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Gurusamsmarana Program at Bakersfield

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Dear Haribhakthas,


By God's blessings we, a small team of VMS/SVBM members attended

the " Prana Prathistapana " Program held at Hindu Temple, Bakersfield,

CA. His Holiness Shri Sugunedra Thirtha Swamiji led the program and

" Prana Prathistapana " to icons of Shri Radha Krishna, Shri Ganapathi,

Shri Durga, Shri Rudra Devaru were done by His Holiness. The program

was well attended by whole hindu community at Bakerfield, CA.


It is to be noted that the temple was established 4 years back and

fully functional. It was Lord's wish that " Prana Prathistapana " is to

be done on this year " Akshaya Tadige " by His Holiness Shri Shri

Swamiji. Most interesting fact is that there were not many madhvas or

Kannadigas around that place. Most of the board of directors are all

from North India but still it was Lord's wish to have this program by

our swamiji. We all are proud about this.


On the same day evening we had a small program to offer our pranamas

to revered His Holiness Shri Vidyamanya Thirtha swamiji who was Vidya

Guru to Shri Sugunendra Thirtha Swamiji. Prof. Betty was the invitee on

this function and he talked about Dvaitha Vedhantha. Shri Swamiji led

the Q & A session. At the end of the function, Shri Swamiji blessed

Prof. Betty with Shawl. Shri Sathyanarayana offered pranamas to Shri

Guru Vidyamanya Thirtha and conveyed vote of thanks.


In the evening after pooja, Shri Swamiji talked about His Holiness

Shri Vidyamanya Thirtha swamiji and explained how simple, pious he was

and at the same time how deep his knowledge and tapas was. Shri Swamiji

remembered his days while studying under Shri Vidyamanya Thirta and

narrated how affectionate he was.


We a team of 10 members led by Shri Sathyanarayana were blessed to

attend this two holy programs.


For those who missed this, there is another program on coming weekend

May 12th and anyone near Los Angeles may attend the program and get

blessings of Shri Panduranga Vittal.


A small report is attached here about the Discussion held with Prof.



Shri Hari Priyatham




Dvaitha Vedhantha and Prof. Lewis Stafford Betty


As always the case, not many of us realize the rich resources we have

in our country. We start recognizing our treasure only after

appreciation and reward by outsiders. That's what happened to many of

us when we met Prof. Betty recently in Hindu Temple, Bakerfield,

California, US, on the evening of Akshya Tadige (April 26, Thursday).


Dvaitha Vedhantha and the best works of our great Acharya's are so

precious jewels in the world of philosophy, that it has attracted many

western scholars. But not many had taken pain to learn sanskrit

thoroughly and to understand the original works. Prof. Betty is an

exception to this. Born as a catholic in Alabama, US, Betty soon found

that India is the greatest treasure of philosophy and developed deep

interest in Hindu culture and philosophy. Very quickly he found that

Advaitha is a big hoax and Dvaitha Vedhantha is the ultimate truth in

the world. He mastered Sanskrit within short time and selected Shri

Vadiraja Thirtha's " Nyaya Rathnavali " , to quench his thirst in Dvaitha

Vedhantha. As a part of his research work, he translated the whole book

to English way back in 1978 and wrote several articles refuting



I, along with other the members of Vishwa Madhva Sangha (VMS),

California Chapter, got an opportunity to meet Prof. Betty on the

occasion of " Guru Samsmarana " program, arranged by His Holiness Shri

Sugunendra Thirtha swamiji of Puttige Matha, (who is presently camping

at California, US.) to offer gratitude to revered pontiff His Holiness

Shri Vidyamanya Thirtha who left this world last year. It was quite

interesting to listen to this Christian Professor preaching Dvaitha

Vedhantha in American University while most of our own people

hesitate to mention that they are madhvas. On this day Prof. Betty

shared his views and experiences with the madhva enthusiasts. The

discussion went on for more than an hour. Here is a very brief report

about the Q & A session held under the leadership of His holiness Shri

Sugunedra Theertha Swamiji, Puttige Matha, Udupi.


VMS (Q 1) : With your background of western culture how do you find,

Dvaitha vedhantha more realistic than other schools of philosophy?


Prof. Betty (Ans): I was born as catholic but soon I found that

Christianity is incomplete and inconsistent. Now I don't practice

Christianity at all. I studied Hindu philosophy Dvaitha and Advaitha

both during my college days. During my research work, my teacher

suggested to take up study of original works and so I learnt Sanskrit

and started reading various works. Soon I found that Shankara's

philosophy is imperfect. Just from the logical point of view also it

was not holding good. I don't appreciate the oneness of soul with God

from any angle. Why I need to be one with God? Then I loose myself.

What is the beauty in that? I am a soul with limited capacity. I can

not be God, I can not be absorbed by God, but I can have intimate

relationship with God. That is common sense. That is more logical and

appropriate. That is why I found Dvaitha is more realistic than any

other philosophy.


VMS(Q2) : What are the reactions/ comments from your friends



Prof. Betty (Ans): Oh ! There were many. I tried to teach them,

convince them, but of no use. Still I continue telling in my class, to

my students. I have published articles in the journals. I have told

enough about the relevance of Dvaitha. I am totally convinced by

Dvaitha and I am a Dvaithi.


VMS(Q3) : Do you find any similarity between Dvaitha and Christianity?


Prof. Betty (Ans): Yes there is some similarity to the extent that all

human beings are limited souls and God is supreme. We are different

from God and we remain different from God. But Christianity does not

believe in rebirth and Law of Karma and so again it is absurd. There

is no logical explanation for liberation of souls in Christianity.


VMS (Q4): What is your thoughts about " Dattha swathanthrya " ?. Do you

think souls have freedom?


Prof. Betty (Ans): Yes, I believe each one of us is a unique soul. We

have the same 'antharyamin' inside. We don't have full capacity to

understand or realize HIM. But we have freedom to select what we want

to do. Whether I want to be good or bad, it is totally my choice and I

am fully responsible for what I am doing. Accordingly I get good or bad

results. This is my experience and many of yours too. Isn't it?


VMS (Ans): No. that is not true. Souls does not have freedom.

Everything is predetermined by God. Shri Hari is the inner controller

of every soul. Though we want to do many things, many a times we

realize that we can't do even a bit. That is because we don't have

freedom at all to do. It is all predetermined.


Prof. Betty : Here I have to part with you. To me, the Antharyamin God

is the motivator but not the controller. If everything is controlled,

then how can we distinguish between good and bad. If there is no

freedom, then what is the difference between a murderer and a saint? Do

you say the Antharyamin of the murderer controls him to do the murder?

What is your view swamiji?


Swamiji: Controller does not mean changing the nature. If God changes

the nature of the soul, then he is not impartial. God just guides the

soul as per intrinsic nature of the soul. Good and bad depends on the

nature of the soul.


Prof. Betty : I agree with that. Souls are energized by the Antharyamin

God. I am motivated to do but not predetermined. I have a choice to

do good or bad. I am totally responsible for my actions. If everything

is predetermined, then how a soul can do good things and be better?


( Here on wards, Prof. Betty poses questions to VMS members to get

clarified about " Datta Swathanthya " .)


VMS : You know we have three classifications of souls: Satvik,

Rajasik, tamasik. They do karma according to their intrinsic

qualities. It is predetermined. God has not given these qualities to

souls. It is their own intrinsic nature. A tamasik soul can not become

satvik at all.. Moreover each soul is different from others and each

has got its own 'swarupa yogyatha' or 'caliber' and soul does

activities according to its caliber. That's one of the fundamentals -

" jiva-jiva bheda " .


Prof. Betty : Well , I agree with 'bheda' among souls and 'bheda'

between soul and God. I am perfectly OK with that. But see, sometimes

I get angry on my kids. I feel like slapping them. But I control myself

and withdraw. Am I not exercising my freedom? Suppose a man rapes a

woman, then do you think that he was destined to do that? Do you think

it is good for that woman? Swamiji, you are better person to explain



Swamiji: You are giving two contradicting examples. In the first

example, you said that you are exercising your freedom to control your

anger and avoid slapping to your kids. But in the second example you

are mentioning that man is not able to control his 'kama'. That means

he is not able to exercise his freedom and woman is also not able to

exercise her freedom to avoid and escape. How do you establish the

freedom of jiva here?


Prof. Betty : Ha. Ha !! (laughing) Swamiji you are trying to set up a

trap here. Do you mean that raping is good for women whatever kind

of soul it is?


Swamiji : Now you are trying to set up another trap. Let us come back

to the the fundamentals of the subject now. Souls are like seeds. God

as 'Antharyamin' provides water, soil, fertilizer for the

manifestation of the intrinsic capabilities of the soul. Seeds grow

according to their own qualities and then give out fruits. Similarly

we grow in this world according to our own nature, called " Swaroopa

yogyatha " . With the influence of body and mind, soul is submerged in

the ignorance and it thinks that it has freedom to act independently.

But its final destination is predetermined. With the influence of

external world, what is known as 'prabhava', many a times jivi tries to

do things in different way. A tamasic soul may do good things and a

satvik soul may do bad things. But that is only external show but

internally they will be doing things according to their own 'yogyatha'.


Prof. Betty: I agree with that. I have limited knowledge and I was

thinking that each soul has all the three satvik, rajasik and tamasik

qualities. How do say no? Does scriptures say that?


VMS: Yes, scriptures clearly say that. Our logic and understanding

capacity is very limited and we always refer to scriptures. Many a

times, to our knowledge and experience, things may look in a different

way but we can not conclude just based on our experience. It should

be supported by scriptures. Also 'gurus' who has enough knowledge

about this can tell which is the right one. That why we have a lot of

importance to " Guru " and Guru only can lead us from ignorance to light.


Prof. Betty: Thank you, I agree with you.


VMS : I have a different question now. What is the special attraction

you found in Shri Vadiraja's work? Can you tell something about that?


Prof. Betty: Vadiraja's poetic power is wonderful and he uses very

good analogies to support his arguments. He uses day to day examples

and that is very convincing and appealing. Another best strategy he

follows is to bring out the self contradiction in Shankara's

philosophy. He very clearly brings out the suicidal act in Shankara's

Non-dualism. I am not able to remember any specific examples now. I am

getting old and forgetting now - You know ?


VMS: What are your current projects? Do you have any plan for any

translation work in Dvaitha?


Prof. Betty: Apart from my teaching at University, I writes novel

too. Currently I am busy in publishing a novel about how India

influenced St Thomas. I don't have any plan now for any translation.

This year I got wonderful students for my Hindu religion class. Only

two are Indians and rest all are Americans. They are so much interested

in Hindu Philosophy.


VMS : Thanks a lot Prof. Betty for your time and interest. We used to

discuss about how it would be if a satvik soul borns in US and today we

saw the best instance for that. We are so much impressed with your deep

interest in Dvaitha. Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts with us.


Prof. Betty: Thanks you too. I am very much impressed with your deep

interest and understanding. Swamiji, Thanks a lot for getting me this



His holiness Shri Puttige swamiji appreciated Prof. Betty for his

deep interest in Dvaitha Vedantha. As a token of appreciation swamiji

blessed Prof. Betty with Shawl and Shri Sathyanarayana conveyed the

vote of thanks. The other team members participated in this discussion

are Krishna Pandurangi, Smt Sudha, Padmanabha Padaki, Sheshagiri,

Guruprasad, Ramapriya and Smt Shubha.


AND ARTICLES by Lewis Stafford Betty


(in chronological order)



Vadiraja's Refutation of Sankara's Non-Dualism: Clearing the Way for

Theism (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1978)




" A Death-Blow to Sankara's Non-Dualism? A Dualist Refutation, "

Religious Studies, Vol. 12 (1976), pp. 281-290


" Towards a Reconciliation of Mysticism and Dualism, " Religious Studies,

Vol. 14 (1978), pp. 291-303


" The Importance of Psychical Research for Religion, " Intellect, Vol.

106, No. 2389 (October 1977), pp. 168-170


" The Importance of Dvaita for the Christian West, " Dr. B. N. K.

Sharma's Seventieth Birthday Commemoration Volume (1979), p. 2


" The Essence of Spirituality, " World Faiths Insight, Summer 1983, pp.



" The Impact of Psychical Research on Ultimate Questions, " The Journal

of Ultimate Reality and Meaning, Vol. 7, No. 1 (March 1984), pp. 21-33


" God and Modern Science: New Life for the Teleological Argument, "

International Philosophical Quarterly, Dec. 1987 (Vol. 29)


" Sankara's Fatal Mistake, " Asian Philosophy, Vol. 4, No. 1 (1994), pp.












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