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Earthquakes in Ancient Times

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Special Attention : Shri NAPS Rao


Subject : Earthquakes in Ancient Times


My assumption that there might have been an

earthquake during Sitadevi's final test is based on

the word 'vivara' which occurs in Ramayana, in this



It means 'Hole' or 'Breach' (Monier - Williams

p.988). At the time of her Shapatha, she says:


YathAham RAghavAdanyaM

manasApi na chintaye

tathAme mAdhavI dEvi

'vivaram' dAtum arhati

(uttarA kAnDa. 97-15)


This, she repeats Thrice! 'Let Madhavi give me a

'randhra' And lo! the 'Aasana', after seating her,

goes to 'rasAtala', through that breach.


Then Rama overcome by sorrow and anger, addresses

Bhudevi thus:


If you don't bring her back, I shall destroy

everything that you possess. Everything will be

flooded. [ possible in an earthquake ]


SaparvatavanAM kr^tsnAM

vidhamiShyAmi tE sthitiM

nAshyAmyaham bhUmiM

sarvamApO bhavatviha


This appeal to Bhudevi & vivara occurs in

Bhavabhuti;s play 'uttararAma Charita'. Even

ShakuntalA, when she is deserted by DuShyanta says:

BhagavatI VasudhE dEhi me VIVARAM. (Act. V of

kalidaas's play).


The word vivaram, occurs even in Rigveda and some

Puranas too. These frequent references indicate some

form of earthquake and the same is indirectly and too

distantly related to earthquakes in ancient times.


In the case of Sita. it might not have happened in

full realistic sense. But somehow the imprint of

earthquake may be there, giving of course due credence

to supernatural or spiritual power that worked at the

time. My only concern is that, many a time, the

supernatural aspect of great men, is blown to

disproportional heights. Take for instance, Shri

Raghavendra Swamiji and Munro incident. It is 100%

true that Munro visualised the divine presence of our

Swamiji. But should we extend this phenomenon to

say, that he spoke to Munro in fluent English?



Shrinivas HAVANUR


( Haridasa Mahiti

Sanchayana )








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dear mr.shrinivas,


for a man carrying a hammer everything looks

like a nail. you are trying to intrepret the

events to you own convenient pre-defined


regarding sri raghavendra swamy, i don't understand

why his ability to speak fluent english is so

inconcievable for you. saints like him have

attained a state that mere mortals like us

cannot understand.

there are somethings that can only be validated

by our hearts and souls. bookish knowledge is

of no use here.

best regards,




--- Shrinivas Havanur <havanurasri wrote:

> Special Attention : Shri NAPS Rao


> Subject : Earthquakes in Ancient Times


> My assumption that there might have been an

> earthquake during Sitadevi's final test is based on

> the word 'vivara' which occurs in Ramayana, in this

> context.


> It means 'Hole' or 'Breach' (Monier - Williams

> p.988). At the time of her Shapatha, she says:


> YathAham RAghavAdanyaM

> manasApi na chintaye

> tathAme mAdhavI dEvi

> 'vivaram' dAtum arhati

> (uttarA kAnDa. 97-15)


> This, she repeats Thrice! 'Let Madhavi give me a

> 'randhra' And lo! the 'Aasana', after seating her,

> goes to 'rasAtala', through that breach.


> Then Rama overcome by sorrow and anger, addresses

> Bhudevi thus:


> If you don't bring her back, I shall destroy

> everything that you possess. Everything will be

> flooded. [ possible in an earthquake ]


> SaparvatavanAM kr^tsnAM

> vidhamiShyAmi tE sthitiM

> nAshyAmyaham bhUmiM

> sarvamApO bhavatviha


> This appeal to Bhudevi & vivara occurs in

> Bhavabhuti;s play 'uttararAma Charita'. Even

> ShakuntalA, when she is deserted by DuShyanta says:

> BhagavatI VasudhE dEhi me VIVARAM. (Act. V of

> kalidaas's play).


> The word vivaram, occurs even in Rigveda and some

> Puranas too. These frequent references indicate some

> form of earthquake and the same is indirectly and

> too

> distantly related to earthquakes in ancient times.


> In the case of Sita. it might not have happened in

> full realistic sense. But somehow the imprint of

> earthquake may be there, giving of course due

> credence

> to supernatural or spiritual power that worked at

> the

> time. My only concern is that, many a time, the

> supernatural aspect of great men, is blown to

> disproportional heights. Take for instance, Shri

> Raghavendra Swamiji and Munro incident. It is 100%

> true that Munro visualised the divine presence of

> our

> Swamiji. But should we extend this phenomenon to

> say, that he spoke to Munro in fluent English?




> Shrinivas




> ( Haridasa Mahiti

> Sanchayana )








> Get personalized email addresses from Mail -

> only $35

> a year! http://personal.mail./






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