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Bhaghavath Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha, Chapter 6, Part 11

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hari sarvottamma, vaayu jiivottamma


shrii gurubhyo namaha


shrii kR^iShNa parabrahmane namaha






BG 8-11: I shall tell you the nature of paramathma who the jnanee who are

free from all defects & sins like desire etc.. enter (in Mukthi).


BG 11-54: Hey, one that causes trouble to enemies, to understand my nature

through steady devotion (Bhakthi) to see Me directly & to enter Me in Mukthi

all these will be possible for you.


BG 18-55: The devotee after correct understanding Me through devotion

(Bhakthi) enters Me in Mukthi.


BG 4-19: Madhbhava magathaha

BG 13-19: Madhbavayopa padhyathee

BG 14-19: Madhbhavam Sadhigachchathi


In such places, My bhava means like My appearance. Devotee will get the

same appearance as Mine. This would mean sarupya Mukthi. But in these

slokas, if the compound word Madhbhaam is broken like mayabhavam, it means

the devotees gets the state of entering Me & staying in Me. Therefore, it

cannot be said that hese three slokas describe only sapyarumukthi. Krishna



BG 14-2: Those who know the truth (thathva), I have taught you, will

acquire the same appearance as Mine (having four hands wearing yellow cloth,

peethambara & vanamala, having an appearance equal to that of Vishnu) they

are not born again in subsequent creation & they will not die in next



In the 9th adhyaya of second skandha of Bhaghavatha, a descrption of Vishnu

loka which was shown to brahmadeva by Vishnu as he was pleased with the

tapas of Brahmadeva. Brahmadeva saw, vishnu, Lakshmi & mukthas who had the

same appearance as Vishnu. Specific sentences clearly mentioning sameepya

mukthi are not available in BG. Still


BG 6-15 & 12-8 etc....In some sentences, Krishna has used sapthami

vibhavakthi (seventh case) which means near. After freedom from Prakruthi

bandha, jnanee in my loka near Me will have his position. That seems to be

intention of Krishna.


Krishna has said some sentences which indicate that there are plans where

salokya Mukthas live after attaining Mukthi. (BG 1-51: Jnanee gets a place

where there is no pain or sorrow.


BG 8-28: Jnanee gets a place in permanent & very good loka.

BG 15-5: Jnanees who have overcome dhvandhas get permanent position.

BG 18-56, 62, 71: Jnanees by My grace gets a permanent position.

By the grace of Krishna, jnanees attains a very good, happy, & permanant

position. This position is different from the lokas attainable by karmies.

This is clear from words of Krishna in the same adhyaya.

Even a person who studies BG, with firm faith (Sradhdha) without any envy,

under the guidance of a teacher can attain the lokas that people doing punya

karma attain. There is happiness in these lokas.


From these sentences, it is clear that the parama padha (high place) that

jnani attains is different from other lokas & it is the highest, happy &

permanent loka.


Question: Swami, in the sentences you have quoted, no where Krishna has

specifically mentioned the names of different Mukthis & given the individual

description. Does not all these show that all this is the work of



Answer: It is true that Krishna has not described the nature of different

kinds of Mukthi, after specifically mentioning their name. It is not

possible to mention & give description of every individual item of thathva.

Krishna has indicated only such items that has been established beyond doubt

in vedas & other pramana granthas. After freedom from bandha, according to

the eligibility of the individual, the enjoyment of permanent happiness is

Mukthi. It is not as it has been stated in adhvaitha, Brahma ikya involving

the destruction of jeeva bhava. This much has been proved from sentences of

BG beyond any doubt.


We say with all the emphasis at our command that description of Mukthi given

by Krishna in geetha is in complete agreement with the conception of Mukthi

in dhvaitha philosophy & strongly opposed to the conception of Mukthi in all

other systems like advaitha.


Jains say that Mukthi is Saththodhvargama (i.e. always going up) we can show

that his conception is not acceptable to Krishna, by sentences from Geetha.


Question: Swamy, " Urdhvogachchanthi sathvikasthaha i.e. those having

sathvika gunago up. This has been said by Sri Krishna himself?


Answer: The meaning of this sloka is that one who has sathvika guna goes to

higher lokas. If he is a jnanee " Agnirjothi rahasuklaha shanmasa uththa

rayanam " according to this sloka, first he will go to higher lokas &

according to " thathra prayatha gachchanthi brahma " he will join parabrahma.

If the sathva guni is a karmi " Dhumorathri sthathakrishnaha shanmusadha

Kshina yanam, according to this sloka, first he will go to higher lokas then

" thathrachandra masam jyothi hi, " he will go to heaven where chandra etc...

live. " Urdhvam gachchanthi sathva sthaha " means only he goes to higher

lokas but does not mean he will continue to go up in sky without any stop.

Bhuvarloka, survaloka, Maharloka, Janaloka, thapoloka & Sathyaloka &

vaikunta etc... Mukthi & sthanas are above our bhuloka. this fact is

confirmed by Sruthi, Smruthi, purana & itihasa. These are all having

conveniences for enjoyment. So, we can say that jeeva can be happy in these

places. But where a jeeva has no intrinsic indriyas & there is no

convenience to be happy how can we say that a jeeva continuously going up in

the sky would be happy? Just as a bird which continuously goes up may get

exhausted & fall down, similar thing may happen to jain Muktha, since the

jain muktha is imply taken up continuously without the company of his loving

relations, jnanees & conveniences for enjoyment, he may feel unhappy. These

are to be settled by Agamas. In BG, which is a true work of facts, Krishna

says that Muktha attains a happy & permanent position.


BG 18-56: By My grace, My devotee will get permanent unchanging loka.


Baudhdhas, who are soonya vadhies say nirwana is parama Mukthi. They say

the whole world containing living & non living objects is only in

imagination, this is completely false. If you turn vigorously round & round

a burning object you see a fire in a continuous circle. Actually, the fire

is not in the form a continuous circle, just as the circular fire is an

illusion, the world is also an illusion. If you stop the turning of the

burning object, real stationary fire will be seen & the illusion of circular

fire will disappear, if you get clear jnana, the world will disappear from

your view. The jeeva bhava also disappears. Such knowledge like zero, is

said to be Mukthi by Baudhdhas.


Question: Swamy, does it not appear that Krishna also has such Mukthi when

he has said " Santhi mapnothi " nirvana madhigachchathi " etc...?








Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi) by H. H.

Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)36828


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shri kR^iShNArpanamasthu

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