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Bhaghavath Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha, Chapter 5, Part 12

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hari sarvottamma, vaayu jiivottamma


shrii gurubhyo namaha


shrii kR^iShNa parabrahmane namaha





Question: Swamiji, in this sloka, Sri Krishna has clearly said that I am

equal in all, for me, there is no one whom I should hate or love. But what

is the reason for your wonderful interpretation that I ado not hate any one

more than he hates me & I do not love any one more than he loves me?


Answer: The authorities on the subject who decide what should be the

meaning of the particular sentence have settled as such. These are the

words of one who hates Kauravas, & loves Pandavas & just to show clearly,

this fact to the entire universe he has occupied the post of the driver of

the chariot of his servant (Bhaktha Arjuna) who says that he neither hates,

nor loves, while he is doing the work of both hatred & love. Hence his

words are to be explained suitable to context.

1. In the world, yama who punishes the bad & rewards the good is called

just person. He is called dharmaraja & one who has no partiality.

2. If you say that paramathma is devoid of love & hate. " ye bhajanthithu

mam bhaktha may the shuchapyasham " the later part of the sloka would appear

as a mad persons words. Because after saying I am devoid of love, if he

says I love my devotees very much, will it not be meaningless contradictory


3. Therefore the words of Krishna, " I am just for all. There is no one fit

for either for my love or hatred as uncultured person. But in the world a

cultured person does love & hate within the perview of justice.

4. But if God is like a stone devoid of all feelings like love & hate which

devotee will feel happy in his company just as Sanjaya has said " Prana

sanniya bharatha " the smiling aravindhaksha narayana, Krishna says his

devotees are more dear to him than his own life.


BG 12-14, 15, 16, 19: One who has no hatred for all & is kind to them &

keeping his mind in me doing devotion to me always such a devotee is dear to


A devotee who is free from taking pleasure in unjust things,hatred fear is

dear to Me.

A devotee who has given up all activities against paramathma is dear to Me.

A devotee who firmly believes that I am sarvottama & is convinced that this

truth I have tought concerning paramathma is conducive to attain Mukthi &

does devotion to Me is very dear to Me.


BG 7-17, 18: Jnani is very dear to Me & I am very dear to jnani.

I am jnani, My body, that is My opinion, Mamapra nahi pandavaha means the

same jnani is very dear to Me.


BG 18-65, 67, 68: My devotee who gives the truth I have to preached to My

other devotees, is so dear to Me that there is no one who has done to Me a

pleasing work. Therefore, there is no one dearer to Me than that devotee

either in the past, or present or future, after saying this Krishna has said



BG 9-31,21: Arjuna, My devotees never become liable difficulties like hell


A devotee who with a steady mind always is devoted to Me only I shall

protect his jnana & devotion & help him to attain Mukthi.


BG 12- 6, 7: Surrendering al Karmas in Me the devotee should have firm

faith that I am sarvottama & keeping his mind constantly in Me. I shall

make such devotees free from this murderous samsara cycle of birhts &

deaths) very early.


BG 9-20: I accept anything that devotees give with love like unprohibited

leaves, flowers, water & fruit.


Krishna points out variation in the qualities of different devotees.


BG 7-16,17: Hey best of the bharathas, 4 kinds of lucky people worship Me.

1. those who are suffereing from diseases

2. seekers of knowledge

3. seekers of wealth

4. jnanees, among these the jnanee who is interested in constant meditation

of Me thinking that I am the best & having firm devotion (Bhakthi) in me is

the best. Krishna describes the different grades of devotees in 9th



BG 9--32, 33: Hey partha, depending on Me even those who are born in low

yoni like Sthree, Vaishya, Sudhra are attaining higher position then people

born in superior yonis like brahmins & rajarshies can certainly attain

Mukthi by becoming My devotee.


Question: Swamiji, we have been told that paramathma loves his devotees &

among devotees of God, there are different grades, love is a good quality.

It should be with paramathma. But how paramathma can have cruel hatred?

Where has Krishna said that he has hatred?


Answer: Krishna has clearly stated in these slokas that, He is giving

punishment to those who hate him. Therefore the statement by Krishna is BG

9-39: " Samoham sarvabhutheshu name dheshvosthi napriyaha " can be explained

in 3 different ways:

1. I am not practising love & hatred like ordinary people without proper


2. There is no bad effect onmy condition of complete happiness, or any

increase or change in my happiness due to worship of bhakthas.

3. I give reward & punishment according to the merit & demerit of the

person & their karma. To adopt the third alternative, the following

statement by Krishna is the authority.


BG 4-11: I deal with people in the same way they deal with Me. That is, I

love those who love Me, & I hate those who hate Me.


From all these considerations about 5 to 6 items get settled. There are 3

kinds (with 3 different intrinsic nature) of chethanas from beginning less

time who have different merit in attaining different final goal, with

different ways of serving God. All of them are in this world which is

controlled by paramathma in all respects. SOme are engaged in serving

paramathma without expecting anything in return. Always having sathvic

food, Sradhdha, jnana etc... & deserve Mukthi. There are some who feel

Easwaroham " & hate Krishna, & increase that hatred of paramathma in

successive births & finally land in permanent hell. They are yet some

others who are interested in serving all these chethanas are not equal in

all respects, but differ in the way they conduct their life in this world &

finally the goal they attain at the end of their life, which is determined

by their performance in this world.


Arjuna who became a jnanee after seeing visvarupa, saw chethanas like

Brahma, Rudhra, etc as different individuals & having different positions.


BG 11-26: indicate that all these bad kshathriyas who were haters of

Krishna were killed by him who had come to save the good people, destroy the

bad people, & to establish dharma (justice) in the world. He protected

pAndhavas who were his devotees. It is clear from slokas that describe

different kinds of Mukthi named sayujya, sarupya, sameepya & salokya that

gradation in chethanas does not disappear even at the stage of Mukthi. The

confirms the view that chethanas remain in gradation for ever & at no stage

they are all equal in all respects. Our final advice is that chethanas

should try to adopt what has been described as sathvika way of life, believe

that Krishna is parabrahma, & serve him with firm devotion & nishkamakarma.

This will enable them to attain the goal for which they merit on the basis

of their intrinsic merit (svabhava) we repeat with emphasis that statement

of Krishn a " Prathijane preyo sime " (i.e. a firmly comitted devotee is dear

to Krishna & his attaining Krishna is 100% true.


Chapter 6:








Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi) by H. H.

Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)36828


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamasthu


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