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Srimad Bhaghavat Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha, Chapter 2, Part 5

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shrI gurubhyO namaha




In the 16th chapter, Sri Krishna describes the dhaivisampath, like

abhaya (being without fear), Anthahkaranasudhi (with a clean mind) etc.

good dharmas that ensure, salvation & bad qualities like pride, over

bearing which cause the fall of the people bound by thamasaguna iin

hell. In 17th & 18th chapters, he describes Sradhdha (firm intention)

food, yajna, thapas dhana (giving alms), thyaga (not being interested)

in taking the result), Knowledge work (karma) Kartha (one who does the

job) Budhdhi (intellect), dhruthi (confidence) & pleasure. Everyone of

these is described differently as sathvic, rajasic & thamasic, from the

point of view of sadhakas (ie devotees trying for salvation). Sathvic

is acceptable but rajasic & thamasic should be rejected. This Krishna

has preached repeatedly with great emphasis. In this way, how can we

call the things of this world as Mithya when the things are capable of

producing so many things used as Mithya when the things capable of

producing so many things used in our daily life? from Silver in Shell

which is in capable of producing any useful article for us, to call the

whole world with its all, contents as Mithya is only a biased opinion.


8. How can pleasure & pain be called as false, which are experienced &

seen by witnesses no one can ever feel that the pleasure & pain which he

actually experienced was false.


9. Arjuna after he became an aparoksha jnanee saw this world with his

eyes granted to him by Paramathma (Sri Krishna) & Krishna who gives

jnana to jnaanees also has seen their world with his faultless eyes & he

said that I am creating this again & again & this creation is permanent

as pravaha. " When Sri Krishna is saying as above from his own mouth if

we are to say that this is Mithya, it is not there at present, it was

not there in the past & it shall not be there in the future our hearts

should be as hard as stones.


19. BG 7, 13, 20: Krishna says, Hey Guda Kesa, you will see in My body

which I am going to show you the entire world containing both living &

non living remaining in one place at present. Sanjaya says: Arjuna saw

in the Vishwaroopa of God of gods the different parts of the entire

world like Pruthvi, Dhevas, dhanavas, manavas etc....


Arjuna says: Hey Swami, you alone have occupied the entire space

between earth & sky in all directions.


Arjuna who was aparoksha jnani saw earth, sky, all directions all living

& non living world & God who was present every where. The world

different from God stood before him but did not disappear from his

sight. When one gets the illusion of Silver in shell when he examines

the shell carefully, he gets the real knowledge & the silver in the

shell disappears as it is Mithya. If the world was Mithya as silver in

shell as declared by Advaitees, when Arjuna got Brahma jnana after

seeing Sri Krishna with special eyes, the world should have disappeared

from his sight but it did not disappear & remained as it was & Arjuna

continued to see it with his special eyes. Therefore, the world is real

& both Sri Krishna & Arjuna are witnesses for it.


If Samsara bandha (the cycle of birhts & deaths) like silver in shell is

Mithya, to escape from that what attempts should be made by any body?

" Bahavo jnana thapasa putha madhbava mago tha ha " in this connection,

Krishna has said that devotees with great difficulty earn knowledge, do

panchagni, thapas etc become pure & then by the grace of parabrahma they

attain salvation. If this jagath bandha were to be Mithya, it would

have disappeared by itself. There was no need for the grace of any

body. Just as illusion of silver in shell disappears on correct

knowledge the jagath bandha does not disappear on Brahma jnana.


Krishna says:


BG 18-58: Those who surrender to me only they will be able to cross

over the difficultyof prakruthi bandha which is under My control. (My

devotees) by My grace attain permanent salvation.


In order to get over prakruthi bandha Sasthras enumerate many sadhanas

like nishkama Karma, Guru seva, Sravana, Manana, Dhyana, firm devotion

in Vishnu, including complete surrender to Him, severe sthapas to become

free from kAma & krOdha, control over indriyas etc... If the bandha is

Mithya, as the Advaithees say, all these instructions would be in vain

as the Mithya bandha will vanish by itself on getting Brahma who after

obtaining brahma jnaana has said " Sarvametha dhruthammanye " ie what all

you have said is true the statement that the world is Mithya is very

much against the teachings of Bhaghavat Gita.


World by nature is permanent & real & it binds man in his physical body

& to get over this bandha, it is necessary to earn many mano dharmas

stated in slokas like " Manthva mandhambhithva mahimsa kahanthiravacha " &

complete surrender (Saranagathi) to paramathma is the most important



BG 15-1-5: Sri Krishna Says: The world which is like a tree the

existence of which is established by sense knowledge has got three good

supports namely paramathma chith prakruthi & achethana prakruthi (for

the tree like a root jada prakruthi is support, like a support to root

also chith prakruthi is a support. Just as earth devatha is peculiarly

a support, para is also a support). Mahath, Ahankara etc thathvas &

their abhimanidhevathas which are lower than world tree. (In the world

juice, fruits come only after the leaves; here only after obtaining

meaning of the vedas as knowledge & after doing sadhana, following the

procedure laid down for obtaining the grace of God one gets Mukthi or

salvation which is the final fruit). Such a world tree is " Aswaththam "

ie undergoing variations every second, but permanent as a pravaha

without any distruction or beginning. SO say the wise (jnaanees) the

world tree which has such powerful support as Vishnu Himself & which is

subject to constant variation should be cut off with a sword of

knowledge sharpened by Vairagya (ie understanding that for this world

tree first cause is paramathma, the world is in many different ways

daily it is under going change, but it has no end, it is there always

like the flow of a river) one should surrender to the same god from whom

this beginning less samasara has come up. He should become free from

selfishness, ignorance desire for worldly pleasures & pain, avoiding

rajo guna & thamoguna. Such devotee attains permanent loka or vaikunta.


Since one has to cross this samsara chakra by such fixed system of

sadhana, the samsara bandha is very real.


To destroy the silver in the Shell the efforts of a Mahapurusha who is

satisfied with thapas are not required.





Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi)

by H. H. Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kRuShNARpanamasthu

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