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Bhaghavat Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha, Chapter 2, Part 1

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shrI gurubhyO namaha


Sri Vyasarajaru has collected everything of our Madhwamatha in one



shrIman-madhva- mate hariH parataraH satyaM jagat.th |

tattvato bhedO jIvagaNAH hareranucharAH nIchOchcha ||

bhAvaN^gataH mukthirnaijasukhAnubhUtiramalAbhaktishcha |

tatsAdhanam.h hyaxAditrayaM pramANamakhilAmnAyaikavedyo hariH ||




Meaning: 1. Hari is sarvoththamma, 2. Jagath Sathya, 3.

Paramarthika panchabheda 4. Jeevas are servants of Vishnu 5.

Different grades among jeevas 6. Mukthi is the enjoyment of

svarupananda of jeevas 7. Bhakthi is the means of realising salvation

8. Prathyaksha, Anumana & Agama are only three means of establishing


9. All vedhas praise Vishnu alone.


These nine prameyas are most important in Madhwamatha. HH Sri

Sathyadhyana Theertha Swamiji has already established Vishnu

Sarvoththammathva in the first chapter.


Details on this premeya stothra can be seen in



In the second chapter, Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha is trying to prove

Acharya Madhwa's statement on Jagathsathyathva mainly quoting Sri

Krishna's words in the Bhaghavat Geetha.




Question: Swamiji, for some days past you have been preaching that all

sentences in BG intend to establish that Vishnu is Sarvoththamma. but

so long as system which declares that the world is different from Brahma

& it is Mithya (unreal) like Silver in shell is not completely disproved

satisfactorily with convincing logic & reasoning, till then the Vishnu

Sarvoththammathva established by you is like a money bag seen in a dream

& as such it cannot be accepted with conviction. It is similar to the

ownership of empty house by only one occupant & like a king in the

Drama, without a kingdom, the first rank of student in a class where

there is no second student, skill & thapas one should have had to create

a world similar to silver in shell. How beautiful looks his over

Lordship of Vishnu on the world which is like silver in Shell? When the

world is Mithya (false-unreal) whom does Vishnu control?


Therefore if you today establish all the universe (sky etc. what we see)

is paramasathya (completely real) we can accept the greatness of the

creator of such wonderful real world. Otherwise the great effect you

have made in establishing the Vishnu Sarvoththammathva will be in vain

like Homa in ashes.


Answer: Sripadhagalavaru:


1. I shall establish by the authority of words of Sri Krishna alone

that the whole universe (Sky etc). is real, to your conviction. Here a

little preface is required first of all we should have clear idea of

what we mean by Mithya (false) & Sathya (truth, real). Generally, it is

accepted by all that Silver that appears in Shell is " Mithya " & the

silver that is available in a shop selling it, is Sathya.


Advaitees say that Silver in the Shell appears only to the person who

sees the shell & gets the illusion (Brahma or Branthi) that there is

silver. Actually there is no silver in shell, it was never there at any

time except it appears as present only to the person that gets the

illusion, only during the period of illusion. When the same person

examines shell carefully, he comes to the conclusion that there is no

Silver in shell & that he had mistaken.


2. Certain things like sky, time etc have no beginning. That means,

there was no time when they were not in existence. Similarly, the

silver in the shop is also has been in existence from a long time. They

have not come into existence just at the time when they come to our

notice as silver in shell. In this way, things that are in existence

for a long time are Sathya or real & these things that come into

existence only during the period of illusion & neither seen earlier nor

seen later, but seen only during the time of illusion only by the person

that has experienced illusion & not by others such things can be

considered as Mithya.


3. If a potter has to prepare a pot mud becomes the upadhana Karana,

potter, wheel pole etc are nimiththa karana. A pot which has been

created as a result of such cause & effect relation the pot is real, for

silver in the shell there is no need for any nimiththa Karana (like

chethana, wheel, pole etc) or upadhana Karana (like mud). Anything that

has come up without a cause but only said to be present becomes Mithya.


In this way the absence of Nimiththa & upadhana Karana causes silver in

the shell Mithya & the presence of nimiththa & upadhana karana causes in

pot is Sathya.


4. The illusion of the presence of the Silver in shell does not happen

to everybody always. Only when there is some defect in the eye or

object is either very far away or very near the eye or there has been

very great similarity between the thing actually seen & the thing for

which the former is mistaken. Therefore, illusion occurs only when we

get some defective knowledge through our senses. If there is no defect

in the sense organ, then no illusion occurs. When a thing, when seen

illusion occured, is examined properly over coming the defect, no

illusion occurs & the knowledge one got during illusion will disappear

as incorrect. Hence examiners decide that Silver in shell is Mithya &

Silver in the shop is Sathya.


5. One who after seeing the shell had not illusion of presence of

Silver, when he carefully examines he comes to the conclusion that there

is no silver in shell (Nedham rajatham). In the silver in the shop no

one gets the knowledge that is not silver however much carefully he may

examine it. Even if the silver in the shop is burnt & made into an

oxide, they will say that there was silver it has been made into an

oxide for purposes of medicines. Therefore an account of losing the

wrong idea & getting a correct idea on close examination the Silver in

shell is Mithya (false) the silver in the shop is Sathya.


6. From silver in shop, one can make useful things like plates, pots

etc. But no such thing can be had from silver in shell. The quality of

being of amenable for creation of useful things for our daily use is

found only in real (sathya) things but not in Mithya (false) things.


Question: Swamiji, by serpent mistaken in a rope, which is Mithya, fear

is caused.







Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi)

by H. H. Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kRuShNARpanamasthu

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