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Advice par excellence by Saint Sri VAdirAja

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I was fortuante to have the association of a teachers like Sri Sri

Sugunendra Thiirtha Swamigalu of Sri Puthige matha, Sri Raghupathy Rao

and Sri Nagendra Prasad whose advice and blessings have brought me to

where I am today.


The following was imparted to me by Sri Raghupathy Rao and published in

the Dharmaprakash Journal Sep issue of 1976.



smara krsnam bhaja harim nama visnum SrayAcyutam

tyaja kAmam jahi krodham jahi moham bhavAlayam: 1


Srnu saurikathAH puNyAH paSya Sripativigraham

jihgra SripAdatulasIH spRsa vaikuNTha vallabham: 2


bhumkSva keSava naivedyam tiSTha mAdhava mandire

japa nArAyanamanum paTha tannAma mangalam: 3


pAhi prapannanatAm brUhitatvam hitam nRNAm

dehi kAnkSitamarthibhyo yAhi sajjana sangatim: 4


kuru bhUtadayAm nityam cara dharmamaharniSam

jAnihi nityamAtmAnamavehyanyaddhi naSvaram: 5


pa~ncaSlokImimAm SaSvat paTha dhAraya cintaya

etAvAnsarvavedArthAH samAsena nirUpitaH: 6


nAsti nArAyaNasamam nabhUtam na bhavisyati

etena satyavAkyena sarvArthAn sAdhayAmyaham: 7


Remeber Krishna, sing about Hari, salute Vishnu and take refuge in

Achyuta. Renounce desire, conquer anger and delusion about the

transitory world and its lasting nature: 1


Hear the glorious merit yeilding stories of Sauri, see the idols of

Srihari, smell the tulasi offered to the lotus feet of the Lord, touch

the lord of Vaikuntha: 2


Eat only cooked rice offered to Lord Kesava, station yourself in the

temple dedicated to Lord Sri MaAdhava, keep chanting the name of Lord

Sri NArAyaNa, which is auspicious ever: 3


Protect your dependents, speak the truth and that which is beneficial,

help the needy and keep the company of the good: 4


Always be compassionate to all living creatures, uphold dharma at all

times, remember that the soul is eternal and that which covers it is

transitory: 5


Chant, uphold and meditate on these five veses. In these are packed the

message of the vedas: 6


There is none equal to Lord NArAyaNa, in the past or the future. I

shall accomplish all aims by being steadfast to this maxim, which is true

always: 7




Man gets lost in the scriptures wihtout proper guidance. hence the

message of the scriptures is made clear by the above advice on the basis

of the clarification given by Lord Sri VedavyAsa. The world knows nothing

beyond what Lord Sri vedavyAsa has chosen to reveal - 'vyAsocchisTam

jagatsarvam'. So, devotees will do well to take the benefit of this

'unfailing' advice and progress in their spiritual journey.


Keshav Bhat



(617)442-8985(617)598-1031 X 1054http://kbhat.moonfruit.com/




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