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Vinayaka katha

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Hari sarvottamma vAyu jIvottamma


Sri Vinayaka anthargata Sri Vishwambara murthy namaha


chathurthyAM tvAM ye archayanti ekavishamti patrakaiH

bhujyAdyaiH paramAnnAdya: dh^ritApUpasamanvitaiH


On the 4th day, badrapada sukrapaksha chathurthi thithi, who ever does pooja

with devotion to that vinayaka with 21 kinds of leaves, & places as

offerings several kinds of sweets, paayasams, ghee made cakes.


sarvAbhIShTa prayuktAH te putrapoutra yutAstathA

bhaveyuH sarvadA tatra teShAM ye vaMshajAH tathA:


Then for such devotees, Vinayaka would grant sons, grandsons & the family

tree will grow happily. Always there will not be any drop or cut off, in

their clan.


Here 21 kinds of leaves have been mentioned to signify that 21 persons wrote

bhasya to Brahmasutras.


So while applying the 21 kinds of leaves to Vinayaka, one should delicate

that all the 21 bhaasyas are wrong & are opposed to opinion of Sri Vedavyasa

Mahaprabhu. They should understand the supremacy & superiority of Srimad

Acharya's bhasya & then to offer so, to achieve all the boons from Vinayaka

who is a great devotee of Sri Vayu (Sri Madhwacharya. Madhwa vijaya 9-12:


EkaviMshati kubhAShya dUShakaM brahmasUtragaNabhAShyanadhbhutaM

apyadUShya matanodanantadhIrbhUta bhAvi bhavadAtmabhiH kvachit.h


Poornaprajna, the refuter of the 21 hostile commentaries composed his

exquisite gloss on the Brahmasutras. It stands in majesty uncontroverted

by the critics of all times, of the past, present, future. Equally

commendable in his blessed form possessing all the aforesaid attributes.


So while offering the 21 kinds of leaves, one should remember about the

supremacy & unique of Srimad Acharya's bhasya which will satisfy Vinayaka to

a very large exgent & he would be immensely pleased.


vidyArthI cha labhet.h vidyAM dhanArthI cha labhet.h dhanaM

bhAryArthI cha labhet.h bhAryAM sukArthI cha labhet.h sukhaM


Sri Vinayaka when so worshipped would grant Vidya to the students & all.

(whoever aspires for knowledge is a student). He would grant wealth to

these who wish for the same. He would see that marriages take place.Those

who aspire sukha, he would grant such happiness also. sukAthIrthara shAstra

(Srimad Acharya's shastra), he would grant so, & by that, the devotee would

attain happiness definitely, not only here in this world, so also in the





vijneshwarastadA bhadre tvAM sAkShItkR^utyachAvayoH

gataH sarvatra svIkarthuM pUjAM bhokthuM cha tatdine


Gauri continued again regarding the activities of her son Vigneshwara. As

that time Vigneswara, on that Chaturthi day, keeping myself as the witness

to all the happenings earlier, started to all palces & received the pooja

offered to him & ate all the offerings on that holy day- Baadrapada Sukla



Gananatha was too heavy. Further heavy food was also taken by him on that

day. The chariot rat was too small. Further that rat had seen the snake

moving in front of it.


Due to great fear, the rat became unconsious on seeing the sarpa & fell

down. Due to this, Ganesha sitting on its back also fell down on the ground

there. Due to the breaking of the stomach by the impact of Ganesha, the

sweet balls in it, fell down. Ganesha took all of them which had fallen on

the ground & again put them into his belly. Again, the sweet balls may go

out of the belly & fall down & due to his fear, Ganesha, took the very

serpent which was moving there & tied it to his belly as a belt. Seeing

this action of Ganesha, Chandra in the sky laughed & did disrespect to him.


Seeing this disrespectful laughter of Chandra, that Vignaraja also gave the

curse to the Chandra as under:


Since you have done criticised laughter on Me, by seeing me, let not in

future, anybody can see you always.


When the blow was given, Chandra came running down & did prarthana to

Ganesha for his prasada & pardon.


Note: Chandra is far superior to Ganesha in gradation. So, how can this

happen? Chandra on being hit by Ganesha, understood that it is not mere

Ganesha, but actually Paramatma " Viswambhara Murthy " who is the controller

of us in the waking state in him, is performing all these activities. By

the hit, Chandra realised this truth & came running down to seek apology

from Paramatma present in Ganesha, especially on Badrapada sukla chathurthi.


Then Ganesha diluted the original curse & said that Chandra should decrease

day by day in Krishnapaksha. Further, let not anyone see Chandra atleast on

one day namely badrapada sukla chathurthi as a sort of punishment for the

offence committed by him.


Like this Vigneswara told to Chandra & then left to his supreme abode.

Therefore Gauri continued in the dream of Swarnakantha & said, " Oh! Dear

wife of the King Dharmakantha, you have seen actually chandra on that

prohibited day & as a consequence of that, all these happen.


Parvathi said, " Oh! My dear, Swarnakantha, since you have seen Chandra on

that prohibited day, & by that sin, all these have happened like the mistake

& misunderstanding of your husband about you, through you are a mangalakara

chaste woman "


Queen Swarnakantha said:


Which is the vers of the purana? by reading such verse with devotion the

mistake or default or sin comitted gets liquidated. Kindly tell that sloka

so that not only me but by that, the entire world would be blessed.


Gowri replied & said:


simhaH prasenaM avadIt.h simha jAmbavatAhataH

sukumAraka mArodIH tavahi eSha shamantakaH


a. Lion killed the King Prasena b. Lion was killed by Jambhavantha. c.

Dear & beautiful child, don't cry. d. This shyamnthamani is brought for

you only.


By hearing this sloka, Lord Sri Krishna got rid of the criticism or charge

levelled against Him ealier. That story relating to Sri Krishna is of great

punya & the same is very much worth hearing to attain the grace of Sri

Krishna. This is only for the benefit of the world. Sri Krishna is above

all these.


Queen Swarnakantha said to Parvathi devi: Please narrate to me all these in

entirety. Kindly crush & destroy all my sins/defects.


Gauri said, " My dear, Swarnakantha, that story which would destroy all sins,

I am narrating to you. Please hear the same. The hearing of such story

would clear off/ redress all the unwanted gossip & centure on the hearers.

All the persons should hear that story on that particular da of Vinayaka

Chaturthi, without fail as a mandate. "


On the western sea, in the middle, there was a city by name " Dwaraka " . That

city had all its beauties & was decorated with full of decorative articles.

That city was built by the divine carpenter/builder Maya. It has all kinds

of splendid fruits. They will remove all the diseases & would bestow the

aspiration of all needs. For that Dwaraka, Sri Krishna was the king

supporter & all Yaadavas were living there. They had splendid knowledge &

were proficient in reason & logic. That Krishna who is most capable &

master of the creator of the world. Like this, all the rishis & gods sing

His glories always. Sri Krishna had all the handsomeness in Him & is always

of aprakrutha satwa vaastu.


While the world was shinning with high reputation, King Sutrajit was

reigning the earth who was a yAdava. That king had worshipped the Sun-God,

from his palace very intensively, & by the prasada of Sun god, that king

Satrajit obtained " Shyamantha Mani " by the anugraha of Surya, which was

giving daily eight bharas of gold. Sri Krishna in order to bring out his

black heart, once asked for the mani for Him, which was flatly refused by

the King Satrajit. Once the king Satrajit tied up the precious Shyamantaka

gem round the neck of his younger brother by name " Prasena " . That younger

brother mounted on a horse & left the palace for hunting. Prasena proceeded

to the forest.


Prasena was killed by a lion; & that gem was taken away by that lion. Then

the lion which is an enemy to elephant ran away inside the forest with great

strength. But later, that lion was killed by the boar Jambavantha, by name

& it snatched away the gem & went inside the cave. All these were not known

& were not discussed by the king Satrajit Raja as well as by the yaadavas.


That king satrajit made false prapaganda in the world, that Sri Krishna had

attraction towards that gem & so, He had killed his younger brother Prasena

& has taken away that precious gem. This gossip was going on in various

places. Finally, it reached the ears of SriKrishna also. When this

defect/blemish was attributed to Him, Sri Krishna called for all the Yadavas

& others in the palace & proceeded in the direction where the king's

brother, Prasena started hunting.


All of them proceeded to the forest, where Prasena went for hunting. In the

forest, they all saw that the king's brother was killed by a lion & also the

horse on which he was riding. Then they followed the foot steps of the lion

& proceeded further inside the forest. After sometime, they all found the

lion had fallen down being killed by a boar. Then, they all followed the

foot steps of that boar & reached the mouth of the dark dangerous cave.

Seeing that all the Yaadavas & others stood outside the cave, but Sri

Krishna alone went inside the cave.


At that time, what was happening inside the cave is explained here. The

sacred gem was tied up to the top of the cradle where the child was

sleeping. The child was being consoled & pacified by Jambhavathi again &

again by showing the gem. Jambavathi was showing the gem to that child &

was telling not to cry. She was also narrating the way in which the gem

was obtained by his father Jambavan, by killing the strong lion & other

connected happenings.


Prasena was killed together with his horse by the lion, which was very

strong. Jambhavan had killed that lion & has brought this gem for you, was

the saying by Jambhavathi, while consoling the male baby. Now, the king

Satrajit, all Yadavas & all the others had understood, that Sri Krishna has

nothing to the loss of the gem or about the telling of Prasena. Since Sri

Krishna did not also return from the cave for a long period, they all

thought that Sri Krishna was dead inside the cave, & left to the city to

their respective houses.


Sri Krishna, in the cave caught hold of Jambhavantha & took back the gem.

Sri Krishna also got the manirathna, Jambavathi by force.


Note: Here the duel between SRi Krishna & Jambhavan is not described but

actually there was a fight between them. Sri Krishna was suddenly out of

scene & Jambhavan saw Sri Ramachandra there. Jambhavan, one of the greatest

devotees of Sri Rama fell at His feet & was crying with joy in ectasy. At

that time, Sri Ramachandra disappeared & again Jambavan saw Sri Krishna.

Sri Hari did this to show that there is no iota of difference between Sri

Rama & Sri Krishna. At the example of Jambavan, Sri Hari was teaching this,

to the world. This is because of the fact, that, treating difference

between the avataras of Paramathma is henious sin.


Srimad Acharya states in Tatparyanirnayaa in 1-113 as " bhedaH tadgata eva

cha- notion of differences arising out of Himself (such as understanding His

limbs, His limbs, His incarnations, Gunas, Kriyas, to be separate.


Like this, in Ramayana, Lord demonnstrated that there is no difference by an

iota between Ramachandra & Sri Parashurama:

Tatparyanirnaya States 4-59:


That primeral person Sri Hari, constituting of the essence bliss & wisdom,

though He is only one without any difference (in His manifested forms); &

though knowing everything, enjoyed the amusement as if He spoke & listened

through two bodies. (Sri Ramachandra & Sri Parashurama).


Sri Krishna came out of the cave & called all the Yadavas & others in the

Dwaraka city & asked them to assemble in the sabha. Sri Krishna showed to

all of them the precious Gem as well as the woman rathan, Jambhavathi to all

& narrated all the past happenings.


Sri Krishna also explained to all the Yaadavas as to why He was subjected to

such ensure when there was no fault of Him. Sri Krishna narrated the

reasons for these.


Sri Krishna told that He had seen the Moon on the chathurthi day in

Baadrapada month which is prohibited for seeing the moon. So, all these had

occured due to the curse of Gananatha to such persons who saw the moon on

that day.


Note: The curse of Gananatha cannot bring any effect on Paramathma, Sri

Hari. But actually the curse was done by Paramathma Himself as

" Vishwambara Murthy " in Gananatha.


Evne admitting that it is the curse of Paramathma Himself, still it cannot

operate on Himself itself. but Sri Krishna acted to obey such curse based

on the rule laid down in BG 3-21: When a good captain or leading person

adopts a path or relies on some authorities, all the other general public

will follow the same suit without questioning the same. So, here Sri

Krishna being the number one & supreme in all respects has set an example to

Him to others to follow.


Therefore, Sri Krishna in the sabha, said that on that day with all sincere

efforts taken, Chandra should not be seen. But in case, if anyone sees

chandra on that day, then he would be told as a person with defect/default

even though as a fact, he may not be so. Sri Krishna expained that it would

be very horrible to bear the sensure & critisism for no fault of one's own

deeds. Like this saying, Lord Sri Krishna gave that Shyamantaka Gem to the

King Satrajit. Sri Krishna had plenty of intelligence & bringtness in Him.


Hearing all these, the yaadavas assembled there felt very much worried &

they all prayed before the Lord Hari, to please enlighten them, with the

redemption/exoneration of the sin, if committed.


When the yAdavas submitted so to Lord Sri Krishna, He said to them as

follows: " Whoever sees Chandra accidently on Badrapada Sukla Chathurthi,

would be redeemed of the sin, by hearing devoted the story of ME relating to

Shyamantaka mani. " '


Whoever hears devotedly the story of Sri Krishna relating to Shyamathaka gem

on that day, would be cleared of all obstacles & grief. They would also get

all happiness & joy of a Supreme order. Like this, Sri Krishna narrated &

cleared off the allegation of theft against Him. Further all had the

glories darshan of Sri Krishna with the precious rathna woman Jambhavathi

with the Lord.


Therefore, it is mandatory that all should hear this sacred story of Sri

Krishna on that day without failure.


Therefore, Gauri, in the dream told to the queen Swarnakantha to hear that

story of Lord Sri Krishna on that day devotedly.


Reference: Vinayaka Chathurthi (as per vedas)

SMSO Sabha Publication # 78

By T. S. Raghavendran, Coimbatore


|| bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANAntargata shrIkR^ishhNArpaNamastu ||

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