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Bhaghavat Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha, Chapter 2, Part 7

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shrI gurubhyO namaha




Sri Krishna has not only established the reality of the world with many

well found reasons, but also has condemned the statements that the world

is Mithya i.e. the world was actually not in exisitence in the past or

in the present or it shall not be existing in future.


BG 16-8: People of a sura nature do not know the procedure to be

followed in acts to be observed & acts to be avoided & they say this

world is Mithya like silver in shell & it has not been created by Vishnu

known as Sathya. This world does not last long, it is not protected by

Vishnu & it has no easwara.


Question: Krishna says in 15th chapter that those who know

purushoththam know everything from this does it not mena purshoththomma

is everything; the world which is different from purushoththamma is



Answer: This sentence does not mean that either purushoththamma is

different from the world or the world which is different from

paramAthmas is Mithya. While saying " Yomamevamasmudoha " Krishna says

that one should understand Him as He has said before i.e. I am different

from Kshara & Akshara purushAs & higher than them one who understands

like this is considered to have understood everything. This means that

this is the quint essence of all Sastras or in the result of this

understanding, all results of understanding other knowledge about the

world are included (it can mean this way also). This second alternative

is more likely to be the opinion of Krishna according to His words in

2nd & 8th chapters. Whatever benefit one can get from a well, a

rivulet, small lake is included in the benefit one can get from a big

source of water liek Ganga Mahajala. In the same way, whatever benefit

like residence in heaven etc, accrues to those who do all kamya karmas

as prescribed in vedas, are included in the final result of a Yogi who

sees paramathma similarly in the result of a Yogi who sees paramathma

similarly in the result of acquiring Jnana of purushOththamma the

results of acquiring all other knowledge of the world as included.

Again in 8th chapter (BG 8-28): The jnAni who has been mentioned before

earns more punya by his Jnana than one can earn punya by adhyayana,

yajna, thapas & Dhana & highest permanent Mukthi.


Based on these sentences, we should interpret the statement that those

who understand purushOththamma in this way, are considered as having

known everything " The results of knowing all jnana are included in the

results of the knowledge of paramathma or 3. we can interpret in

another way also, when one knows the most important paramathma, it is

as good as knowing everything also. In this way, there are many

different meanings of this shloka, but leaving all these to say that the

world which is different from God is Mithya is against all reason &



In this connection, Yogi paramsthanamamu paithidhyanum " Sas watham

padhamvyayam " " Sthanam prapyasi sasvatham " Krishna has made these

statements & the Muktha loka is Nithya & he is the controller of Muktha

loka & Mukthas, when he is saying this to say all the world is Mithya is

terrible offence against all fair reason. From Krishna's statements "

Sarvasya dhathuram accusma redyaha param purusha mupaithidhi vigum " &

" Sarva midham vidhithva paramsthana meepaithi chadhyam " only that person

who does dhyana as paramathma sustains everything & protects everything

attains paramapurusha, only he who thinks that paramathma is adhiyajna &

creator of the world attains the parandhama (Mukthi). All those who

wish for salvation should do dhyana that world exists & Krishna is its

creator but they shoudl not say there is no world, because the knowledge

that there is no world is not condusive for salvation & when one says

that there is no world, it is the beginning of the theory that there is

no Bod. If there is world, there should be one to create it & protect

it. If there is no world, there is no need for God. Therefore one who

tries to establish Mithyathva of the world seems to attempt for removal

of God head. This leads to the anger of Krishna as indicated by shlokas

after " Asathyamapruthistom the jagadha huruniswaram "


Meaning: Asuras say that world is without sathva, therefore there is no

one to protect it. There is no easwara. They stick to such wrong

knowledge & become enemies of this world (by saying this world is

asathya) they are born in this world to destroy themselves (by acquiring

sin & enter hell). Since Krishna has said such terrible result for

them, all those who fear the displeasure of God, (all god people) should

avoid thinking Mithyathva of the world. They should believe that the

world is real & Krishna with his unparallelled power is the only lord &

they should serve him in all possible ways & surrender to Him. (As

father as master, as one who does good a good samaritan, as a real

friend, & one to be reached as goal.)


Chapter 3:








Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi)

by H. H. Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kRuShNARpanamasthu




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