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Bhaghavath Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha, Chapter 5, Part 2

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hari sarvottamma, vaayu jiivottamma


shrii gurubhyo namaha


shrii kr^iShNa parabrahmane namaha


BG 18--- 1-4: Krishna says, not causing fear to good people & he also not

fearing any bad persons, to have conscience that does not meditate on bad

thoughts, earnestness in hearing & meditating on qualities of Bhaghavan,

giving alms to deserving people according to procedure, & to do

vedhadhyayana under the direction of a proper guru. Doing thapas in proper

way. to be same in work, in words, & in thinking, to practice ahimsa, to

speak truth as laid down in vedas, to give up anger that causes trouble to

good people, to be liberal in good aspects, be calm, keeping mind steadily

in God not to carry tales against good people, to sympathise with all, not

being interested in worldly pleasures, not I hate even those who trouble

him, to be ashamed of doing bad acts, to be firm in chaste way of life, not

to be defeated by bad fearless in sathvic things. To keep both body & mind

pure, these are the svabhava (nature of soul) of chethanas that are fit for



Even though one knows that he is very ordinary, to show that he is very

great, while there is cause to be feared, to show that he is fearless to be

selfish. To get agree, to do harm to good people. To speak in a way that

causes pain to others, tobe ignorant or have wrong knowledge. These are the

qualities of souls of chethanas of thamasic people.


One should not think that these are qualities acquired due to previous karma

& not intrinsic qualities. Krishna has described the results people of

these categories attain & they prove the people of these categories exist



BG 15--5: The dhaivisampath enable the chethana having those qualities to

become eligible for one of 4 types of Mukthi. Asura sambandhi sampath makes

the chethana having those qualities to go down to the worst hell, never to

return. This sentence is not so categorical. In 12 slokas, Krishna

describes Asurisampath & already pronounces the final fate of such a

thamasic chethana.


BG 16---7-20: People of thamasic nature do not know the proper procedure to

be followed in doing the prescripted karma & what karmas they should avoid

as per shasthras. They do not have proper cleanliness. They do not speak

the truth. They believe that the world is a mithya. It is just an illusion

of mind. They do not have proper jnana (knowledge) & do unholy karma which

causes much harm to the world & makes the authors of such harm to acquire

enough sin to enable them to fall in to hell. They are immersed in worldly

pleasures. They do cruel deeds. They are very proud that they perform

yajnas & yagas & give alms to undeserving people at worng times with great

show. They feel they have earned so much wealth today & they are going to

earn more in subsequent days. They feel there is no one else equal to them.

They hate God, who is in their body & in the body of every other person.

They feel they are independent & no one can control them in any way. At the

end, they fall in the dark hell never to return.


People having Asuraambhandhi nature without knowing the proper way of doing

karma or avoiding karma whereever necessary, acquire sin paramathma puts

them again & again in Asurayoni & finally they, without attaining Krishna,

fall in to the worst hell never to return from there.


From these shlokas, it is seen that one who enters the darkest hell never

return. Such a punishment would not be proper even for a bad act if it has

been done by an accident. It must be for a person that does such bad acts

in birth after birth habitually. Therefore, it is clear that there are two

classes of people one doing good work habitually in birth after birth, &

finally attain Krishna & remain in permanent happiness, never to return to

samsara, & another class of people who do bad work habitually in birth after

birth, never attaining Krishna & enter darkest hell, never to return to



Question: Swamiji, why the word " adhamamgathim " is said to mean a hell from

which there is no return, instead of treating it to mean very difficult



Answer: Since Krishna has already said " Pathanthi nara ke suchave " &

" Asurishve va yonishu " as ordinary punishment, the punishment now said

should be something more severe than that is Hell, from which there is no

return. And further Krishna has said " mamaprapthavai kautheya " without

attaining Krishna at any time. Therefore, it means that there are certain

people who never attain Krishna (i.e. Mukthi). If all chethanas were equal,

everyone of them would attain Krishna at some date & attain Mukthi. Since

there are some who never attain Krishna at any time they do not get mukthi

but go to a hell from which there is no return. This proves that there are

two types of people, one of dheva swabhava & another of asurasvabhava.


Question: Swamiji, if it is said that good chetanas always do good work &

bad chethanas do bad work, then what was the reason for Ajamila & Madhava

who were good people but they followed prohibited procedure?


Answer: This is an old question. Good people always generally do good

karmas, just as magnet attracting iron is its nature, for good people doing

good work is their nature. But since man is weak minded, they are liable to

the influence by bad company or wrong interpretations of sastras. In such

circumstances, even good people under illusion, do bad acts. But as soon

they become free from evil influence & proper under illusion, do bad acts.

But as soon they become free from evil influence & proper advice is

obtained, their mental aberration will disappear & they assume their normal

sathvic nature. They feel sorry also for having done bad acts during their

mental aberration. In contrast, to this the history of bad people also

should be understood in a similar manner. when normal natural quality is

obstructed due to strong opposite influences, it cannot assert itself for a

temporary period. Whne the external contrary influence becomes either weak

or disappears, the natural quality asserts itself. The probability of good

people by nature continue to do bad things for long & bad people by nature

continue to do good work for long is remote.


Question: Swamiji, in this connection, where has Krishna said?





Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi) by H. H.

Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamasthu


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