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Bhaghavat Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Thirtha, Chapter 1, Part 10

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shrI gurubhyO namaha




A-CHINTHYA SAKTHI (Gods power is beyond our imagination). In Brahma

Suthras like " Athmuni chchaivom (B91 & B92) vichithraschahi " & " sarvo

pethachatha dharsanath'' It has been established that Achinthya Sakthi

as a quality pertaining to Parabrahma only. In advaitha, they have

accepted Achinthya Sakthi to non living Vidhya as " Aghatana pateeyasi

sachavidhya " . If one accepts for non living thing, the power of

Achinthya sakthi the following will be the consequences. Brahma will

have the quality of non living (Jadathva). Eswara will become liable to

destruction; things like pot etc which are normally liable for

destruction will acquire the quality of non living (Jadathva). Eswara

will become liable to destruction. Things like pot etc which are

normally liable for destrution will acquire the quality of permanency &

nature of living being. Such unreasonable conclusions are due to faulty

reasoning just to please the followers of Advaitha. But this cannot

become the decision arrived at after due consideration (Siddhantha).


From the sentence in BG, it will be clear that only Krishna has the

power of Achinthya Sakthi.


BG 2-25: Parabrahma is a vyaktha & has wonderful & unimaginable power.

BG 2-29: A sathvic devotee considers God who is independent in all

respects as wonderful (adhbhutha); another says that God is not like

others & wonderful (asadhrushad adhbhutha). Third devotee finds that

there is no end in hearing the greatness of God & conclude, that no one

can understand the complete nature of God (His Swaroopa).

BG 8-9: Paramathma (Myself) cannot be understood completely by any one

as He has an appearance which cannot be understood clearly.

BG 13-23: Paramathma being greater than everything sees

everything........ He is extremely powerful

BG 13-28: One who understands that though paramathma is in living

beings having different qualities, he is free from all defects & that

though the bodies in which he stays are liable for destructuon, He does

not suffer any change because of His poser of achinthya Sakthi is a

jnanee. Krishna has suggested some other items also that establish

achinthya Sakthi in Him.

BG 13-16: Paramathma with the same roopa can be present far away & very

near at the same time. The power of this is due to His achinthya


BG 2-20: Paramathma had the form of Rama & Krishna & only appeared with

the required form when the necessity arose. Those forms of Paramathma

are still present, though they are not ordinarily visible to us. This

is possible because of His achinthya sakthi.

BG 13-14: Paramathma's any one sense organ can do the work of all other

sense organs. This is possible only because of His achinthya Sakthi.

BG 15-9: Paramathma who is completely full of Ananda always stays in

the sense organs of jeevas & enjoys the good results of the Karmas

performed by the jeevas concerned. This does not affect in anyway His

normal state of Ananda. this is possible only because of His power of

Achinthya Sakthi. Srimad Anandha Theertha also has given the example as

" poorna nandamayesya chestanajayathe kvachith. "

BG 15-10: Ajnanee does not see either the Paramathma that is taking

away the soul of a person to the other world at the time of the death of

the person or paramathma who is present in the body of everyone at the

time when the person is living & enjoying the good results of properly

performed prescribed Karmas by the Jeevathma concerned. But Jnanees

(who have Janana chakshus) see the paramathma in both the positions.

BG 15-17: Paramathma has entered all the three lokas & maintains them

by Himself due to His achinthya Sakthi, even when these lokas are

destroyed, He does not suffer any change.

BG 10-42: I am pervading the entire world by my small part (Amsa).


Krishna says that those that have jnana chakshus can understand Him.

Arjuna who has jnana chakshus has been the witness for Krishna having

Achinthya Sakthi. Arjuna knew that Krishna had achinthya Sakthi even

before He requested Krishna to show him His Vishwaroopa.


BG 11-3: Arjuna says, Hey PurushOththamma, Hey Parameshwara, You have

unimaginable & terrible power, all the greatness You have said about You

is true. I wish to see Your wonderful appearance. If Arjuna had asked

Krishna to show His magical appearance & if Krishna had shown an

appearance, it could have been correct thing that the Vishvaroopa shown

by Krishna was produced by magic but not His real & natural. Some

people say that Visvaroopa shown to Arjuna was produced by magic of

Vishnu. But at the time of asking only Arjuna said you are Maheswara,

show Me your rich personality & He said yogeswara, show Me your roopa

which is devoid of destruction or permanent. Therefore, the viswaroopa

which was shown to Arjuna is well known as permanent & natural roopas

of Paramathma.

BG 11-8, 9,: I will give you Dhivachakshus special sight you see my

unthinkable might. Krishna did show to Arjuna His real great,

unimaginable swarupa as visvaroopa. The consideration of the

conversation, between Krishna & Arjuna proves that the Vishwaroopa seen

by Arjuna was the real Vishwaroopa of paramathma which required chakshus

or special power as ordinary eyes cannot see Paramathma. If that

Vishwaroopa was produced by maya or magic, ordinary sight would have

been enough & there woudl not have been any need for Krishna to give

divya chakshus to Arjuna. In Mahabharatha, Duryodhana could not

appreciate the greatness of Vishwaroopa of Krishna because he did not

have any dhivya chakshus as Arjuan had. That is why Arjuna could

realise the greatness of Vishwaroopas.

BG 11---11,12: Numerous faces, numerous eyes with numerous wonderful

garlands & clothes with natural fragrance, having faces in all

directions. Arjuna saw such an unimaginable vishwaroopa. For talk &

magical appearance only darkness is helpful. Too much or brightness is

not associated with unreal magical things. But vishwaroopa was brighter

than a number of suns put together.


BG 11--30: If a number of suns appear simultaneously in the sky the

brightness so produced may be similar to the brightness produced by the

Vishwaroopa. Arjuna says Hey Vishnu, the appearing light of Your body

has spread through out the world & we feel the heat, & your wonderful

vishvaroopa is beeing seen by all the dhevathas & mukthas. What is

being seen by dhevathas & Mukthas can only be real & not false & produce

by magic.


BG 11-22: Hey Mahathma, after seeing Your wonderful & fearful figure,

all the lokas are worried. All devathas, both Mukthas & amukthas are

present in Your body. Amukthas dhevathas are praying you with the

fear. Groups of Gandharvas, yakshas & all dhevas are looking at You

wiht the wonder. In the world, the weak magician follows magic to

produce falls things since He is not able to produce the really required

things by audience. But God has the power to produce whatever He

wishes, hence there is no need for Him to resort to magic so whatever He

produces are real & natural things.


BG 11-40:


to be contd:


Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi)

by H. H. Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


Sri kRuShNARpanamasthu

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