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Dear Vaishnavas


It is customary to do panchAnga-shravANA on Ugadi. I am sure you have all

done this in your own different ways. I would like to present a slightly

different 'shravaNa' of a totally different 'panchAnga'.


The almanac is called panchAnga (an entity having 5 parts) because it is

based on 5 different divisions of time. Rather on focussing on this inanimate

object, I want to draw your attention to another panchAnga. The entire

Universe is panchAnga!


- it is made up of pancha bhootas (air, water, fire, earth and space)

- it is made up of pancha tanmAtras (sparsha or touch, rasa or taste, roopa

or form, gandha or fragrance, shabdha or sound)

- our body has pancha gyAnendriyas (eyes, nose, tongue, ears, skin)

- our body has pancha karmendriyas (hands, legs, excretary organs)

- all of creation pervades with the pancha-bhedas

- our mind is supposed to have 5 folds - manasu, budhdhi, ahankara, chitta,


- it is regulated by vAyu, who has pancha roopas (prana, apana, vyAna, udAna,


- it is created, maintained, managed and destroyed by shri hari's pancha

roopas (anirudhdha, pradyumna, sankarshana,

vAsudeva and nArAyaNa).


This panchatva pervades everywhere. Shri jagannAtha dAsaru has captured the

ultimate 'panchAnga' in his magnum opus as follows;



pancharUpathmakane dhaivatha|

panchamukhashakrAdhigaLu kinkararu shrIharige||

panchavimshathi thathva tharathama|

panchikegaLanu pELdha BAvi vi|

rinchiyenipAnamdhathIrThara nenevenanudhinavu||9||



sakala graha bala nIne sarasijAksha


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|| Sri Gurubhyo Namah ||

Dear HaribhakthAs,


A very happy ugAdi and Vishu NAma Samvatsara Arambha to all of you..May

HariVAyu Gurugalu bless us and our group with gnyAna, bhakthi and VAirAgya

on this occasion and bless us with more satsanghas in the coming years..


I take this occassion to present you with a summary with the ArAdhane

celebrations last week..










By the blessings of Sri Hari-VAyu Gurugalu, the ArAdhane Celebrations of

Sri. VyAsarAjaru and Sri.VAdirAjaru was celebrated in a grand scale at the

residence of Smt.and Sri.Satyendra Rao at Houston.


The function started at 9:30 AM with the recitation of traditional StOtrAs

as the Lakshmi Narasimha Stothra of Trivikrama PanditAcharyaru. Later,

Hari-VAyu Stuthi, Ambaranee SUktha and SuMadhwa Vijaya(First chapter and 10

shlokas of the second chapter) were recited. DEvara pUja was perfomed

(Abhisheka to SAligrAma and other pratimAs) amidst chanting of

tAittryOpanishad and Purusha SUktha by Sri. J.V. AchArya.


As dvAdasha StOtra was chanted, HastOdaka was performed. Subsequently,

various compositions of the yathIs' as the dAsAvatAra Stuthi, rOupya pIta

Krishna Stuthi, SrIsha Guna Darpanam, YanthroddAraka Hanumath StOtram were

recited. VYAsa Guru StothrA composed by Sri. VijAyIndra ThIrtha and

AnuvrindAvana on VAdirAja were recited.


ThIrtha prAsAda was served at 12:30 noon. The devotees present were treated

with wonderful and delicious traditional delicacies (with hayaGrIva mandi)

as prAsAda.


The afternoon session commenced at 2:00 PM with a well-prepared lecture by

Sri.Sunder about the life and contribution of the yathIs' to our

sampradAyA. He was supplemented with more information by Sri.Ajaya Durg.

Sri. AjAya Durg also briefly spoke about the life and contribution of

Sri.SatyabHodha Theertha, as the yathI's ArAdhane also was in the same



This was followed by an excellent discussion about various aspects of our

philosophy, which evolved out of a question about SriVaishnavism's path of

SharanAgathi and Prapatti as the means to salvation. All those present took

part in the discussion and a lot of basic tenets of our philosophy were

brought out in this fruitful discussion.


By 5:00 PM, the bhajan session commenced and tArathamyoktha bhajane was

conducted for an hour. The panchabheda-tArathamya ugAbhoga of dAsaru was

rendered and its meanings were explained. Later, a collection of popular

songs of the various dAsas were rendered. The well known songs composed by

the yathIs' were also rendered.


The day ended at 6:15 PM with mangalArati with the recitation of

NarasimhAstakam composed by vIjAyIndra ThIrtha.


It was a highly elevating satsangha for those who were present there. The

hospitality accorded by the hosts was impeccable. Smt.Jayashree single

handedly managed the nalapAkA affairs with help from her niece Ms.Sheela,

Smt. Girija AchAr and the others. Around 30 people attended the function

and were blessed by the Almighty on this divine occasion. The day passed of

so fast and the atmosphere was such that it was a soul-stirring experience.


Sri.AchArya and family drove all the way from Dallas and Sri. Ajaya Durg

and family drove all the way from Austin to attend the function.


Information about our next satsangha would be made known shortly..




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