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Krishna Argya

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> Dear Adhyathma Bandhus,


> I want your expert opinion on the following,


> On Krishna Jayani (Krishnaastami day), we give Arghya to Krishna (In

> jala,water). Afrtewards we give arghya to Chandra (Moon) in milk(Ksheera).


> any one can explain reason for arghya to Chandra that too in milk while water


> krishna.


First of all I am not an expert to give expert opinion on this.

As I know, Madhvas should observe the " Krishna Janmashtami " as explained by

Srimad Acharya

in his " Jayanthi nirNaya " (This is a small work of 16 shlokas).


According to Jayanthi Nirnaya one should give Argya to Krishna

by chanting a part of 9th, 10th and a part of 11th shlokas of JN:


jaataH kaMsavadhaarthaaya bhuubhaarotthaaraNaaya cha || 9||

kauravaaNaaM vinaashaaya daityaanaaM nidhanaaya cha |

paaNDavaanaaM hitaarthaaya dharmasaMsthaapanaaya cha || 10|

gR^ihaaNaarghyaM mayaa dattaM devakyaa sahito hareH


The meaning of the above shloka is:

O Hari, you were born to kill KaMsa, reduce the evil weight on the earth,

to kill kauravas, to finish demons, to protect paandavaas, to protect

dharma. Please accept my argyaM along with devakii.


Next we should also give Chandra Argyam by chanting the 12th shloka of Jayanthi



kshiirodaarNavasaMbhuuta atrigo(ne)tra samudbhavaH |

gR^ihaaNaarghyaM mayaa dattaM rohiNyaa sahitaH shashin


The meaning of the above shloka is, O chandra (moon), who is born in the ocean

of milk, who was present in

atri's wife (anasuuya) please accept my argya along with rohiNi.


Srimad Acharya has not explicitly mentioned whether one should use water or

milk, etc.

I personaly believe it is the family tradition to use water

or milk. For example, in my own family the tradition is to use milk for

both Krishna and Chandra Argya. I have also heard people using coconut

instead of a Lemon while giving this Argya. Very likely this is a

tradtion (sampradaaya) than shastra.






> Pranaamaas,



> H L Narayana Rao





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