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Bhaghavath Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha, Chapter 6, Part 10

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hari sarvottamma, vaayu jiivottamma


shrii gurubhyo namaha


shrii kR^iShNa parabrahmane namaha






Krishna has said in three to four places, that freedom of bondage is Mukthi.


BG 5-3: The jnAnee who is free from dhvandha vikara (i.e. who does not

become happy in victory & sorrowful in failure) will become free from



BG 7-14: The bondage put by Durgadhevi, who is under my control & who

presides over prakruthi which has three gunas, cannot be overcome without My

grace. Anyone who surrenders to Me only then he over comes this prakruthi



BG 13-34: The jnAnees who know the method of becoming free from prakruthi

bandhana by chethanas, attain paramathma.


BG 2-72: One who does Brahma dhyana as described before, & casts off his

body will reach parabrahma, who has no body made of prakruthi.


BG 3-19: One who does nishkamakarma (through jnana) attains paramathma.


BG 2-72: One who does Brahma dhyana as described before, & casts off his

body will reach parabrahama, who has no body made of prakruthi.


BG 3-19: One who does nishkamakarma (through jnana) attains paramathma.


BG 14-9: One who understands correctly, my incarnations, which are

peculiar, & my karmas like creation, attains Me.


BG 4-31: Those who perform yagna & eat the remaining havis reach Brahma who

is permanent from beginning less time.


BG 5-6: Ayogi, who is doing prescribed Karma in prescribed way & doing

devotional meditation attains Brahma very early.


BG 5-24: The yogi who is doing meditation keeping his mind in brahma only,

attains Brahma who has no body made of prakruthi.


BG 7-18: Jnanee wishing for Mukthi contemplates on paramathma in samadhi

attains Krishna.


BG 7-23: My devotees attain Me.


BG 8----7, 8, 10, 15, 16: One who has completely surrendered to Me his mind,

attains Me alone there is no doubt in this. One who steadily meditates on

parama purusha, who has many qualities like playfulness etc... & if his mind

goes astray he will bring it back & continue to mediate on paramapurusha

only attains paramathma. Yogi while he is doing dhyana of Paramathma with

a steady mind leaves his body behind, he will attain paramathma. Those who

attain Me will never come back to samsara. Those who reach Me do not take

any rebirth.


BG 9-25, 28, 32, 31, 55: My worshipper gains knowledge & attains me. Yogi

who has a good mind & has given up the result of his work in favor of

paramathma earns knowledge & attains Mukthi. The jnAni who has surrendered

to Me & does my dhyana steadily attain Me alone. He who believes that the

countless chethanas in the world have been created by paramathma & all the

chethanas are depending on one & the same paramathma attains parabrahma.

The jnAnee who has no enemity with all good people attains Me alone.


BG 13-31: He who believes that the countless chethanas in the world have

been created by paramathma & all the chethanas are depending on one & the

same paramathma attains parabrahma.


BG 11-55: The jnAnee who has no enemity with all good people attains Me



BG 15-5: JnAnees attain paramathma who is devoid of all changes (Avyaya).


BG 18-65: If you as My bhaktha serve Me, you will attain Me. This is

certain, I am telling this because you are dear to Me.


BG 18-68: One who teaches BG to bhakthas of Vishnu, he will gain very high

bhakthi & attain Me without doubt.


BG 2-15: One who does not feel too much elated by worldly pleasure & does

not feel very much depressed at wordly pain or sorrow, who does not change

his mental, attitude too much at the varying luck in the world would be able

to attain Mukthi.


BG 5-17: Jnanees whose sins have been burnt by aparokshajnana attain

Mukthi, which ensures they will not have another birth.


BG 8-15, 16, 21, 26: Those that have attained Me will not have any rebirth.

No rebirth for those that have attained Me. Those that have seen Me will

not return to samsara. JnAnees that travel (after death) by uththarayana

marga do not return (They attain Mukthi)


BG 12-7: I save My devotees from murderous samsara (I give them Mukthi).


BG 13-24, 26: The jnAnee that knows clearly the nature of prakruthi &

purusha, by an accident even if he commits a sin still he attains Mukthi.

Even Karma yogies who adopt sravana yoga also attain Mukthi.


BG 14-2, 20: Those who have attained Me, will not die at the time of

pralaya. Jnaani who is devoid of all prakruthi gunas attain Mukthi which is

free from birth, pain, old age & death.


BG 15-4: Those that understand parathathva should understand by sravana,

manana & dhyana of paramathma so that they will not have rebirth.


Krishna has said in some slokas that Mukthi is a pleasant state


BG 15-12: A yogi who has no interest in the return of his karma &

surrenders the same attains happiness permanently.


BG 5-21: The yogi who does dhyana of bhaghavan will attain permanent



Some slokas describe Mukthi as peace (santhi) highest attainment

(paramasidhdhi) highest goal (paramagathi) best result (paramasreyas).

These qualities are common for all four kinds of Mukthi. Sri Krishna says:


BG 2-70, 71: One who has no desire for worldly or heavenly pleasures attain

peace i.e Mukthi. One who has no attachment or pride, such a jnAnee attains



BG 3-4: By avoiding doing karma or simple entering sanyasashrama, one does

not secure Mukthi. Both devatas & humans mutually love one another can

attain best result (Mukthi).


BG 4-32, 39: As described before understanding all yagnas as karma yoga,

you, who is doing karma suitable to your varnashrama will become a jnAnee &

attain Mukthi. Soon after earning knowledge, jnAnee attains Mukthi.


BG 5-29: My devotee understanding Me who is an automatic relative to all

chethanas attain Mukthi.


BG 6-45: As a result of his earnest attempts in many births, yogi earns the

knowledge & attains the highest goal (Mukthi)


BG 8-13: Yogi who repeats pranava (OM) & meditate on parabrahma

simultaneously leaves this world, attains the highest goal.


BG 12-8, 10, 12, 13, 29: After you become aware of My nature, you will

attain a position in Me (happiness without pain-Mukthi?) After doing karma

to please Me, you become a jnane & gain highest attainment (Mukthi). The

jnanee who does karma surrendering its result to bhaghavan & meditate on

Bhaghavan attain Mukthi. After understanding parabrahma, the devotee

attains Mukthi. One that understands that paramathma who is every where is

sama without going to hell, he attain Mukthi.


BG 14- 1: All those who do manana after understanding this (ruththathva)

become free from samsara & attain highest attainment (Mukthi).


BG 15-20: One who understands the purshoththamathva of paramathma will gain

aparoksha jnana & attain Mukthi.


BG 16-22: Devotee who is free from Kama (desire), krodha (Anger), Lobha

(miserliness) will realize the purushartha of his choice & attains Mukthi

(the highest purushartha- Mukthi it is the purushartha of every devotee's



In this way, every kind of Mukthi has one of the following names:

paramagathi (highest goal) paramapadha (highest position), paramasidhdhi

(highest attainment), Shanthi nishkarma (freedom from compulsorily doing

prescribed karma in a presicribed way) paramasreyas. (The highest good)

etc... & following gains, all karma kshaya (dissolution of fate which used

to shape the life in this world to a great extent like prarabdha karma)

Bandhananivruththi (freedom from bondage) Brahma prapthi (attainment of

Brahma), Sasvatha loka vasa (permanently living in a world in which

paramathma also lives with the privilege of seeing him) punarjanmaabhava

(Muktha never comes back to samsara & Nithya Sukhanubhava (Muktha gets his

intrinsic happiness which is for ever. Still Krishna has indicated in

three, or four places that there is a special Mukthi in which Muktha enters

the body of paramathma. This is called Sayujya Mukthi.






Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi) by H. H.

Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)36828


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamasthu

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