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Shri Sumadhva Vijaya Mangala by SVBM / VMS (West Coast)

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Hare Srinivasa


Please find here with the continuation of the report about the various

functions in Bhadrapada Maasa by SVBM / VMS (WEST COAST)


12) Sep 11th Tuesday :- Shri Narayana Varma Pravachana

13) Sep 16th Sunday :-Shri Sumadhva vijaya Mangala


PS: You may see the photos of the functions at




Sep 11 Tuesday: Shri MS Padaki gave a discourse on " Shri Narayana

Varma " at Shri Balakrishna's residence. This was a long waiting wish of

Shri Balu & others, and was realized on this day. Sep 11th was a

black day in the history of America due to the barbaric action of

destroying world Trade Center. It coincided with the discourse on the

prayer to Lord to protect us from all kinds of evil forces. The

discourse started around 7:45 pm and Shri Padaki expressed his deep

sorrow for the sad incident and mentioned that only Shri Lord can

protect people. Shri MS padaki told that the topic of the discourse was

well suited for the occasion and explained the background history of

Shri Narayana Varma and highlighted its importance. Shri Narayana varma

is a prayer to God to protect us during all time. Here Lord Shri Hari's

variours forms and avatharas are prayed to protect us from various

dangers, throughout the day since dawn to late night. Shri MS Padaki

started explaining the meaning of each verse and described why that

particular form of Lord is to be prayed to protect us during that time

of the day. It was very enlightening to know the hidden meanings of

each forms of Shri Hari and how Lord protects his devotees all the

time. Shri MS Padaki suggested chanting this along with " Shriisha Guna

Darpana " in the circular fashion to get the best blessings of Shri



At the end, mangalarathi was performed to Lord Hari and Shri Vayu

by Shri MS Padaki and all devotees had dinner marking the end of

program. Though it was a day with bad news & sad incidents, this

discourse filled the hearts of devotees, with some sort of relief and

everyone prayed for the end of evil forces & protection of the country.

The day ended by late mid night. Thanks a lot to Smt Usha and Shri Balu

for arranging this discourse with dinner.



Shri Sumadhva Vijaya Mangala


We, the members of SVBM/ VMS (West coast) considered ourselves as

blessed to celebrate Shri Sumadhva Vijaya Mangala on Sunday 16th

September 2001. Though Shri Madhava Rao Padaki had visited and stayed

in other parts of this country, we are the only people to get an

opportunity to have regular classes on the classical text " Shri

Sumadhva Vijaya " and we are very much grateful to Shri Padaki for

taking pain and effort to teach us. The class started almost two months

back and here is the brief narration about the 'mangala' function.


The program was held at Shri Padmanabha Padaki's residence. The day

started with parayana of first 'sarga' of Shri Sumadhva Vijaya. Next

Shri MS Padaki started his concluding speech, from very fundamentals

like " what we need to do to get happiness or 'sukha', who can take us

in the right direction to get happiness and so on .. " . He stressed upon

the importance of getting the blessings of a great 'Guru'. To

understand the mahima of a guru, one has to read the life history, his

teachings and works. Shri Padaki also explained why Shri Sumadhva

Vijaya is considered as a sacred text and also highlighted the unique

features of the author who created this authoritative work. After the

introduction, Shri Padaki started providing gist of each sarga and

covered the life history of Shri Acharya Madhva. It was a continuous

session for more than 2 hours to provide birdview of mahima of Shri

Acharya Madhva.


Next the sacred text was arranged on the 'Vyasa piita' and while

chanting 'Shri Suktha' Shri Padaki performed 'kanakabhisheaka' to holy

books with the 32 golden lotus flowers.(These golden flowers were

offered to Shri Padaki as 'Guru dhakshina' by SVBM/VMS during Shri

Bhagavatha Mangala held on 2 Sep 2001 ). Next 'maha mangalarathi' was

performed to Lord Krishna, Shri Acharya and to sacred text. To mark

this event a poem, titled 'Shri Madhava namanam' was composed,

expressing humble gratitude and thanks for the opportunity of

learning the sacred text. The framed poem was read out and then

offered to Shri Padaki. The volunteers wished a long and healthy life

to Shri Padaki and requested him to visit this place often and continue

the 'jnana karya'.


Next event was the grand lunch of 'Pancha bhaksha'( 5 sweets),

thanks to Shri Sheshagiri and Shri Padmanabha Padaki who spared their

early morning sleep and started cooking at 4:00am, to see that kitchen

was shut down by 10:00am. Everyone enjoyed the grand lunch, especially

the five different varieties of sweets. Added special attraction of

the day was 'pan-bida' after lunch, prepared by none other than Shri MS

Padaki. What else can be missing in the grand 'mangala' of sacred

biography of Shri Acharya Madhva?.


After a short brake, post lunch session started with the quiz

competition. The participants were divided into three teams, namely

Shri, BhU and Durga and a quiz was conducted on topics covered by Shri

MS Padaki during his classes and discourse. The teams were asked to

select one letter in the phrase " Shri Sumadhva vijaya Mangala utsava "

and questions were asked based on the letter selected. Few sample

questions are as follows.

1) Shri - Representative of Shrisha Guna Darpana.

Q: Who composed Shrisha Guna Darpana and what is its specialty?

2) Su - Representative of Sundara Kanda

Q: What is Sundara Kanda? Why it is so important to us?

3) ma - Representative of Mahabharatha

Q: It is told that the essence of whole Mahabharatha is filled in two

compositions inside the Mahabharatha. What are these two compositions

and how they contain the essence of Mahabharatha?.

and so on....It was an enjoyable & thought provoking event and at the

end 'BhU' team became the champion of the event.


Next Shri MS Padaki started discourse on " Shriisha Guna Darpana " ,

composed by Shri Vadiraja Thiirtha. Shri Padaki explained the meaning

of each verse and suggested to chant this along with 'Shri Narayana

Varma' to get the best blessings of Shri Hari and Shri Laxmi. Later

mangalarathi was performed to Shri Hari, Shri Vayu and the holy texts.

The day ended with the dinner and the devotees returned home with their

heart and mind filled with the devotion to Lord and gratefulness to

Shri MS Padaki for having taught them the basics of spirituality.


Once again we pray for a long and healthy life to Shri MS Padaki,

look for his early return to this country, to learn something more from

him. Thanks to Shri Padmanabha Padaki for allowing us to use his

apartment for the classes and sparing the time of Shri MS Padaki to

teach us. SVBM / VMS thanks all the volunteers who participated in the

classes and contributed 'Guru Kanike'. We pray Shri Lord to provide us

more and more opportunities to have classes and sacred texts from the

visiting scholars.


Shri Hari Priyatham

For SVBM/ VMS(West Coast)


PS: Please pardon me for any typos/mistakes.

Ps: You may see the photos of the functions at







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