by " Akshara " .


In some places, in Sastras, they have addressed Lakshmi & Mukthas as

" Aksharas " & Paramathma as " Paramakshara " neither Lakshmi nor any other

being other than Paramathma is eligible to be called " Paramakshara. "


BG 8-3: This is the reply to the question for who is Brahma?

Paramakshara is Paramthma (Krishna). It is clear

BG 8-2: I am going to tell you in short about the nature of parabrahma

(Myself) whom the learned the vedhas call as " Akshara " .

BG 8-21: Krishna says that Paramathma who is avyaktha is akshara, one

can reach Him. My nature is that when a person reaches Me, he shall not

return to the cycle of birth & death. Arjuna also has seen accordingly.


BG 9-18: You are to be understood as I am Paramakshara.

BG 11-17: Hey endless in space, time & good qualities, Lord of

dhevathas, one who pervades the whole world, you are the Akshara. You

are most uncommon in the world.


A-VYAKTHATHVA (The quality of not being clearly known). It has been

proved in brahma suthras like " Sushmanthu thadharththva in " & " Thadha

vyaktha maha hi " that the quality of a vjaktha pertains to Parabrahma

who is sarVoththamma. Since Krishna has said in BG that he is avyaktha,

he is SarvOththamma.


Question: Swamiji, Avayktha means that he is not vyaktha i.e. he is not

the object of knowledge. Advaithies also say he is a not jneya i.e. he

is not the object of knowledge, he is not knowable, what is the

difference between you & them (Advaithees)?


Srigalavaru: Krishna, who has been the object to the knowledge of

Arjuna, who has been described & prayed by Bhishma, & actually seen by

the numerous people on the battle field, if he says he is " A-jneya " i.e

is not knowable by anybody, it will be equal to the statement of a

person that he is the son of barren woman. That would b meaningless

bable, words of Krishna who is omniscient can not be meaningless.

Therefore, we have to explain the words according to the circumstances &

without contradicting the pramanas. The meaning of a vyaktha has been

decided in Shastras in 3 ways. 1. Since Paramathma cannot be

understood by our five jnanedhriyas as we understanding the meaning of

ordinary words, He is avyaktha. That is why He has the name of "

Adhokshaja " . 2. According to the sruthies like " Dhrushyathe Thuagraya

bkdhya (B16), He is visible to dhvya dhrishti (to the mind which has

been properly trained by Sravana, manana & dhyana (meditation). It is

not possible to see by minds special eye unless god himself decides to

reveal Himself to the devotee being pleased with his devotion & bestows

His grace on the devotee. 3. Even when God reveal himself to his

devotee, by His grace, the devotee will not be able to understand the

full nature of God. Since no body can understand God completely under

any circumstances, He is avyaktha. One can find all the three avyaktha

qualities in Krishna.


BG 9--4/5: The entire world containing living & non living is pervaded

by Me. (then why He is not seen like a pot or like heat or cold found in

the body? ) even though all material bodies (Bhoothas) have contact

with me they do not get any of my qualities, because my yoga of easwara

relation is of un immaginable power.

BG 9-5: Just as air in the atmosphere is pervading the whole world,

does not acquire the qualities of so many things over which the air

passes similarly even though Paramathma pervades the entire world, his

qualities are not acquired by worldly things.

BG 8--24/25: By nature, I am not knowable by ordinary sense organs, but

great jnanees. Think that I am knowable as I am pleased with My

devotees & decide to become visible to them since I am covered by

Prakruthi & my special, extraordinary power, I will not become available

to the understanding power of sense organs of ordinary people

furtherjust as a thing which is behind an opaque screen is not visible

for people in the same way ordinarily people are covered with a screen

of avidhya & not able to see who is behind such a screen.

BG 2-25: Though Paramathma is with jeevathma always, continuously, still

the jeevathma is not aware of His companion Paramathma, because

Paramathma has unimaginable power.

BG 8-16: Since Paramathma is in a very minute form & is present both at

great distances as well as very near to us, he cannot be understood by

us with the help of our sense organs.

BG 12-54: Krishna says to Arjuna: It is not possible to see Me as you

have seen by the knowledge o Vedhas, by thapas, by Dhana or by yajna

when these are not accompanied by firm devotion (bhakthi). (then how

you will become known to the devotees). Krishna says " By stead fast

devotion (Ananya bhakthi), one will be able to understand Me, see Me &

then to enter ME, who has unlimited greatness. It is clear that God

who is generally unknowable becomes knowable to the devotee only when He

is pleased with the devotion of the devotee.

BG 18-55: One will become Muktha only after he understands My real

nature & seen Me with great devotion (Bhakthi).


You will get the pleasure of the state of samadhi & subsequent Mukthi by

My grace only.


Arjuna himself has said that it is not possible for anyone to understand

Paramathma completely.


BG 10---14/15: Arjuna says Hey bhagwan, neither dhevathas (known to be

jnanees) nor dhanavas (even dhanavas like Prahalad) know fully your

great power but You Yourself know completely everything without the help

of anyone else.

BG 10-10: Krishna says that I shall tell you only a few of My vihoothi

roopas because there will be no end of them if I start telling all of


BG 10-40: There is no end for My wonderful vibhoothi roopas. All I

have told you are only a few. From the sentences like the following

" yethvaksharama irdhe syakavya ktham paryle pasathe " '' ye chapyokshara

mayyaktham " Lakshmi dhevi is also called Avyaktha. But Lakshmi is

always Vyaktha (known) to Paramathma who is the controller of everybody

including Lakshmi. She is avyaktha only to the jeevas like Brahma &

others whom She controls, by the grace of God. Therefore, primarily,

the word Avyaktha applies only to Paramathma (Krishna).

BG 8-20/21: Bhaghavan, who is knwon as avayaktha is different from all

beings, He is independent, & He is great (uththamma) (He is answering

who is avayaktha. He who is aksha & whom one can have in Mukthi (prapya

in Mukthi) from this it is only that Vasudheva, who can grant release

(Mukthi) is primarily meant by Avaktha.


A-CHINTHYA SAKTHI: (Gods power is beyond our imagination)


to be contd....


Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi)

by H. H. Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


Sri kRuShNARpanamasthu

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