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Bhaghavath Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha, Chapter 4, Part 2

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hari sarvottamma, vAyu jIvottamma


shrI gurubhyo namaha


Question: Swamiji, where is this seen? Is it possible for any one to think

that he is not a servent of the king while doing service to him?


Answer: You examine the behaviour of the people in the villages. When the

farmers pay land revenue to the village- Accountant they do not know that

they are satisfying the Mahararja, but feel that either the village

accountant or a mumladhar would be satisfied, similarly they feel that

village head man is the protector of the village though all such related

things take place under the control of the government. Many young people do

not know that there is a ruler to us like Maharaja.


In this way, since chethanas are not independent in doing a work or

obtaining the proper result for it when it is done, it shoudl be decided

that chethanas are dependents of God. Krishna says further.


BG 5-8-10: Substance: A thathva jnanee who is following yoga should

understand that he is not doing any thng independently " Naiva

kinchithkaromi " when he is seeing through eyes, when he is hearing sound

through his ears, when he is touching something, when he is smelling, when

he is eating, when he is walking, when he is sleeping, when he is breathing,

when he is talking, when he is catching (i.e. when he is doing any thing

with his jnanendriya or karmendriya). In this way, he thinks

" Brahmanyahaya " i.e. parabrahma is the prompter & that he awards the

results, independently of everything eles & surrenders every thing to

paramathma only. One who is doing nishkama karma (without expecting any

particular result for his work) will not be affected by the sins he has

committed just as the leaf of the lotus does not become wet by the water.

This means the yogi attaining Mukthi when all his sins are burnt.


Question: Swamiji, if chethanas have no freedom of action & ablillity like

non living things, hwo there could be any do's & don't's intendent to them?

When we have no ability to act, is not it unfair on the part of God to

punish us for sins?


Answer: If it is said that jeeva is a jada like a stone, both the drawbacks

you have pointed out would be reasonable. But we do not say so without

understanding sasthras properly. Some people accuse that if God is going to

make us do every thing, then there will be no effort by man. In such a

case, it is not fair for God to lay down a code of conduct & punish us for

failure to follow the same " Krishna has used two words Prabhuhu & Vibhuhu "

to indicate that every jeeva is a kartha (doer) i.e. he is having the

natural ability to do certain action. Just as electic lights have varying

degrees of brightness, the chethanas also have varying abilities, for

example on may have the ablilty of an elephant, another may have the ability

of ten elephants & a third one may have ability of 100 elephants. This

ability to do work is as natural to jeevas as they have jnana, ananda etc...

But jeeva cannot use his ability independently without the help of God. If

jeeva has to perform sandhya, he has to make his own effort, at the same

time God also should prompt him to do the same as his controller. Therefore

one action has been effected by two simultanously. It does not mean that

jeeva has not done any thing in sandhyavandhane. Since jeeva has done as a

dependent (like a soldier fighting for his country), we get a smaller share

in the return & as God has done as an independent agent, he gets the lion's

share of the return for sandhya. Actually, Krishna has explained that there

must be coorperation of five agencies for any action to take place in the

sloka " panchai thani maha baho " . It is only the people of thamasic nature

who say that there may not be any effort on the part of jeeva. We have

discussed this point in the earlier portion. How jeeva is a subordinate

Kartha (doer) is known fromt he following " Kartha sasthartha va ththvath "

(BS) " prayathna meka megratho vidhya abhuthi mapthi maha " (Statement by

Beemasena in Mahabharatha) " Udhyagi nom purusha simha mapaithe Lakshmi "

(Mahabharatha neethi vachana) Independence eve remains the quality of



Because the jeeva is subordinate to paramathma, he is bounded by code of

conduct subordination is proper for one bound by the orders of his superior.

Just as a king orders his subjects, Krishna orders all chethana that are

under his control.


BG 16-23,24: The jeeva who neglects to follow the procedure prescribed in

the sasthras, but does things according to his own whims & fancies does not

attain Brahma jnana. He does not secure happiness in this world (He is

likely to be born in the yonies of sheep, foul, dog, lion, tiger etc) & he

will not attain Mukthi. Therefore, Hey Arjuna, for wise people like you it

is only sastras which is the authority to decide which is right & which is

wrong. Therefore, you should understand the Karma which is in accordance

with the procedure laid down in sasthra & then you should do your duty.

Such fixed procedures show without doubt that all chethanas are subordinate

to paramathma.


Krishna decries those who over looking their subordination do karma

according to their choice. He also says that yajnas of such people are



BG 18- 7, 13: To give up karma which has been prescribed as duty is not

proper. If one under wrong impression gives up such karma, then it is

considered as Thamasa thyaga.

Yajnas that are not according to vidhi (order of God) are declared as

thamasic jnana by jnanees.


Krishna decries very much such people who think that they are not

subordinate to paramathma but they are independent.


BG 16-14 to 20: The people who think I am independent easwara, I have

independent enjoyment, I have done everything by myself, I am strong, I

belong tohighest class, there is no one equal to me, without seeking any

outside help, I can do yajna, give Dhakhina, & obtain happiness. In this

way, thamasic people think. But that all chethanas are always remain

subordinate to paramathma & only due to His grace, they can prosper in

anything. But tamasic people have illusion about their abilities &

achievements & have become more & more interested in worldly pleasure,

concerning wife, children, friends, country & wealth. They become proud &

do not show proper respect due to others, like Gurus, his seniors etc...

They hate paramathma who is antheryami in their own bodies & in the bodies

of the others, saying that if really there is such a controller let him stop

my present course of action like prevent me from eating, walking or talking

& conclude that there is no antheryami & they are independent by themselves.

Since the virtue of power of independence in all respects belongs only to

paramathma if any one else assumes that power it results in the hatred of

paramathma & such person becomes liable for severe punishment. Krishna says

that he puts such lowest kind of people that hate him & assumed false

independence in a bad yonies again & again so that they accumulate great sin

& finally fall into permanent hell never to return.


In this way, Krishna has prescribed the procedure for performance of Karma

again & again & has threatened with terrible punishment for those who assume

false independence forgetting that all chethanas are subordinates of

paramathma. The statement " hare anucharaharaha " i.e. all are followers or

subordinates of Sri Hari is proved without any doubt by the words of Krishna

in BG. From this, it is clear that the advaita thathva says " Really I am

not a subordinate to any body & I am brahma himself " is completely opposed

to Krishna. Further Krishna has said very clearly that no performing the

prescribed karma for the subordinate jeeva is improper & thamasic.


Question: Swamiji, advaithies say that only jnanees should not do karma.

Then according to their system, ajnanee before beoming a jnanee can do the








Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi) by H. H.

Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamasthu


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