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Fwd: [vms-tx] Sri SwAmiji's visit to VMS-TX-Part 3

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vms-tx, srgmsr@n... wrote:

Dear AdhyAtma bandhUs,


The pUja for DwAdashi was started pretty early. HH Sri SwAmiji was up

at 3:00 AM and started His upAsana. Sri. J.V.AchArya and Sri


started the nala paka shortly afterward. DEvara PUja was commenced by

Sri SwAmiji by around 5:15 AM. Few of the devotees showed up as early

as 5:00 AM. As the pUja started, Sri Kirana, Sri SrIsha bhat and a

few other devotees started the sthOtra patana and were joined by Sri.

PrasannAchar and Sri. J.V.AchArya. More devotees joined and witnessed

the excellent early morning pUja to the dieties. On completion of

the pUja naivedya and hastOdaka were offered to the Lord. Sri SwAmiji

blessed the devotees with TIrtha and pachagavya. The devotees were

treated to an excellent vratha naivedya, that being the first day of

chAturmAsya Acharane. There were nearly 30-35 people who were blessed

with the opportunity. Things were completed by 10:00 AM and devotees

kept coming throughout the day to get the blessings of Sri SwAmiji

and the Almighty.


After a brief break, Sri SwAmiji and his entourage visited the house


Smt.and Sri. Veena and Anand NAgamangala at College Station for the

totillu pUja. College Station is the home of Texas A & M University and

is 100 miles from Houston. Sri SwAmiji also kindly consented to my

request to come to our home for pAda pUja. He blessed us and also

delivered an upanyAsA at our home on Sri Narasimha Stuti(that we

recite in our satsanga). Later we reached the home of Sri. Anand

where HH SwAmiji performed totillu pUja to vittala deVaru. Dr.Anand

had invited the Hindu Community people at the college town and the

bhakthAs were treated to an excellent evening of lively and highly

elevating spiritual atmosphere, with Sri SwAmiji's pUja and the

rendition of shlOkas, dEvaranAmAs and bhajans by the troupe. After

naivEdya, Sri SwAmiji delivered an upanyAsa on the story related to

the arrival of Sri Krishna to Udupi to the gathered people. Later Sri

SwAmiji blessed the devotees with phala mantrAkshate to the assembled

devotees. Nearly 40 people attended the pUja. Sri SwAmiji also

recollected His association with Dr.Anand's family from His youth and

blessed them. At the end of the day, the devotees were treated to a

deleciousevening naivEdya (vrata preparations)prepared by Sri.

VAgIshAchAr and Sri. Kirana. Elders in the Hindu Community at College

Station spent a while on discussions with Sri SwAmiji on various

issues. By 11:00 PM troupe started off to Houston to the residence of

Sri. J.V.AchArya.




With pranAms to SripAdangalavaru

Sri GOpAla krishna vittala preethyartham


dAsAnu dAsA

sridhar hari

on behalf of VMS-TX

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