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Bhaghavath Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha, Chapter 5, Part 7

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hari sarvottamma, vaayu jiivottamma


shrii gurubhyo namaha


shrii kr^iShNa parabrahmane namaha





Question: Swamiji, Yaththa kruthsnavadhekasmin karye saktham " In this

sentence, it is said that to consider one work as sarva (everything) or

purna (complete) is Thamasic knowledge, one can agree that to consider a

work as everything is thamaic knowledge. But what is the reason to consider

that understanding a jeeva as complete brahma is thamasic knowledge?


Answer: We also interpret that considering one work as everything is

thamasic knowledge. But here, the word 'Karya' is to be interpreted as

" Jeeva " therefore the understanding that in the case of a 'Jeeva' either as

Brahma or as everything i.e. there is nothing else other than than this

jeeva like theory of only one jeeva, against numerous jeevas is thamasic



Question: Swamiji what is the reason for interpreting Karya as jeeva here?


Krishna has said in every chethana one & the same brahma is present without

any difference & that is sathvika jnana (knowledge). Thamasa jnana should be

opposite of this. Therefore if you say a jeeva is brahma or every jeeva is

brahma etc that would be opposite to the statement made by Krishna as

sathvika jnana is thamasic jnanas (knowledge) therefore word " Karya " in this

sloka & the word " bhutha " in the sloka ''sarvabhutheshu " have the same

meaning. Therefore, in both the places, it is interpreted as chethana

(prani) in this shloka comes in chethana prakarana. According to context,

the word " Karya " is to be interpreted as chethana only. To understand a

jeeva as brahma, amounts to hatred of paramathma. Since an insignificant,

underserving jeeva will be assuming the power of & equality with almighty

God, which Krishna has declared in chapter 16 & 17 will result for bad fall

for jeeva as it is thamasa jnana. An ordinary wrong knowledge does not

cause such bad consequences. For example, if one understands a bigstone as

Himalaya mountain, he will be under an illusion, but will not go to hell

because it does not result in hatred of God. If one thinks that a jeeva is

brahma, it is dishonoring paramatma & this hatred merits the punishment of

being sent to hell. Therefore, here if it is said that understanding a

" Karya " of it should be interpreded as understanding a " Jeeva " as brahma 3

there is another reason for interpreting " Karya " as jeeva " Anyatha Karaneeya

thvathka ryaha " from this origin of the word Karya, because the jeeva is

liable for being freed from samsars & transferred to the stage of Mukthi, he

is considered as Karya. Again, since he has a body which is a result of

Karya, he can be called Karya. The following sloka from padma gives the

meaning of this sloka in Geetha.


Meaning: Because he can be freed from samsara jeeva is called a Karya. To

understand such a jeeva as " akarya " (one who does not under go any chance &

remain constant for ever) (God) or to understand that by understanding one

jeeva he has understand everything is thamasa jnana.


4. There are many authorities to show that Mukthi can come in future.

Krishna has said " Santhi mapnothi Naishkhikeem " " visathe thamdhanatharam " "

Sarva papebhyo moksha yishyami " . If one resticts that " Karya " should be

interpreted only as " Dhehe " , breaking the compound word into two words like

" yathatha Krishna vadhekasmin " & " KAryesaktham " then it easily gives the

meaning that the understanding that a chethana is a poornabrahma or being

interested in the body is thamasa knowledge. The following sentences from

Krishna are authorities " Easwaraham " , " Mamathma paradheesheshu pradhvi

shanthaha " " Shkthaha Karmanya vidhvamsyo " " prakruthe argunasamoodaha " .

So, it is established beyond all doubts that bhedhajnana that jeeva is

different from Brahma is sathvika jnana (knowledge) & that jeeva himself

brahma is thamasic knowledge. Three kinds of karmas have been described by

Krishna as follows:


BG 18-23-25: The karma performed by kartha is the prescribed way thinking

that he is not doing himself independently without any like or dislike,

considering it as duty, without expecting anything in return (nishkama

karma) is a sathvika karma; a prescribed karma performed in prescribed way

but with the expectationof heavenly pleasures as reward & doing a small work

with great difficulty & thinking that he is doing it himself is called a

rajasa karma. Performance of any karma without considering the fact that

the performance of that karma may hinder the perfomance of a better karma,

without considering the trouble & construction that may be caused to others

by the performance of his karma & thinking that he is doing the karma

independently by himself is called thamasa karma.


Note: In the original " Niyatha KArma " is used which has been translated

above as prescribe karma. The meaning of niyatha karma is vedhoktha

svavarnasramo chithakarma performed with the knowledge of Hari

sarvottammathva, with bhakthis in paramathma & surrendering the results to

paramathma. Though mukthas are not bound to perform any karma but of their

own valition they perform such niyatha karma which they were doing prior to

their attaining Mukthi. This is done due to force of habit & because

Mukthas feel great joy in serving God, though there is no compulsion for

them to do any karma.







Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha

Vaijayanthi) by H. H.

Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao

of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)36828


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore


Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi


authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi



bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamasthu



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