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creation of jivas

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Dear achar,

Your paper on dvaita-list was timely as it has

answered many confusing and sometimes conflicting

notions about the doer and the 'doee'.However, there

are still some questions which are left unanswered,



#1.If all jivas have their own swaroopa jnana, does'nt

this swaroopa jnana undergo a gradual metamorphosis

over a period of many births based on their karma.For

ex:If i do certain things in this birth, it is based

on my swaroopa jnana of me (i.e the jiva).But, these

things that i do will have a bearing on my karma

'account' which can either take effect in this birth

or next.Which means, the swaroopa jnana has an

influence over the karma that i get.Conversly, isn't

it true that Karma influences swaroopa jnana ?


#2.Why should god create jivas with so much difference

in their swaroopa jnana?Isn't he being liable to be

accused of being partisan ?


#3.If you say that jivas are neither created nor

destroyed as he is ananatha as Hari is, then are we

not saying Hari does not have the power to create and

destroy these jivas ?And, i know this is not true ?So,

how do you explain the dichotomy ?


#4.I have drawn a few conclusions from your

paper.Kindly tell me wehther these conclusions are



a.)Every jiva has a 'datta svatantrya' -- Which

means, every jiva has some amount of independence to

determine his karma and change it.


b.)This svatantrya should not be confused with

sarvatantra svatantrya of Vishnu as our independence

is infinitesimally small.


c.)Hari is the preraka and the doer but the

contents of that action is what we determine.In an

analogy where one person kills other, Hari is

responsible for doing the action of killing, whereas

the decision to kill is jiva's according to his



These are all a beginner's questions.Kindly answer

these questions even if they appear to be stupid.

In hari's service,








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