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Bhaghavath Gita lectures by Sri Sathyadhyana Theertha, Chapter 7, Part 14

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hari sarvottamma, vaayu jiivottamma


shrii gurubhyo namaha


shrii kR^iShNa parabrahmane namaha








method of manana is a cause for dhyana, the grace of God that has come as a

result of bhakthi which itself is the result of manana is the most important

means to attain proper dhyana we shall show the acceptance of Krishna that

to attain the stage of proper dhyana, vairagya & vayujuya from which you

have pure anthah karana are necessary. That accurate knowledge of

thathvajnana is necessary is seen from slokas in the beginning of chapter 7.

BG 6-1 Hey, Partha, I am going to teach you most secred thathvas (both

ordinary & special) after knowing which you will become free from all sins,

as you are free from envy. He has further said that what he is going to

teach is in agreement with vedas as interpreted by application of rules of


BG 13-5: Hey Kautheya, Kshethra etc... which I am describing have been

described by all knowing Rishis in many ways. These have been dealt with in

all the four vedas & have been decided by Brahmasuthras.

From these sentences of Krishna, the correct meanings of sastras are

necessary for dhyana. Krishna has given 3 reasons to show that what he is

teaching is true. 1. The tathva has been taught by all knowing Rushi


2. The same thathva is in all the 4 vedas & 3. The tatva has been

determined by Brahmasuthras.

This shows that Krishna likes the method of arriving at the final decision

on any point regarding thathva after applying the tests contained in

Brahmasuthras. He has told Arjuna that he is teaching thathva that has been

determined by Brahmasuthras so manana according to Brahmasuthras in the

method to avoid all doubts about meaning of thathva.

It is said a " Mananam Yukthi bhironuchinthanam " i.e. Manana means if one

gets a doubt that whether the meaning he has been told is correct or not to

test the same with proper reasons & decide that the thathva he has been

taught is correct. Krishna says:

BG 4-42: Hey, Arjuna, all doubts that arise due to deficiency in proper

thathva jnana, should be cut off by the sword of ParokShajnana (knowledge

obtained through our sense), & practise dhyana that ensure aparokshagnana.

Thathva jnana which one could get through his senses & which has resulted

from followign proper dhyana, & the devotee who is doing dhyana should be '

jnana vijnana thrupthathma " i.e. he should be thorough in both ordinary

thathva jnana & special thathvajnana. This has been desired by Krishna.

Krishna has advised that mumukshu should be interested in manana. He has

said at different places " Adhyatma jnana nithyathvam thathva jnaanartha

dharsanam " " Adhyathma nithyaha " & " Budhya visudhayayuktho " Krishna has

said that sastra manana is most important in the efforts to attain Mukthi.

BG 6-44: Whenever a person that discusses with interest the sasthra that

describes how to attain Mukthi, attains Mukthi by one who constantly

practices that shastra.


2. Sravana is the cause of Manana. This has been clear from many sentences

already considered. Krishna has clearly stated so 1. BG 4-34: Hey Partha,

you should earn the knowledge of thathva that should be known from Gurus who

are jnanees, by prostrating before them, rendering personal services to them

& asking them by repeated questions. The aparokshajnanees who are pleased

with you with your services to them teach you the knowledge of thathva.

BG 10-1: Hey Arjuna, hear the good word, I am telling you again. BG 18-72:

Hey Arjuna, did you hear with prompt attention My teaching of Thathva? Are

your ignorance & wrong opinions have been cleared?

From the questions of Krishna, it appears Sravana can remove ignorance &

misconception. Actually Sravana destroys ignorance & Manana destroys doubts

& misconceptions. It is clear that Arjuna derived the benefits of both

Sravana & Manana from the teachings of Krishna. This is proper Krishna has

taught again & again meaning of geetha is not only a work that describes the

thathva but it is also a sastras that determines the correct thathva like



3. There is reason also to show that Sravana & manana are real causes of

dhyana, with a steady mind constantly looking at the figure of paramathma

through the mind is dhyana. If it is without bhakthi, the object will not

be realised only if it is accompanied by Bhakthi as stated in Geetha &

Dhyanam Bhakthi samanvitham " Dhyana will be fruitful such a bhakthi can be

had from knowledge of greatness (Mahatma) of God. The knowledge of

greatness of paramathma should be had from vedas & other works following

veda. Krishna has said 'Vedhaiseha sarvairahameva vedhya "

In the knowledge gathered from vedas etc (like Vishnu sarvothmathva) one may

get doubts on hearing thamasa sastras like advaitha, they should be cleared

by considering them in the light of upakramamadhilingas & acquire

vyavasayathmikabhuddhi i.e. clear understanding of thathva that would be

helpful to attain Mukthi i.e. by increased correct knowledge of mahima of

paramathma, Bhakthi increases which in turn helps to get Grace of God which

ensures Mukthi.


4. Only if sravana & manana take place in the prescribed mannar, the jnana

so resulted from the help of our sense organs would be useful for attaining

moksha " Thadhviddhiprani pathena pauri prasnenasevaya such vidhivakyas & the

description of those who are fit for Geethopadesha is given in Chapter 18,

these points are proved.


5. Krishna has said Sathvika jnana as under:


BG 17-20: The knowledge which enables one to understand that paramathma who

is present in every individual of living & non living things as antheryami

is one & the same paramathmas, that eventhough all the individual items get

destroyed, paramathma in them remains unaffected, & there is no difference

among the numerous forms in which paramathma resides in individual things,

is called sathvika. The knowledge about paramathma (both ordinary &

special) that can be had sravana & manana are described in chapter 2. 7, 9,

13. so far, we have shown in brief the thathva according to the opinion of

Krishna. We shall describe in greater detail.







Lectures on Bhaghavath Geetha (Dhwaitha Siddhantha Vaijayanthi) by H. H.

Sri Sathya Dhyana Thirtha Sri Padhangalavaru, Uttradhi Mutt

Translated into English by Sri Krishnamurthy


Published by Sri M. R. Krishnamurthy & Sri M. N. Gururaja Rao of Mumbai


Printed at:

Parishree Printers

100/3 Nagappa Street

Palace Guttahalli

Bangalore 5600 04

Telephone # (80)36828


All rights remain with Uttradhi Mutt, Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Permission was given to post it in this list by the Uttradhi Mutt

authorities & by Sri SathyAthma Thirtha Swamiji of Uttradhi Mutt.


bhAratIramaNamukhyaprANA.ntargata shrii kR^iShNArpanamasthu

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