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Sri vadiraja & sri-vyasaraja aradana

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Dear Hari bhaktas



By the grace of Sri-hari and vayu VMS-michigan

celebrated Sri-vadiraja and sri-vyasaraja aradhana at

NOVI club house. The club house was converted in to a

real Mutt yesterday by grand decoration and display

of nava-brindavana pictues.


Our proogram started at 9.30 am by reciting suprabata,

venkatesh stotra, suktas, sri-vishnusahasranama

vayustuti, dashavatara stuti, krishnashtaka and

dwadasha stotra. At 10.45 Sri-galagali started

second lecture on sri-bhagavatam. This is the time

when Sri-parikshith maharaja asks Sri-shukhamuni " How

one should face death ??, or How one should live

during the last days of his/her life? " because death

is inevitable for every one who is on earth it is only

a question of time that how long we can postpone,

rather how long we are destined to live.


Here sri-shuka muni explains the concept of Dhyana.

Sri-galagali explained the whole process of evolution

of the soul. It is the faith/conviction towards Lord

sri-hari which is the foundation for dhyana. with out

faith nothing can be achieved. First the jeeva has to

contemplate and clear all the doubts like " God

really exist? " . One can argue that it is really

pecimistic to talk about death. Life is only for

enjoyment. For which Sri-galagali explained careful

examination by Pratyaksha, anumana, and agama one can

find all answers and clear his/her doubts.

Sri-galagali gave very good examples in Nature and

Variations in it. This is the beginning of the whole

process of evolution of the soul. Once the jeeva gets

firm belief then the jeeva craves to know more about



who is lord ?

how dose he look like ?

Is he made of flesh and blood ?

what is the purpose of creation ?

what is the relationship with him ?


By acquiring knowledge through scriptures, hearing

from elders/guru the strong faith matures in to a

bonding relationship with LORD. Which is out come of

bhakti with out any expectations. This is stage when

jeeva starts to practice dhyana with deep

concentration. One should restrict all the sensory

pleasures and by controlling the sense organs one

should try to capture the image of the lord during the

dhyana. Eventhough it is difficult to achieve one

should not loose their heart and give up.

Sri-galagali explained the concept of Adyatmika,

Adi-boutika and adi-divika. Finally it is only when

lord feels the right time for jeeva then the jeeva

will be liberated. Until then there is no escape from

this cycle of birth & death.


After lunch Smt. Jayanthi Narayana started the program

with the song " Krishna nee begane baro " . It was very

good to hear devaranama-s from VMS-MI bhajanamandali


Sri- Nagu srinivas talked about the life history of

Sri-vyasaraja and sri-vadiraja. Sri-vyasaraja is none

other than sri-prahallada and he explained the who is

prahallada and meaning of the name prahallada.

Sri-nagu srinivas explained about the birth of

sri-vyasaraja mutt, sri-raghavendraswamy mutt and

sri-padarja mutt and the reasons. Birth of

sri-vyasaraja by the grace of

sri-bramhanya thirtha to couple in bannur.

Sri-vyasaraja's education under sri-padaraja.

Sri-vysararaja's divya darshana of sri-gopala krishna

which was witnessed by sri-padaraja.

Sri-vyasaraja's rule in Jnana-samrajya like builing a

university during krishna devaraya vodeyar period. How

sri-vyasaraja avoided kuhayoga of krishana raja

vodeyar. Sri-purandara dasa and sri-kanaka dasa the

deciples of sri-vyasaraja how they use to spend time



Sri-nagu srinivas also talked about sri-vadiraja and

the greatest uphill task of changing paryaya term of

2month period into 2 year for the purpose of spreading

the knoweledge.


Fianlly it was a great feast for all haribhaktas and

we pray lord hari vayu to bless us with this kind of



Sarvam sri-krishnamayam






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