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Bhaghavat Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha, Chapter 2, Part 3

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shrI gurubhyO namaha




BG 9-10: According to My wish, Prakruthi delivers all living & non

living world (just as a mother delivers her chid).

BG 13-26: In this world consisting both living & non living, if any

thing is to be born, you should understand that it happens only by the

union of chith prakruthi & paramathma. Krishna has expanded the idea

contained in this shloka in Chapter 14.

BG 14-13: Chith prakruthi is My wife, I make Her pregnant (Jeevas along

with thathvas that have resulted from non living prakruthi which were in

paramathma are transferred to the body of chith prakruthi). In this

way, all are born from the womb of Lakshmi.

BG 14-4: In the yonies of Deva, Manushya, pasu, pakshi etc whichever

chethana is born for every one of them Lakshmi is the delivering mother

& I am the creating father.


Some adhvaithies say that silver in shell has resulted from the

ipadanakarana of avidhya. If avidhya is sathya, then silver in Shell

would be resulted from a true thing as upadana Karana as such should be

sathya. It is wrong to consider it as Mithya in that case. But it is

known to everyone one without exception that Silver in shell is Mithya.

If avidhya is mithya, how can a thing which is Mithya can perform itself

as another Mithya? If a mithya is Mithya, it must be as a result of an

illusion just as a Mithya is upadhana for Silver in the Shell there must

be another upadhana for avidhya & that in turn must have an ipadhana for

avidhya & that in turn must have an upadhana this forms a never ending

series. That means, we will have to accept an indefinite series of

avidhya. This is a defect in logic. If some thing is anadhi, it cannot

be a subject of illusion. If it is said that avidhya, is Mithya even

though it is anadhi then, Brahma also woudl be Mithya. If advaitha

brahma is called Sathya only because it is Nithya or anadhi.


Who has seen the creating father & delivering mother for Silver in Shell

& Serpant in the rope? The statement that the world is Mithya like the

silver in the shell & the world is a magic show & a false appearance

with full of avidhya is a beautiful one fit to be written in a novel

intended for appearances, but it is not fit to be stated as a siddhantha

in a shasthras. In the world, if children treat their parents unfairly

saying that you are not my father, you are not my mother, what have you

done for me? " Sa Mathrahabhavathi " " Prithruhabhavathi " (B19) according

to these Shruthees good people consider as very bad manners. On the

other hand, if we say to Narayana & Lakshmi, Father & Mother of the

world, " This world is false, what good You have done to us by creating

this false world " etc... & if we establish mayawada that gives such

meaning in Shasthras, how we can escape the anger of God? Atleast to

respect the Sruthies " Mathru devo bhava, pithru dhevo bhava " we should

not accept world Mithyathva in Shasthra.


7. We have already seen that Mithya things are not capable of producing

useful things for us in our daily life. But this world for which

prakruthi is the upadhana Karana has the ability to produce things that

are useful to us in our daily life. Krishna has stated this in many

adhyas. Prakruthi undergoes many changes like mahath, ahankara etc....


BG 13-20: Prakruthi which includes twenty four thathvas & jeeva are

both you understand as Sathya. Further, you understand that likes &

dislikes & Sathva, rajas, thamO gunas have resulted from Prakruthi.

From this, it is clear that prakruthi has Artha Kriya Kathruthva from

the resulting three gunas.

BG 13-22: Jeeva stays in the body made up of prakruthi & experiences

pleasure & pain which are the result of his relationship with

prakruthi. His union with the prakruthi gunas are the cause for the

birth in higher or lower yoni. Krishna has described how bandha is

caused by different gunas in chapter 14.

BG 14- 5 to 18: The three gunas, sathva, rajas & thamas have arisen

from prakruthi. These bound the jeeva which is nithya by nature in his

body made up of prakruthi. Among the three gunas, Sathva guna, because

it is pure, true removes disease from the jeeva & gives thathva jnana &

sukha. Rajo guna is the cause for worldly desires & other worldly

work. Thamoguna gives ajnana & mithya jnana. It makes man not to

observe vidhi & nishedha. Causes lazyness, in this way, it binds the

jeeva in his body.


Those that lead a pious life in Sathva guna will go to higher worlds.

Those that lead a pious life with rajoguna go heaven. Those bound by

thamasaguna go down to hell etc


In the chapter 16, Krishna describes the dhaivisampath, like abhaya

(without fear).......





Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi)

by H. H. Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kRuShNARpanamasthu

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