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Buddhavatara - Gautama Buddha

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Dear Haribhaktas,

In light of the tragic distruction of ancient Buddha statues in Afghanistan,

I would like to know whether Gautama Buddha is the avataras of Sri Hari? I

have read in Dr. Vyasanakere Prabhanjanacharya's 'Sumadhva Vijaya', that

Goutama Buddha is different from Buddhavatara. I was tryoing to find out

more details of Buddhavatara from various sources, but in vain. Could

anybody enligten me on Buddhavatara of Srihari?


Sateesh Gurururajachar

Verden, Germany


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The below furnished details is taken from


It has been clearly stated that Gautam Buddha whom the Buddhists worship is

not the incarnation of Sri Narayana.Even though many of his preachings were

based on the preachings by Sri Narayana himself,but preachings of Gautam

Buddha is similar to Advaita philosophy.If i have told anything wrong,that

may be due to my limited intelligence,please feel free to reply so that i

can let u know more abt the same.


There was a time, when the whole world (kaliyuga) was full of divine culture

and vaidic (sacred) environment and at the same time many demons (asuras)

were also born and started following the divine culture and learning divine

knowledge. Because of this dharma started decaying (spoilt) in their hands.


During that time for the king of Shakya by name Shudhodhana a baby was born.

It is understood that Sri Paramathma in the form of this baby started

talking and preached that this world is void (shunya, empty) and all things

which are happening are all miseries. This is suppose to be Bhuddha

philosophy. (Sri Hari who is in the form of Baby has preached this).


In order to prove this philosophy is true to the people Sri Hari has

swallowed all the weapons which devataas has attacked to the baby. After

seeing these wonders and these incidents the King Shuddodaka and his

followers started believing the new philosophy and started practising the

same, by leaving aside the vedic philosophy.


After sometime the Paramathma who was in the form of baby has disappeared.

and Shuddodaka son appeared again. Shuddodaka son grown up as Bhudda started

preaching Bhudda philosophy which Paramathma has publicised previously. Even

in Devaloka (adobe) Sri Paramathma has preached devataas (demi gods) the

real essence of Bhudda philosophy which he has preached as Bhudda in this

world. Sri Paramathma preached demi gods the essence of Bhudda philosophy

which is publishised as 'Prashanthavidya' which even Shuddodaka's son Bhudda

and his followers cannot understand this philosophy.


Sri Vadiraja is praying Sri Hari who is in the form of Bhudda to be kind to

him by doing bhuddanjali.


Sri Vadiraja is praying Sri Hari who is in the form of Sri Kalki as one who

is destroying (killing) wildered enemies and one who is wearing (holding)

sword and shield and sitting on top of the pleasant horse. His body with all

organs of the body are shining like splendour and Sri Vadiraja is praying

that he is his own person who has to protect him.


PS : The original preaching of Bhudda philosophy was preached and publisised

by Sri Narayana in the form of Bhudda. The preaching are meant in two ways.

The original meaning was told to demi gods or devataas by himself in deva

loka (adobe). But the sinful asuras or demons taken (understood) his

preaching in wrongful meaning and started practising the same by blaming the

vaidic dharama. Like this Paramathma will incarnate to get love from Asuras

to Devataas has been told in Bhagavatha prathama scanda chapter 32 shloka



In order to attract the Asuras who are enemies of devataas Sri Hari will

incarnate as Bhudda as son of Jinana in the place called Gaya in the land of

Magadha. This has been told in Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya Chapter 32

shloka 139.


Further, it has also been told that after completing 1000 years of Kaliyuga

when all the devataas who were there in that yuga reached adobe and one who

is killed by (destroyed by) Rudra by name Tripurasura was reborn in this

world. At that time even Sri Vedavysa has disappeared and divine culture was

existent by removing all faulty practices. At that time even demons had the

opportunity to learn divine knowledge. But devataas and Paramathma did not

like the idea of demons gaining divine knowledge. All devataas went to the

ocean of milk where Sri Hari is residing and prayed him to bless them the

solution for the above scene. During the same time in the place called Gaya

(land of Magadha) Tripurasura was born to Shuddodana or Jinana. Paramathma

disappeared the new born child and incarnated as a child. When Shuddodaka

started doing ritual for the new born baby, the baby started smiling. They

all stunned by the happening and the baby started preaching the new

siddhanta called Bhudda sidhanta. Because of the prevailing situation ie

divine culture they all did not believe the new philosophy, Paramathma

remembered (called) his devataas and those devataas started launching

different weapons on the new born baby. But that baby swallowed all the

weapons like trishula etc and even when Vishnu attacked the baby with his

discuss (chakra), even that the paramathma in the form baby made it as its

seat and sat. On seeing the wonders of this child, Shuddodana and his

followeres started believing and accepted the new philosophy by leaving

divine culuture which they were following. After that the Paramathma

disappeared from there and preached the real meaning of the new philosophy

to the devataas, but demons were attracted by this new preaching and started

following the same.


Even before this incident there is mention in Bhagavatha that Bhudda

manifested earlier to attract Tripurasura's wives.


The Bhudda who was born during 3000 AD is not the incarnation of Sri

Narayana. Goutama Bhudda is one who has publicised the Bhudda philosophy

which was preached by Sri Narayana as a child. It should be assumed that

Goutama Bhudda is not the manifestation of Sri Narayana.







Satish Gururaj <sateeshg


Monday, March 05, 2001 1:05 PM

Buddhavatara - Gautama Buddha



> Dear Haribhaktas,

> In light of the tragic distruction of ancient Buddha statues in


> I would like to know whether Gautama Buddha is the avataras of Sri Hari? I

> have read in Dr. Vyasanakere Prabhanjanacharya's 'Sumadhva Vijaya', that

> Goutama Buddha is different from Buddhavatara. I was tryoing to find out

> more details of Buddhavatara from various sources, but in vain. Could

> anybody enligten me on Buddhavatara of Srihari?

> Namaskara,

> Sateesh Gurururajachar

> Verden, Germany

> _______________________

> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.



> nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

> taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

> tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

> karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


> " I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are

His worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not

otherwise. That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are

due to His recurring grace "

> If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in

this way, it pleases Vishnu.

> --- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya


> To send an empty E-mail (without subject and body info.)

> to - or go the web page

> /community/



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Dear Haribhaktas,

Indeed, the explanation given by Sri vadiraj on Budhavatara is enlightning.

This brings another question to my mind. Why does the Buddhavatara is not

exhaustively documented, unlike other avataras of Sri hari? Is it because,

buddhavatara is very recent in history and the prevailing social conditions

were not complementary for such documentation?



Sateesh Gururajachar



----Original Message Follows----

" Vadiraj " <g_vadiraj

, " Satish Gururaj "


Re: Buddhavatara - Gautama Buddha

Mon, 5 Mar 2001 14:19:07 +0530



The below furnished details is taken from


It has been clearly stated that Gautam Buddha whom the Buddhists worship is

not the incarnation of Sri Narayana.Even though many of his preachings were

based on the preachings by Sri Narayana himself,but preachings of Gautam

Buddha is similar to Advaita philosophy.If i have told anything wrong,that

may be due to my limited intelligence,please feel free to reply so that i

can let u know more abt the same.


There was a time, when the whole world (kaliyuga) was full of divine culture

and vaidic (sacred) environment and at the same time many demons (asuras)

were also born and started following the divine culture and learning divine

knowledge. Because of this dharma started decaying (spoilt) in their hands.


During that time for the king of Shakya by name Shudhodhana a baby was born.

It is understood that Sri Paramathma in the form of this baby started

talking and preached that this world is void (shunya, empty) and all things

which are happening are all miseries. This is suppose to be Bhuddha

philosophy. (Sri Hari who is in the form of Baby has preached this).


In order to prove this philosophy is true to the people Sri Hari has

swallowed all the weapons which devataas has attacked to the baby. After

seeing these wonders and these incidents the King Shuddodaka and his

followers started believing the new philosophy and started practising the

same, by leaving aside the vedic philosophy.


After sometime the Paramathma who was in the form of baby has disappeared.

and Shuddodaka son appeared again. Shuddodaka son grown up as Bhudda started

preaching Bhudda philosophy which Paramathma has publicised previously. Even

in Devaloka (adobe) Sri Paramathma has preached devataas (demi gods) the

real essence of Bhudda philosophy which he has preached as Bhudda in this

world. Sri Paramathma preached demi gods the essence of Bhudda philosophy

which is publishised as 'Prashanthavidya' which even Shuddodaka's son Bhudda

and his followers cannot understand this philosophy.


Sri Vadiraja is praying Sri Hari who is in the form of Bhudda to be kind to

him by doing bhuddanjali.


Sri Vadiraja is praying Sri Hari who is in the form of Sri Kalki as one who

is destroying (killing) wildered enemies and one who is wearing (holding)

sword and shield and sitting on top of the pleasant horse. His body with all

organs of the body are shining like splendour and Sri Vadiraja is praying

that he is his own person who has to protect him.


PS : The original preaching of Bhudda philosophy was preached and publisised

by Sri Narayana in the form of Bhudda. The preaching are meant in two ways.

The original meaning was told to demi gods or devataas by himself in deva

loka (adobe). But the sinful asuras or demons taken (understood) his

preaching in wrongful meaning and started practising the same by blaming the

vaidic dharama. Like this Paramathma will incarnate to get love from Asuras

to Devataas has been told in Bhagavatha prathama scanda chapter 32 shloka



In order to attract the Asuras who are enemies of devataas Sri Hari will

incarnate as Bhudda as son of Jinana in the place called Gaya in the land of

Magadha. This has been told in Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya Chapter 32

shloka 139.


Further, it has also been told that after completing 1000 years of Kaliyuga

when all the devataas who were there in that yuga reached adobe and one who

is killed by (destroyed by) Rudra by name Tripurasura was reborn in this

world. At that time even Sri Vedavysa has disappeared and divine culture was

existent by removing all faulty practices. At that time even demons had the

opportunity to learn divine knowledge. But devataas and Paramathma did not

like the idea of demons gaining divine knowledge. All devataas went to the

ocean of milk where Sri Hari is residing and prayed him to bless them the

solution for the above scene. During the same time in the place called Gaya

(land of Magadha) Tripurasura was born to Shuddodana or Jinana. Paramathma

disappeared the new born child and incarnated as a child. When Shuddodaka

started doing ritual for the new born baby, the baby started smiling. They

all stunned by the happening and the baby started preaching the new

siddhanta called Bhudda sidhanta. Because of the prevailing situation ie

divine culture they all did not believe the new philosophy, Paramathma

remembered (called) his devataas and those devataas started launching

different weapons on the new born baby. But that baby swallowed all the

weapons like trishula etc and even when Vishnu attacked the baby with his

discuss (chakra), even that the paramathma in the form baby made it as its

seat and sat. On seeing the wonders of this child, Shuddodana and his

followeres started believing and accepted the new philosophy by leaving

divine culuture which they were following. After that the Paramathma

disappeared from there and preached the real meaning of the new philosophy

to the devataas, but demons were attracted by this new preaching and started

following the same.


Even before this incident there is mention in Bhagavatha that Bhudda

manifested earlier to attract Tripurasura's wives.


The Bhudda who was born during 3000 AD is not the incarnation of Sri

Narayana. Goutama Bhudda is one who has publicised the Bhudda philosophy

which was preached by Sri Narayana as a child. It should be assumed that

Goutama Bhudda is not the manifestation of Sri Narayana.







Satish Gururaj <sateeshg


Monday, March 05, 2001 1:05 PM

Buddhavatara - Gautama Buddha



> Dear Haribhaktas,

> In light of the tragic distruction of ancient Buddha statues in


> I would like to know whether Gautama Buddha is the avataras of Sri Hari?


> have read in Dr. Vyasanakere Prabhanjanacharya's 'Sumadhva Vijaya', that

> Goutama Buddha is different from Buddhavatara. I was tryoing to find out

> more details of Buddhavatara from various sources, but in vain. Could

> anybody enligten me on Buddhavatara of Srihari?

> Namaskara,

> Sateesh Gurururajachar

> Verden, Germany

> _______________________

> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.



> nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

> taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

> tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

> karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


> " I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are

His worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not

otherwise. That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are

due to His recurring grace "

> If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in

this way, it pleases Vishnu.

> --- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya


> To send an empty E-mail (without subject and body info.)

> to - or go the web page

> /community/



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" Satish Gururaj " <sateeshg wrote:


>Why does the Buddhavatara is not exhaustively documented, unlike other

>avataras of Sri hari?


This has been described in Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya

in 32nd Chapter starting from shloka 136.


" samvatsarANAM tu sahasrake gate prApteshhu...32\.136


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>Is it because, buddhavatara is very recent in history


The actual Buddhavatara was not in Kaliyuga but in the sandhikala

of dvapara and kaliyuga to mislead the wives of Tripurasuras




Meera Tadipatri





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