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SVBM site update - shrI viShNu thIrTharu

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|| shrI: ||

|| shrI gurubhyO nama: ||

|| shrI viShNuthIrTha gurubhyO nama: ||

|| shrI vyAsathathvaj~Ja thIrTha gurubhyO nama: ||


viShNuthIrTha: kalpavRuxO viShNuthIrThashcha kAmaDhuk |

chimthAmaNirviShNuthIrThO yathImdhra: sarvakAmadha: || 45 ||

[ shrI kRuShNArya kRutha shrI viShNu thIrTha sthOthra ]


bhUthanAThana guNa prabhAthakAladhaledhdhu

prIthipUrvakadhi paTisuva | paTisuvara shrIjaga-

nnAThaviTTalanu salahuva || 51 ||

[ thathvasuvvAli by shrI jagannATha dhAsaru ]

[ shrI jagannATha viTTala would bestow His

Grace on those who recite the guNas (mahimas) of

bhUthanATha waking up early in the morning

(during brAHmI muhurtha) ]


With the anugraha of shrI hari-vAyu-gurugaLu, on the

auspicious occasion of mahAshivarAthri and the

ArADhana of avaDhUtha shirOmaNi - avaDhUtha shirOrathna -

araNyakAchArya - adavIAchArya - shrI maharudhra (shrI shukA)

incarnate - mAdhanUru xEthrasthra shrI viShNuthIrTharu

(mAgha - kRuShNa - thrayOdhashI), the SVBM, California

is very happy to announce that the site is updated with the

information related to shrI viShNu thIrTharu.

(Pl. visit www.svbm.org -> Whats New -> Dvaita Legends ->

mAdhanUru shrI viShNu thIrTharu for details)


shrI viShNu thIrTharu, an aparOxa j~JAni, has given many

jewels to sADhaka prapamcha. This great saint lived an

outstanding life going through all the Ashramas -

braHmacharya, gRuhasTha, vAnaprasTha & sanyAsa, thus

standing as an example of how to lead the life to all the



The site consists of a detailed life sketch of shrI viShNu

thIrTharu. Thanx to shrI Bala Krishna who took off his time

to come up with this work.


The other information is categorized as follows:


1. sthOthras written by shrI viShNu thIrTharu

2. pathras written by shrI viShNu thIrTharu

3. gramThas by shrI viShNu thIrTharu

4. sthOthras on shrI viShNu thIrTharu

5. padhas on shrI viShNu thIrTharu


shrI viShNu thIrTharu has come up with wonderful works

like shrI aDhyAthmarasaramjani, shrI ShOdashI, shrI chathurdhashI,

shrI bhAgavathasArOdhDhAra, shrI gIthAsArOdhDhAra.


Each gramTha is full of pramEyas.

The topics like jIva karthRuthva vichAra, sarva samarpaNa

vichAra, etc. have been dealt with in these works.


To understand the above pramEyas correctly, pUrNAnugraha of this

great saint is a pre-requisite.

As shrI vyAsa viTTala dhAsaru says in shrI vijaya rAyara kavacha

" vEdha vOdhalu baridhe vAdha mAdalu

hAdhi dhoreyadho buDhara bAdha nambadhe "

[ No amount of vEdhADhyayana or vAdha wouldn't help to

acquire knowledge, unless we have the anugraha of

buDharu ]


shrI aDhyAthmarasaramjani is the niDhi for j~JAna, bhakthi &


We are very thankful to shrI Keshava Rao TadipatriJi who took

time off from his busy schedules to give an excellent

word to word meaning and summary of each shlOka of

aDhyAthmarasaramjani. As he rightly specified in the introduction

to this work, the pramEyas in this gramTha are guru upadhEsha

gaMya. Let us pray shrI viShNuthIrTharu to bestow us with

the right j~JAna.


We would like to thank shrI Gopala Krishna Varna, shrI Bala Krishna

and shrI Rangarajan who helped in proof reading some of the works

specified above.


We are herewith posting unedited version of shrI ShOdashI and

shrI chathurdhashI.


We request u all to kindly let us know of any


typos in all the above works.


We finally would like to thank shrI DV Venkatesh & his better half

Smt. Gowri, who did a splendid job within a short span to update

this site. The dedication that this couple have is really admirable.

We pray shrI hari-vAyu-gurugaLu to bestow their Grace on their entire



On this auspicious day, we request you all to kindly go through

the site and remember shrI viShNu thIrThamthargatha shrI

vyAsathathvaj~Ja thIrThamthargatha shrI lAthavya chakravarthi

bhAvIsamIra shrI vAdhirAjamthargatha shrI hanuma-bhIma-


shrI laxmI hayagrIva dhEvaru.


We also request you to kindly go through shrI mahadhEvara sthuthi

of thathvasuvvAli which has 15 padhyas.


We also request u to bring to our notice any info related to

shrI viShNu thIrTharu so that we can update it on our site.


We once again request u all to give ur feedback.


Let shrI hari-vAyu-gurugaLu bestow their Grace on all the



With Best Regards

SVBM, California

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