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Fw: The poem

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I thought that the following may be of some interest for some.




---------------------- Forwarded by Kesava Tadipatri on 01/18/2002 09:19 AM





Re: Fw: The poem (Document link: Keshava Rao Tadipatri)


Dear Sri Narasimha Prasad,

I know that is what you meant, but this sanskrit word is a very

delicate one. The following are the occasions when it is used.


1. To indicate humility and to express one's own state of confused

mind one can(may) use this word for himself/herself.


2. An elderly or superior person uses this word for his inferiors

either to reprimand or to correct that person.


3. In assertive statements it is used for a bad meaning only. For ex.

in Bhagavadgita, it is used 14 times, out of which the first one is

Arjuna using for himself and in all other cases, it(mUDha) describes evil

and ignorant people.



pR^ichchhAmi tvA dharmasaMmUDhachetAH ...2-7


karmendriyANi sa.nyamya ya Aste manasA smaran.h .

indriyArthAnvimUDhAtmA mithyAchAraH sa uchyate .. 3-6


prakR^iteH kriyamANAni guNaiH karmANi sarvashaH .

ahaN^kAravimUDhAtmA kartA.ahamiti manyate .. 3-27


prakR^iterguNasammUDhAH sajjante guNakarmasu .

tAnakR^itsnavido mandAnkR^itsnavinna vichAlayet.h .. 3-29


ye tvetadabhyasUyanto nAnutishhThanti me matam.h .

sarvaj~nAnavimUDhAMstAnviddhi nashhTAnachetasaH .. 3-32


na mAM dushhkR^itino mUDhAH prapadyante narAdhamAH .

mAyayA.apahR^itaj~nAnA AsuraM bhAvamAshritAH .. 7-15


avajAnanti mAM mUDhA mAnushhIM tanumAshritam.h .

paraM bhAvamajAnanto mama bhUtamaheshvaram.h .. 9-11


yo mAmajamanAdiM cha vetti lokamaheshvaram.h .

asammUDhaH sa martyeshhu sarvapApaiH pramuchyate .. 10-3


mA te vyathA mA cha vimUDhabhAvo

dR^ishhTvA rUpaM ghoramIdR^iN^.hmamedam.h .

vyapetabhIH prItamanAH punastva.n

tadeva me rUpamidaM prapashya .. 11-49


rajasi praLayaM gatvA karmasaN^gishhu jAyate .

tathA pralInastamasi mUDhayonishhu jAyate .. 14-15


nirmAnamohA jitasaN^gadoshhA

adhyAtmanityA vinivR^ittakAmAH .

dvandvairvimuktAH sukhaduHkhasaN^j~nai\-

rgachchhantyamUDhAH padamavyayaM tat.h .. 15-5


utkrAmantaM sthitaM vA.api bhuJNjAnaM vA guNAnvitam.h .

vimUDhA nAnupashyanti pashyanti j~nAnachaxushhaH .. 15-10


AsurIM yonimApannA mUDhA janmanijanmani .

mAmaprApyaiva kaunteya tato yAntyadhamAM gatim.h .. 16-20


mUDhagrAheNA.atmano yatpIDayA kriyate tapaH .

parasyotsAdanArthaM vA tattAmasamudAhR^itam.h .. 17-19


4. Even if your intended meaning is applied, it is highly improper

to conclude that all the scholars after Vyasaraya " were in

confusion with Dwaitha and other preachings " and to presume that

if Nyayamruta were not there, they would have been left with

confusion. They adore it for the scholarly presentation in that

work. It is highly terse work.


5. Even in that sense, only a superior can use that word for his

inferiors and we cannot deem ourselves to be superior to those yatis.


6. Also this word can not convey " people who thought they had done wrong " .

Such are more appropriately called " pApabhIta " or some thing like that.


7. To dissuade such inappropriate use only


" bhaja govindaM, bhaja govindaM, bhaja govindaM, mUDhamate "


was rejected and conveyed differently as


" bhaja madhveshaM, bhaja madhveshaM, bhaja madhveshaM, prauDhamate "


The moment, one decides to surrender to God, the use of word " mUDhamati "

is inappropriate. Also to use that word against sattvikas is very sinful,

and worse is the case to use it against our superiors.



Keshava Rao



" C.G.Narasimha Prasad " <nprasad

" 'Keshava Tadipatri' " <meerakesav

Wednesday, January 16, 2002 10:08 PM


> Dear Sir,


> Thankyou, for going through my verse on Sri Vyasarayaru and giving

> suggestions which will help

> me to correct myself and to understand things properly. I am still in first

> stage of knowing

> dwaitha philosophy and madhwayathis.


> The word mudha here doesnot mean people who do not have knowledge, In my

> sence nyayamarga is

> the path of Sri Madhwa, and mudhas are people in confusion with Dwaitha and

> other preachings.

> Nyayamrutha of Sri Vyasarajaru has thrown light of dwaitha hence other

> great yathis after his

> time adore it.


> In the same manner mudha in maruthi prathistapane is people who thought

> they had done wrong

> and who wanted go confess after enlightment from dwaitha philosophy.


> Pl. mail me your suggestions regarding this, since I have written to my

> knowledge wihthout

> knowing much of Sri Vyasarayaru.


> Thankyou,


> With Regards,


> Narasimha Prasad





> Keshava Tadipatri [meerakesav]

> 16 January 2002 10:55

> nprasad

> The poem



> Dear Sri Narasimha Prasad,

> You have made good effort to write the poem. But I like to offer

> a couple of suggestions, if I may.


> Those who make effort to study " Nyayamrita " are not mUdhAs (though

> you may not have intended the meaning, that is what came out). Only

> jij~nAsus will go for Nyayamrita. Remember great scholars like

> Raghavendra swamy (who is also Prahlada's avatara) studied Nyayamrita.

> Many great scholars of later times of Vyasaraya studied Nyayamrita.

> Similarly " Maruti " icons are not for Mudhas. Only devotees will

> try to have darshana of those icons. Mudhas will avoid them.


> Good luck and regards,

> Keshava Rao









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