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World Vegetarian Day - October 1st update and humble invitation to help...

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World Vegetarian Day

- 1st October


Dear Fellow Vegetarians,

As you'd

know WVD is very close and in these troubled times I'd like to invite you

all to share with us a mood of mutual co-operation in getting our message

across to the world. For those who are not vegetarian it is an opportune

time for us to reach them especially given the present climate. In the

words of George Bernard Shaw:

We are living

graves of murdered beasts

Slaughtered to satisfy our appetites.

We never pause to wonder at our feasts,

If animals like men could possibly have rights.


We pray on Sunday that we may have light,

To guide our footsteps on the paths we tread.

We are sick of war, we do not want to fight,

And we gorge ourselves upon the dead.


Like Carrion Crows we live and feed on meat,

Regardless of the suffering and pain

We cause by doing so, in this we treat,

Defenceless animals for sport or gain -


How can we hope in this world to attain

The peace we say we are so anxious for,

We pray for it o'er hetacomba of slain,

To God while outraging the moral law,

Thus cruelty begets the offspring --- WAR !

World Vegetarian Day 1st October


World Animals Day 4th October




We have a very

comprehensive site at


and if you find anything there of use in your presenting Vegetarianism to the public in your region of the planet please feel free to use any or all references or links. We have a lot of work to do to try to get our message through....

Even if the politicians of the world today cannot co-operate we can show we can, and by so doing make a big change in the world today.

Please spread news of this event to your friends, associates, affiliates, partners, mail-outs, newsletters, forums, lists et al that you are on, or have access to. If each and every one of us can do something to help people become more aware and change their habits wonderful things will result. Let us make this truly a World Vegetarian Day event World-wide for a better world, a peaceful world for ALL.



Your links are to be found on my page at http://www.hknet.org.nz/vege-links2.html

Please let me know what you are doing in your part of the world and we can mention it on the site. Thank you for your co-operation and assistance.


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* Purohit JAya Tirtha ChAran dAsan


* jtcd

* jtcd.purohit



* http://www.hknet.org.nz/index.htm

* http://welcome.to/hknetworks

* http://turn.to/Vegetarianism


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