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Srimad Bhaghavat Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Thirtha, Chapter 1, last part

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shrI gurubhyO namaha




A-CHINTHYA SHAKTHI: (God's power is beyond our imagination) CONTINUED:


BG 11-40: Hey Swami, You have limitless power, therefore You have

achinthya Sakthi. Therefore, only thing we can do is to surrender to

You. I bow down before You again & again, I bow down, as You are

visible in the east, in the west, in the north, in the south, behind,

before, above, & below. You are everwhere I bow down to such a one.


At the time of withdrawing His viswaroopa, Krishna, Himself has said

that what He has shown was not a piece of Magic, but it is His natural

One got by Him in view of His Achinthya Shakthi.


BG 11-47: Hey Arjuna, since I am pleased & blessed you with My grace, I

have shown you by My natural ability highly shining, beyond your

imagination & the first cause for creation of the world. And to see a

false sight one need not do any terrible. Tapas, Krishna says

Viswaroopa is " Sudhardharshana " .

BG 11-54: Krishna says, Arjuna, it is not possible to see My vishwaroopa

by a simple method. Only by firm devotion in Me, I am amenable for

sight. Even though the war in Mahabharatha was over, that Ananda, says

Sanjaya, got by seeing the Viswaroopa of Krishna, did not diminish.

BG 18-77: Dhrutharasthra from the memory of the conversation between

Krishna & Arjuna, I get joy again & again & I remember again & again the

most wonderful visvaroopa of Sri Hari. I am greatly surprised & again &

again, I feel joy.


Sanjaya has said in the previous sloka, " Yogesvaraath Krishna " & in the

last sloka of Geetha, he has described the nature of Krishna in the

short summary.


BG 18-78: Where (in which army) Krishna who has unimaginable power &

Supreme Lord of everything is & Arjuna (Krishna's devotee) holding

Gandivadhanus is, there only Rajya Lakshmi, victory, prosperity &

justice will be. This is my opinion.


The unimaginable power of Sri Krishna becomes clear at the end of

Mahabharatha war. Poor pandavas, without any kingdom of their own, with

a smaller army than Duryodhana's with the help of unarmed Krishna won

the war. But Duryodhana with a huge kingdom & a big army & with the

edditional help of well armed one lakh army from Krishna lost the war &

everthing including his own life. Sanjaya is suggesting from the

portions of the sloka " Ya thrathipartho dhanurdharaha " that even those

who are devotees of Krishna & completely, depending on Him get some part

of Achinthya sakthi of Krishna according to Yogyatha what the devotee

deserves. It is not possible to estimate the ability of Sri Krishna,

the lord of the yogees (Yogeeswara).


As stated above, Sarvoththmamathva of Vishnu (Krishna) has been

established in Vedhantha Suthras & Bhaghavat Geetha. Why should we have

many arguments? The practice of the Jnanee, is the best proof of the

sarvOththammathva of Paramathma (Krishna).


" Ahamathma gudakesa " Krishna's words, " Parabrahma " Arjuna's prayer:

These conclusively prove that Krishna is Athma & Krishna is

" Parabrahma " Those names who have been such " Athma " consider all

worldly thing as worthnoting.


BG 3-17/18: He who has been satisfied with seeing paramathma & has no

more interest in any other worldly attainment, such asampragna

Samadhistha has no other duty to perform. Because duties are performed

for the specific object of seeing paramathma (for Dharsana of

Paramathma). For one who has had it no other duty is necessary. This

shows that dharsana of Paramathma is the highest achievement & one whose

Dharshana is highest achievement i.e. that ensures Mukthi must be

saRvOththamma. Paramathma (Krishna) is saRvOththamma Krishna has said

the same thing in 6th chapter also.

BG 6-22: Devotee after attaining the dhyana yoga that ensures dharshana

of Paramathma, does not think of any thing better, as there is nothing

better. Aparosha Jnana or dharshana of Paramathma ensures Mukthi, which

is the highest object of a devotee. This Paramatma dharshana is the

highest achievement & Paramathma whose dharsana ensure Mukthi is the

saRvOththamma. Lord Krishna is SarvOththamma.


Thus Lord Krishna who is our best well wisher, most dependable

(Apthathama) omnicient, & Teacher to the whole world, has taught

Bhaghavat Geetha to Arjuna, who holds a high place among the highest

devotees who has surrendered himself with devotion as a disciple to Sri

Krishna at a time, he was in a great fix as to what was his correct duty

(Dharmasankata). The gist of Geetha is as described in sentences like

" Emamvivasvathe Yogam " old & which is in accord with Vedhas is Brahma

Vidhya. This declaration clearly so as to be understood by all clear

thinking people, that Krishna is parabrahma, He is the one to be

understood after studying all the vedas, & He is the one that can grant

Mukthi. All others different from Him, together have only a small

fraction of His unimaginable strength & therefore He is the

Sarvoththamma. Geetha is instructing this truth again & again.


Vasudheva, the controller of the real world, & permanent Lord for all

times of all jeevas, is shining on the throne of sentences of Bhaghavath

Geetha. But just as blind people are not able to appreciate light of

sun, granite stone does not feel any pleasure in the moonlight similarly

the people having not properly trained mind but having a mind which has

been constantly exposed for a long time to bad logic, teachings of

Geetha appear to them as two groups of sentences that indicate two

different systems mutually contradictory, namely one sanyasa system that

rejects performance of all prescribed Karma, & another that favours rest

of the people to continue in family life performing Karma for all the

time. This makes the man fee that he himself is Brahman which he has

forgotten due to the effect of avidhya which cannot be described but

which is all powerful. These unfortunate people are not able to

understand, that man is not God, but he is only a servent of God, & man

is in real bodage while he is in samsara. The man cannot become free

from samsara bandha without the grace of God. Paramathma (Krishna) is

independent of everythign, anandamaya & Karunasagara. Krishna has

taught geethat, for those sathvic people who deserve Mukthi showing how

to earn His grace to attain Mukthi.





to be contd........................................


Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi)

by H. H. Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


Sri kRuShNARpanamasthu

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