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Bhaghavat Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha, Chapter 3, Part 3

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hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


shrI gurubhyO namaha





Ajo pisanna vyayathma: Paramathma has had no birth, His body is not

susceptible of any change.


BG 13-32: Paramathma (Krishna) does not undergo any change. Now our

requirements come to this. Paramathma does not under go any change &

does not get destroyed. Jeevathma also does not undergo any change in

his own nature, but the change is confined to the body only. Soul

cannot be destroyed. So, two things that have different qualities &

which do not under go any change in their nature (swarupa) cannot join &

become identical.


If two ornaments of ornaments of Gold are together melted because they

are not hard but they are soft the ornaments lose their shape & together

form a lump of Gold. But Jeevathma & Paramathma are like two lumps of

diamond, they have different properties & they do not change their

properties under any circumstances, hence they cannot join to become one

thing, either having the property of paramathma only or the properties

of jeevathma only. They always retain their qualities & never become



This has been stated as " NA hyanyo Anayathma na bhavathi " in the

sastras. A thing can never become identical with another of entirely

different nature. This statement has been accepted by Samkaracharya who

has recorded in his bhashya on Brihadha zanyo kopanisad that " Nahya sya

nya bhava upupadhyathe " this means that between two wonderful things of

different nature, one cannot become identical with other. It is between

Jeeva & Brahma after accepting the scientific truth in that two things

with entirely different qualities cannot become identical.


When Gold & Silver are melted, they become a single lump & the weight of

both gold & silver that were melted. Both have joined togetherclosely

in the lump. They have not become Ikya i.e. neither gold has become

silver nor silver not becomegold. If there is Ikya, there should not be

increase in weight. Suppose the original weight of gold was A gms &

original weight of silver was B gms. When they become lump, the weight

of the lump becomes (A+ B)gms. But if silver becomes ikya with gold,

the weight of gold after ikya should be only A gms not (A + B).

similarly, if gold becomes ikya with silver with silver the weight of

silver after ikya should be only B gms such a thing has never happened.


There is felling that when rivers join sea, they become ikyabhava. This

is only a notion. It is accepted by all, that water from a river & the

water from sea just mix up. There is increase in volume of water. It

may not be very appreciable. This has been accepted by adhvaithees

also. Suthra Bhasya (1-4-22) Bhamathi (B117).


Meaning, the original water molecules of river & the original water

molecules of sea were different they were not identical similarly there

is difference between the water molecules of sea & water molecules of

river, which are mixed with sea water difference continues kalpatharu

parimala also has stated the same position later in this discussion.

The assumption that parabrahma may become identical with Jeevathma is

equally untanable for it means paramathma becomes inferior Jeevathma

himself. Then Parabrahma's unthinkable power, His power of knowing

everything (Sarvathva) His purnathva, his power of pervading everything,

everywhere should immediately disappear. This has been shown in the

teeka of Anandhagiri on Samkarabhasya. In the vyakhyana of shloka

" Kamosmi bharatharshabha " (If Kama is different from Brahma & if brahma

becomes identical with kama, then brahma should have all the qualities

of kama. Similarly if Brahma becomes identified with jeeva, he should

have all the qualities of jeeva like birth, death anuthva, apurnatha



Advaithies themselves shoudl shown all these defects result if Ikya is

accepted. In this way, without bhaghavath dharmas being destroyed,

Paramathma cannot have Ikya with jeeva. Sri Krishna's swaroopa (nature)

body & indriyas (sense organs) are permanent (Nithya) according to

" Avyayathma " a janma karma cha iee dhivyam " etc... Geetha sentences &

svabhaviki jnana balasya kriyacha " etc sruthies. The Sruthes " Sathyasso

a syamahima " declares that Bhaghavan's mahima cannot become Mithya.


4. A jeeva who is disappointed in life who has taken to drinking

thieving gold etc & who has no thathva jnana may decide to commit

suicide. But paramathma who is wisest of the wise who has jnana &

ananda for his body could never think of becoming inferior jeeva to

exchange his happiness for worst misery. To think such a possiblity is

an insult to the unlimited intelligent of almighty God.


Sri Krishna says that jeeva svarupa (soul) is different from paramathma

& it is Nithya (permanent forever) & paramathma is always the controller

& protecter of jeevas.


Substance: This jeeva is prathibimba (image) of God who is unborn, does

not change his nature (but he has not become equal to paramathma but he

is similar to paramathma in some respects). Jeeva is very old (purana)

he keeps changing his body thouth his body is destroyed, his svarupa is

not affected in anyway.


This jeeva is nithya. He is in God who is everywhere. He is mInute in

size. He is bound by the order of God. Jeeva has three bodies, sthoola

body, sookshma body & svarupa body in all the three, the almighty God is

there as protector. Therefore, he cannot be destroyed. When God so

desired the stoola & sookshma bodies of jeeva fall out from jeeva. From

the above, it is seen that God is protecting Jeeva without destroying

his natures (swabhava) ie without making him identical with others.

" Nithyam nithya thma nayathaha " 'swabhavo jeevayevacha " . In many

places, Krishna has said that he is protecting the svabhava of many

things which have had no beginning, He Himself being the controller



From the above appreciation, it is seen that because

1. Jeeva svarupa is Nithya & devoid of variation.

2. Svarupa & Dheha of Paramathma are Nithya & devoid of variation..

3. If Ikya or one becoming another is accepted that results in non

appearance of the scientific law " Nahyanyos Nyathma nabhavathi " . if God

accept Ikya with inferior Jeeva, he will have to become inferior Jeeva


4. Paramathma is wisest of the wise, He does not want to lose his

superior & happy position to inferior & unhappy position by accepting

Ikya with inferior Jeeva which feeling is natural to all chethanas, to

protect his position, he is fully competent. Krishna has said that he

is both controller & protecter protecting Swabhava of all jeeva & other

things which are different from his in sentences like " Eswaraha

sarvabhoothanam hrudhdhesesrjuna thi shtuthi " " Maththaha sarvam

pravarthathe " either Jeeva, Jeeva Ikya or jeeva brahma Ikya can never

take place at any point in the course of time.


Question: Swamiji, what are the sentences of Bhaghavan which contradict

the Ikya of Jeeva & Brahma?







Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi)

by H. H. Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kRuShNARpanamasthu



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