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Bhaghavath Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha, Chapter 6, Part 8

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hari sarvottamma, vaayu jiivottamma


shrii gurubhyo namaha


shrii kR^iShNa parabrahmane namaha






Question: Swamy, Though the chethana who is in samsara is unable to

free himself, what is the objection for Vishnu who is in Vaikunta to free

all chethana's in samsara?


Sri Srigalavaru: If you do not have enough strength to push aside the heavy

bag, it will be difficult for your friend who has equal strength like you to

push it aside. This is not the important point here. Saying that

Brahmathva (Purnathva) or Brahma samasamadharma is covered & not apparent by

Bandha, is a contradictory statement. Chethanas having dharmas equal to

Brahma's dharmas being caught by weak prakriti bandha, & not being able to

free themselves, & calling paramathma for help. These are unacceptable

propositions one should not say that Muktha has anandha samya but he does

not have Balasamya (equality or ability). If there is Anandha Samya, then

there must be equality in all Isvaryas like bala, jnana etc (in strength,

knowledge etc., ). Relationship between Ananda & Isvarya is effect &

cause. This has to be accepted by all.


This is a third proviso. Suppose chethana did not have purnathva in any

form till he is freed from avidhya. By the grace of God in Mukthi, new

purnathva comes to the chethana. This is completely unfair. This may be

suitable for asathkavya vadies. Ramanujacharya himself would may accept


an interpretation. Even if it is accepted, it is an improbable propostion.

The king who is pleased with the valor of the wrestler may give him jahagir,

or even make him the chief of his army. How can he give his samya, & equal

Bhoga, which destroys his highest position? Similarly, Vishnu who is

pleased with service rendered by his bhakthas like Arjuna, may free them

from samsara bandha & create bhakthas like Arjuna, may free them from


bandha & create many conveniences for them. But how can he give sambhoga,

devoid of desire to do service, which will destroy his Brahmathva? Mukthas

like Arjuna who

are devoid of all desires (Kama) how can they ask Brahma samya which is not

in their intrinsic qualities? If Brahma samya is not an intrinsic quality,

confirming it on any chethana in Mukthi is highly improbable.


In this way, the thing called " Aham " is jeeva only. He cannot have

Brahmathva at any time in any respect. Because it is not his intrinsic

property. He has by nature a little knowledge & little pleasure (Sukha).

There in Mukthi, we have to say that chethana will have on his intrinsic

knowledge & pleasure (jnana & ananda) & will be serving God, who has jnana &

Ananda, that jeeva's mind cannot even imagine, but he will be happy. Since

paramathma has poorna Shakthi (complete strength) he has no equal in freeing

the chethanas of a little strength & a little knowledge who are suffering

very much in samsara.


Krishna says in BG 7-14: Those who surrender to Me only cross the Bandha of

prakruthi. i.e. I shall free them from prakruthi bandha.


BG 12-7: I free My devotees from murderous samsara, very early.

BG 18-56: By My grace, jeeva regains his intrinsic qualities & be happy for


BG 18-58: Keeping your mind in Me alone (doing steady dhyana of Me alone)

by My grace, you will over come all difficulties.


BG 18-66: Hey Arjuna, I shall free you from all sins, do not grieve. I am

pleased with your seva of killing all the enemies & I shall grant you

Mukthi. Jeeva have only a little power, only Paramathma has unimaginable

power. This fact is known not only because He freeing the jeeva from

prakruthi bandha & granting Mukthi but he has done so many things like Kamsa

vadha etc which could not be done by any other like Brahma, Rudhra etc....

Even all the dhevathas together could not do such work. Arjuna etc... are

not independent in the work of killing they did, Sri Krishna says.


BG 11-34: Hey Arjuna, in the work of killing, which I am Myself is doing,

you be a name sake. You kill those whom I have already killed (made them as

if they are dead) that means even though you do not have independent

strength, I remain in you & kill the enemies. You do not be sorry. Sri

Krishna says, He does the great work of bhubharaharana.


BG 4-7-8: Arjuna, when dharma declines & adharma increases, then I shall

appear at such time for protection of sadhus, to destroy the bad people & to

establish dharma in the world.


In this way, according to the example given by Srimadhanandathirtha,

" bhavapacheha mochakaha " chethanas who are in the grip of samsara from

beginning less time, & who are incapable of extracting themselves from most

sorrowful condition, are freed by paramathma, who has unimaginable power

grants them Mukthi & he remains the controller of their enjoying their

intrinsic happiness forever.


Question: Swamy, What are the obstructions for enjoymentof intrinsic

happiness to jeeva? & what are the different kinds of Mukthi that will

accrue to jeeva after the removal of all obstuction.







Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi) by H. H.

Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)36828


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamasthu


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