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Bhaghavath Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha, Chapter 5, Part 4

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hari sarvottamma, vaayu jiivottamma


shrii gurubhyo namaha


shrii kr^iShNa parabrahmane namaha





Question: Swamiji, how to decide that what is said in the above shloka is

only about permanent samsaries while it is known that even sathvika chetanas

due to influence of company, take interest in Kamya Karma?


Answer: The important content of that slokas interest permanently in kamya

karma suits only to nithya samsaries & does not apply to sathvika chethanas

fit for Mukthi. Krishna has described such people in second chapter also.


BG 2---42/44: Hey Arjuna, ignorant people believe that vedas are full of

pleasures & finally svarga only. Such people who are interested only in

Kamya Karma & think attainment of svarga as the highest purshartha, which

causes endless rebirth & death, will never attain the real meaning of vedas.

The people who have been described as kamathmas in these shlokas i.e. those

who are interested permanently in Kamya Karma or worldly pleasures are dealt

with as nithya samsaries in shastras. The nithya samsaries are of following

three kinds. Svarga prachara, niraa prachara, bhuprachara.


Krishna has described some people who worship other gods (devatas) without

knowing that vasudheva is the antharyami of everybody he is the only

authority to award the results for worship offered to any devatha.


BG 7---20-23: Those who worship as stated in these slokas are thraividhyas,

(permanently interested in Kamya Karma) but sometimes due to the influence

of company of ignorant people even sathvika chethanas fit for Mukthi may

adopt such Karmya worship. Therefore Krishna has said in BG 7-23 that those

who worship only devathas in the prescribed manner attain loka of devathas

(for a short time). Those who are MY bhakthas (Vishnu bhakthas) & attain

worship devathas in the prescribed manner finally attain Me also.


In view of the above thsoe who worship devas without bhakthi in Vishnu are

nithya samsaries since Krishna has said that dhevanam yanthi ie. attainment

of loka of devathas, the worshipper are not themoyogyas, people who worship

other dhevathas if they have bhakthi in Krishna through the grace of other

devathas attainment of Krishna also happens. That pertains to the cases of

sathvika chethanas who are fit for mukthi, but due to influence of others

company, they have adopted worship of other devathas for some time. Krishna

has said clearly the results that both types people get.


In this way, it is clear from sentences said by Krishna that there are three

kinds of people with different svabhava (Nature). These are their intrinsic

qualities not acquired qualities. Probably, satvika quality pertains to

people fit for Mukthi, Rajas i.e. quality pertains to Nithyasamsaries, &

thamas i.e. quality pertains to daithyas like Duryodhana. In this way,

people are interested in Karma in accordance with their natures (svabhava) &

Karma they have done in previous births determine by their nature. Krishna

has said that " Prakruthya Neyathaha Svaya " i.e. people worship devathas

etc... according to their intrinsic nature & the influence of Karma of their

previous births which is according to their own yogyatha. Krishna has said

in 3rd chapter of BG, verse 33 that Even though a person has had good

upadhesa of thathva, he does his karma in accordance with his svabhava

(intrisic nature). (Therefore those who are intrinsically of bad quality do

not change for good quality by instruction). All chethanas do karma

according to their svabhava. Mere control of indriyas will not help.


Krishna has described the practice of different chethanas according to their

svabhava (intrinsic quality) in chapter 16. He has further expanded these

in 17th & 18th chapter.


BG 17-4: Sathvikas (those that are fit for Mukthi) intending Vishnu,

worship devathas, rajasas (nithya samsaries) worship yakshas & rakshasas,

thamasic people worship boothas & pisachas in their yajnas.


Krishna has clearly described the people of Asura sampaththi svabhava.


BG 17--5-6: Arjuna, you should understand that those people who undertake

very difficult yagas yajnas & thapas which are not in accordance with vedas

but according to some other agamas which are against vedhas & consider all

subordinate dhevathas & supreme God present in the body of everyone

controlling all the activities of the chethanas as having poor qualities

(due to ignorance) such people as people having asura sambandhi svabhava.


With the intention that his bhakthas should avoid the company of thamasic

people & adopt only sathvika habits, Krishna has described the differences

in food etc... of different types of people in 17th to 18th chapters.





BG 17-7: You should hear there are three types in food yagnas, thapas &

dhana liked by different types of people. Krishna describes differences in

food liked by the three types of people in the following shloka.


BG !8---11-8-10: Sathvikas like the food that enhance duration of life,

purifies the mind, gives strength, gives health, that gives happiness at the

time of eating & afterwards also & which is tasty. Rasasika people like

food, which is very pungent, very savor, very sadish & makes one unhappy at

the time of eating & does not improve health after eating. People of

thamasic nature like food which was prepared long back (more than 3 hours

back) & lastly, it may even have bad smell, decomposed remains after some

people have eaten, & unauspicious.


Note: Food prepared to be offered to God & devathas during the worship &

whatever remains after the certain types of worship like Vaiswadeva,

Baliharana & athithi sathkara is considered as satvika food, which increases

duration of life, improves health & purifies mind (chittha suddhi). The

food which is not offered to God & his subordinate, devatas is not

considered to be fit for consumption by people of sathvika nature. Krishna



BG 3-13: People who eat food remaining after offering to paramathma &

devatas during their worship will make them free from all their sins. But

people who eat food prepared only for their consumption without offereing to

God & devathas incur more & more sins. This as good as eating sin.

" Amedhyam' means food which is in auspicious not previously offered to God &

devatas, food purchased for money etc... Such food is liked by people of

thamasika nature.





Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi) by H. H.

Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)368286


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamasthu


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